SEDI Issuer |
01 Communique Laboratory Inc. |
0373849 B.C. Ltd. |
0848818 B.C. Ltd. (formerly Southwestern Resources Corp.) |
0903658 B.C. Ltd. |
0915988 B.C. Ltd. |
0922519 B.C. Ltd. |
0944460 B.C. Ltd. |
0960926 B.C. Ltd. |
0964104 B.C. Ltd. |
130/30 Mining LP |
1322256 Alberta Ltd. (formerly Inex Pharmaceuticals Corporation) |
1339971 Alberta Ltd. |
1603546 Alberta Ltd. |
1608557 Ontario Inc. |
180 Connect Exchangeco Inc. |
180 Connect Inc. |
180 Connect Inc. (formerly, Ad.Venture Partners, Inc.) |
190 Lees Avenue Limited Partnership |
20-20 Technologies Inc. |
20/20 Group 1990 Limited Partnership |
20/20 Group 1992 Limited Partnership |
26 Broadway Capital Corp. |
2737469 Canada Inc. (formerly, CanWest Global Communications Corp.) |
2861399 Canada Inc. (formerly Microcell Telecommunications Inc.) |
2930862 Canada Inc. (formerly BELLUS Health Inc.) |
2980304 Canada Inc. |
3530639 Canada Inc. |
360 Capital Financial Services Group Inc. |
360 VOX Corporation (formerly, Leisure Canada Inc.) |
3MV Energy Corp. (formerly Noravena Capital Corporation) |
407 International Inc. |
4404980 CANADA INC. |
4504020 Canada Inc. (formerly Railpower Technologies Corp.) |
4554051 Canada Inc. (formerly Overland Realty Limited) |
49 North 2007 Resource Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
49 North 2008 Resource Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
49 North 2009 Resource Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
49 North 2010 Resource Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
49 North 2011 Resource Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
49 North 2012 Resource Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
49 North Resources Inc. |
523976 Alberta Ltd. (formerly known as Raydan Manufacturing Inc.) |
5Banc Split Inc. |
5N Plus Inc. |
697937 Alberta Ltd. (formerly Isotechnika Inc.) |
7 Crowns Corporation |
71 Capital Corp. |
7167911 Canada Ltd. |
724 Solutions Inc. |
7918534 Canada Inc. |
88 Capital Corp. |
9081-5044 Québec Inc (SPEQ CO2 SOLUTION) |
9118-2402 Québec Inc (SPEQ CO2 Solution II) |
9130-4030 Québec Inc. |
9141-5448 Quebec Inc. (formerly Comnetix Inc.) |
9154-4650 Quebec Inc. |
9162-8248 Québec Inc. |
9162-8248 Québec Inc. (formerly known as SPEQ Kemestrie Inc.) |
9169-8316 Québec Inc. (formerly Conjuchem Inc.) |
9222-9129 Québec Inc. (formerly MethylGene Inc.) |
A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund |
A.I.S. Resources Limited |
A.O.G. Air Support Inc. |
AAER Inc. |
AAN Ventures Inc. |
ABE Resources Inc. |
AC Energy Inc. |
ACD Systems International Inc. |
ACE Aviation Holdings Inc. |
ACE/Security Laminates Corporation |
ACME Resources Corp. |
ACP Ace Venture Corporation |
ACS Media Canada Inc. |
ACS Media Income Fund |
ACS Trust |
ACT Aurora Control Technologies Corp. |
ACT360 Solutions Ltd. |
ACTIVEnergy Income Fund |
AD OPT Technologies Inc. |
ADF Group Inc. |
ADS Inc. |
AEterna Zentaris Inc. |
AFG Flameguard Ltd. |
AFM Hospitality Corporation |
AGF Limited Partnership 1990 |
AGF Limited Partnership 1991 |
AGF Management Limited |
AGF Master Limited Partnership |
AGS Energy 2004 Limited Partnership |
AGS Energy 2005-1 Limited Partnership |
AGS Energy 2006-1 Limited Partnership |
AGS Energy 2006-2 Limited Partnership |
AGS Energy 2007-1 Limited Partnership |
AH Capital Corp. |
AHL Investment Strategies SPC - Class C AHL Alpha CAD Notes |
AHL Investment Strategies SPC - Class D Man AHL Diversified 2 CAD Notes |
AIC Diversified Canada Split Corp. |
AIC Global Financial Split Corp. |
AIM Health Group Inc. |
ALGO Group Inc. |
ALQ Gold Corp. |
AMG Bioenergy Resources Holdings Ltd. |
AMI Resources Inc. |
AMS Homecare Inc. |
ANEXCO Resources Ltd. |
ANGOSS Software Corporation |
ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
ANV Security Group, Inc. |
APF Energy Trust |
API Electronics Group Corp. |
API Nanotronics Sub, Inc. |
API Technologies Corp. |
APIC Petroleum Corporation (formerly, Marketvision Direct, Inc.) |
AQM Copper Inc. |
ARA Safety Inc. |
ARC Energy Trust |
ARC Resources Ltd. |
ARISE Technologies Corporation |
ARIUS Research Inc. |
ART Advanced Research Technologies Inc. |
Aastra Technologies Limited |
Abacus Mining & Exploration Corp |
Abattis Bioceuticals Corp. |
Abcana Capital Inc. |
Aben Resources Ltd. |
Abenteuer Resources Corp. |
Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Investment Company Limited |
Aberdeen International Inc. |
Abington Resources Ltd. |
Abitibi Royalties Inc. |
Abitibi-Consolidated Company of Canada |
Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. |
AbitibiBowater Canada Inc. |
AbitibiBowater Inc. |
Above Capital Inc. |
Absolut Resources Corp. |
Absolute Software Corporation |
Abzu Gold Ltd. |
Acacia Capital Corporation |
Academy Explorations Limited |
Acadian Energy Inc. (formerly York Ridge Lifetech Inc.) |
Acadian Mining Corporation |
Acadian Timber Corp. |
Acadian Timber Income Fund |
Acana Capital Corp. |
Acasti Pharma Inc. |
Acceleware Corp. |
Acceleware Ltd. |
Accend Capital Corporation |
Access International Education Ltd |
Acclaim Energy Inc. |
Acclaim Energy Trust |
Accord Financial Corp. |
Accrete Energy Inc. |
Accretive Flow-Through (2005) Limited Partnership |
Acetex Corporation |
Ackroo Inc. |
Acme Resources Inc (formerly International KRL Resources Corp) |
Acorn Income Corp. |
Acrex Ventures Ltd. |
Action Energy Inc. |
Activant Solutions Acquisitionco Ltd. |
Active Control Technology Inc. |
Active Growth Capital Inc. |
Actus Minerals Corp. |
Acuity 2007 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Acuity All Cap & Income Trust |
Acuity Diversified Total Return Trust |
Acuity Focused Total Return Trust |
Acuity Growth & Income Trust |
Acuity Multi-Cap Total Return Trust |
Acuity Small Cap Corporation |
Adaltis Inc. |
Adamus Resources Limited |
Adanac Molybdenum Corporation |
Adastra Minerals Inc. |
Addax Petroleum Corporation |
Addenda Capital Inc. |
Adent Capital Corp. |
Adex Mining Inc. |
Adherex Technologies Inc. |
Adira Energy Ltd. (formerly AMG Oil Ltd.) |
Adjustable Rate MBS Trust |
Admiral Bay Resources Inc. |
Adriana Resources Inc. |
Adroit Resources Inc. |
Advance Gold Corp. |
Advanced Explorations Inc. |
Advanced Fiber Technologies (AFT) Income Fund |
Advanced Proteome Therapeutics Corporation |
Advantage Energy Income Fund |
Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Advantage-Value Limited Partnership 1993 |
Advantage-Value Limited Partnership 1994 |
Advantage-Value Limited Partnership 1996 |
Advantaged Canadian High Yield Bond Fund |
Advantaged Preferred Share Trust |
Advantex Marketing International Inc. |
Advectus Life Sciences Inc. |
Advent Energy Capital Inc. |
Advent/Claymore Enhanced Distribution & Growth Trust |
Adventure Gold inc. |
Aecon Group Inc. |
Aegean Metals Group Inc. |
Aegis Investment Management (Golf), Inc. |
Aerocast Inc. |
Aeroplan Income Fund |
Aeroquest International Limited |
Afcan Mining Corporation |
Afexa Life Sciences Inc. |
Afferro Mining Inc. |
Affinor Resources Inc. |
Affirm Capital Inc. |
Afrasia Mineral Fields Inc. |
Afren plc |
Afri-Can Marine Minerals Corporation |
AfriOre Limited |
Africa Hydrocarbons Inc. |
Africa Oil Corp. (formerly Canmex Minerals Corporation) |
African Aura Mining Inc. (formerly Mano River Resources Inc.) |
African Copper PLC |
African Gold Group, Inc. |
African Metals Corporation |
African Minerals Limited |
African Queen Mines Ltd. |
African Sky Communications Incorporated |
Africo Resources Ltd. |
Afton Food Group Ltd. |
Ag Growth Income Fund |
Ag Growth International Inc. |
AgJunction Inc. (formerly Hemisphere GPS Inc.) |
Agau Resources, Inc. |
Agave Silver Corp. |
Agellan Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust |
Agility Health, Inc. |
Agnico Eagle Mines Limited |
AgriMarine Holdings Inc. |
AgriMinco Corp. |
AgriTec Systems, Inc. |
Agricore United |
Agritech Capital Inc. |
Agrium Inc. |
Aguila American Gold Limited |
Aileron Ventures Limited |
Aim Explorations Ltd. |
Aimia Inc. |
Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd. |
Aintree Resources Inc. |
Air Canada |
AirIQ Inc. |
AirSource Power Fund I LP | Inc. |
AireSurf Networks Holdings Inc. |
Airedale Financial Corp. |
Airline Training International Ltd. |
Akela Pharma Inc. |
Akita Drilling Ltd. |
Akrokeri-Ashanti Gold Mines Inc. |
Alabama Graphite Corp. |
Alacer Gold Corp. |
Alamos Gold Inc. |
Alantra Venture Corp. |
Alaris Royalty Corp. |
AlarmForce Industries Inc. |
Alaska Hydro Corporation |
Alberta Focused Income & Growth Fund |
Alberta Oilsands Inc. |
Alberta Star Development Corp. |
Albion Petroleum Ltd. |
Albury Resources Ltd. |
Alcatel Canada Inc. |
Alchemist Mining Inc. |
AldeaVision Inc. |
Alder Resources Ltd. |
Alderon Iron Ore Corp. |
Aldershot Resources Ltd. |
Aldridge Minerals Inc. |
Alegria Capital Inc. |
Alert B&C Corporation |
Alert Care 87-2 Limited Partnership |
Alexander Energy Ltd. (formerly Petro-Reef Resources Ltd.) |
Alexander Mining plc |
Alexander Nubia International Inc. |
Alexandra Capital Corp. |
Alexandria Minerals Corporation |
Alexco Resource Corp. |
Alexis Nihon Real Estate Investment Trust |
Algae Biosciences Corporation |
Algold Resources Ltd. |
Algoma Central Corporation |
Algoma Steel Inc. |
Algonquin Credit Card Trust |
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. |
Algonquin Power Co. |
Alhambra Resources Ltd. |
Aliant Inc. |
Aliant Telecom Inc. |
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. |
Alita Resources Ltd. |
Alix Resources Corp. |
All in West! Capital Corporation |
AllBanc Split Corp. |
Allana Potash Corp. (formerly Allana Resources Inc.) |
Allante Resources Ltd. |
Allbanc Split Corp. II |
Allegiance Equity Corporation |
Allen-Vanguard Corporation |
Alliance Atlantis Communications Inc. |
Alliance Grain Traders Inc. |
Alliance Grain Traders Income Fund |
Alliance Mining Corp. |
Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership |
Alliance Split Income Trust |
Alliances ArtQuest International inc. |
Allican Resources Inc. |
Allied Gold Limited |
Allied Gold Mining PLC |
Allied Hotel Properties Inc. |
Allied Nevada Gold Corp. |
Allied Pacific Properties and Hotels Ltd. |
Allied Properties Real Estate Investment Trust |
Allied Resources, Inc. |
Allon Therapeutics Inc. |
Allstream Inc. |
Ally Credit Canada Limited (formerly General Motors Acceptance Corporation of Canada, Limited) |
Almaden Minerals Ltd. |
Almo Capital Corp |
Almonty Industries Inc. |
Alpetro Resources Ltd. |
Alpha Exploration Inc. |
Alpha Group Industries Inc. |
Alpha Minerals Inc. |
Alpha One Corporation |
Alpha Peak Leisure Inc. |
AlphaNorth 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
AlphaNorth 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
AlphaNorth 2012 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Alphamin Resources Corp. |
Alphinat inc. |
Alston Energy Inc. |
Alta Natural Herbs & Supplements Ltd. |
Alta Terra Ventures Corp. |
Alta Vista Ventures Ltd. |
AltaGas Income Trust |
AltaGas Ltd. |
AltaGas Utility Group Inc. |
AltaLink, L.P. |
AltaRex Medical Corp. |
Altai Resources Inc. |
Altair Gold Inc. |
Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. |
Altan Nevada Minerals Limited |
Altan Rio Minerals Limited |
Altek Power Corporation |
Alter NRG Corp. |
Alternative Earth Resources Inc. |
Alternative Fuel Systems (2004) Inc. |
Alterra Power Corp. |
Alterrus Systems Inc. (formerly Valcent Products Inc.) |
Altima Resources Ltd. |
Altiplano Minerals Ltd. |
Altitude Resources Inc. (formerly Triumph Ventures III Corporation) |
Altius Minerals Corporation |
Alturas Minerals Corp. |
Altus Explorations Inc. |
Altus Group Income Fund |
Altus Group Limited |
Alvopetro Energy Ltd. |
Amadeus International Inc. |
Amador Gold Corp. |
Amalgamated Income Limited Partnership |
Amana Copper Ltd. (formerly Titan Goldworx Resources Inc.) |
Amanta Resources Ltd. |
Amarc Resources Ltd. |
Amarillo Gold Corporation |
Amarok Energy Inc. |
Amato Exploration Ltd. |
Amaya Gaming Group Inc. |
Ambrilia Biopharma Inc. |
Ameratech Systems Corporation |
AmeriCredit Canada Automobile Receivables Trust |
AmeriStar RSP Income Trust |
American Bonanza Gold Corp. |
American Bonanza Gold Mining Corp. |
American Bullion Minerals Ltd. |
American Capital, Ltd. |
American Consolidated Minerals Corp. |
American Core Sectors Dividend Fund |
American Creek Resources Ltd. |
American CuMo Mining Corporation |
American Express Canada Credit Corporation |
American Gold Capital Corporation |
American Hotel Income Properties REIT LP |
American Income Trust |
American Leduc Petroleums Limited |
American Manganese Inc. |
American Natural Energy Corporation |
American Oil & Gas Inc. |
American Resource Corporation Limited |
American Uranium Corporation |
American Vanadium Corp. |
Americas Bullion Royalty Corp. |
Americas Petrogas Inc. |
Amerigo Resources Ltd |
Amerix Precious Metals Corporation |
Amex Exploration Inc. |
Amica Mature Lifestyles Inc. |
Amisco Industries Ltd |
Ammonite Energy Ltd. |
Amorfix Life Sciences Ltd. |
Amswiss Scientific Inc. |
Amtelecom Income Fund |
Amusements International Ltd. |
Anaconda Mining Inc. |
Anacott Resources Corp. |
AnalytixInsight Inc. (formerly, OMT Inc.) |
Anatolia Energy Corp. (formerly Bolivar Energy Corp.) |
Anatolia Energy Inc. |
Anavex Life Sciences Corp. |
Anconia Resources Corp. |
Andaurex Industries Inc. |
Andean American Gold Corp. (formerly, Andean American Mining Corp.) |
Andean Resources Limited |
AndeanGold Ltd. |
Anderson Energy Ltd. |
Andina Minerals Inc. |
Andover Mining Corp. |
Andrew Peller Limited (formerly Andrés Wines Ltd.) |
Anergy Capital Inc. |
Anfield Nickel Corp. |
Angel Bioventures Inc. |
Angel Gold Corp. |
Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Angkor Gold Corp. |
Angle Energy Inc. |
Anglo Canadian Oil Corp. |
Anglo Pacific Group plc |
Anglo Potash Ltd. |
Anglo Swiss Resources Inc. |
Anglo-Bomarc Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.) |
Anglo-Canadian Mining Corp. |
Angus Mining Inc. (formerly Angus Mining (Namibia) Inc.) |
Animas Resources Ltd |
Anitech Enterprises Inc. |
Annidis Corporation |
AnorMED Inc. |
Ansar Financial and Development Corporation |
Ansell Capital Corp. |
Ansil Resources Ltd. |
Antares Minerals Inc. (formerly Planet Ventures Inc.) |
Anterra Corporation |
Anterra Energy Inc. |
Anthem Resources Incorporated (formerly Virginia Energy Resources Inc.) |
Anthem Works Ltd. |
Anthony Clark International Insurance Brokers Ltd. |
Antibe Therapeutics Inc. |
Antigua Enterprises Inc. |
Antioquia Gold Inc. |
Antler Hill Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Antoro Resources Inc. |
Antrim Energy Inc. |
Anvil Mining Limited |
Apogee Silver Ltd. |
Apolo Gold & Energy Inc. |
Appia Energy Corp. |
Applied Digital Solutions, Inc. |
Applied Inventions Management Inc. |
Appulse Corporation |
Aptilon Corporation |
Aqua-Pure Ventures Inc. |
Aquarius Coatings Inc. |
Aquest Energy Ltd. |
Aquila Energy Corp. |
Aquila Resources Inc. |
ArPetrol Ltd. |
Aranka Gold Inc. |
Arawak Energy Limited |
Arbec Forest Products Inc. |
Arbor Memorial Services Inc. |
Arbour Energy Inc. |
Arcan Resources Ltd. |
Arch Biopartners Inc. |
Archangel Diamond Corporation |
Archean Star Resources Inc. |
Archon Minerals Limited |
Arcis Corporation |
Arcland Resources Inc. |
Arco Resources Corp. |
Arctic Glacier Income Fund |
Arctic Hunter Energy Inc. |
Arctic Star Exploration Corp. |
Arcturus Ventures Inc. |
Arcus Development Group Inc. |
Ardonblue Ventures Inc. (formerly, August Metal Corporation) |
Arehada Mining Limited |
Arena Minerals Inc. (formerly Antofagasta Gold Inc.) |
Arena gold Resources Inc. |
Argent Energy Trust |
Argentex Mining Corporation |
Argentium Resources Inc. |
Argentum Silver Corp. |
Argex Titanium Inc. |
Argo Energy Ltd. |
Argonaut Exploration Inc. |
Argonaut Gold Inc. |
Argosy Energy Inc. |
Argosy Minerals Limited |
Argus Corporation Limited |
Arian Resources Corp. |
Arian Silver Corporation |
Ariane Gold Corp. |
Arianne Phosphate Inc. |
Ariel Resources Ltd. |
Arius3D Corp. (Formerly, Rebecca Capital Inc.) |
Arizona Star Resource Corp. |
Arkadia Capital Corp. |
Armada Data Corporation |
Armada Exploration Corp. |
Armada Mercantile Ltd. |
Armadillo Resources Ltd. |
Armco Capital Corp. |
Armtec Infrastructure Inc. |
Armtec Infrastructure Income Fund |
Aroway Energy Inc. |
Arriscraft International Income Fund |
Arrowhead Gold Corp. |
Arrowhead Water Products Ltd. |
Arrowstar Resources Ltd. |
Arsenal Energy Inc. |
Art Advanced Research Technologies Inc. (Old) |
Art In Motion Income Fund |
ArtVentive Medical Group, Inc. |
Artaflex Inc. (formerly, Adeptron Technologies Corporation) |
Artek Exploration Ltd. |
Artevo Corporation |
Artha Resources Corporation |
Artis Real Estate Investment Trust |
Arura Pharma Inc |
Asbestos Corporation Limited |
Aur Resources Inc. |
Aurizon Mines Ltd. |
Aurvista Gold Corporation |
Autanabi Resources Inc. |
Avcorp Industries Inc. |
Azimut Exploration Inc. |
B Split II Corp. |
B&A Fertilizers Limited |
B.C. Advantage Funds (VCC) Ltd. |
B.C. Pacific Capital Corporation |
B2Gold Corp. |
BA Energy Inc. |
BAB Trust |
BAC Canada Finance Company |
BAC Trust |
BAE Trust |
BAI Trust |
BC Medical Innovations Fund (EVCC) Inc. |
BCE Inc. |
BCGold Corp. |
BCM Resources Corporation |
BCS Global Networks Inc. |
BCX Split Corp. |
BDI Mining Corp. |
BE Resources Inc. |
BELLUS Health Inc. |
BENEV Capital Inc. |
BFI Canada Income Fund |
BFS Entertainment & Multimedia Limited |
BG Advantaged Corporate Bond Fund |
BG Advantaged Equal Weighted Income Fund |
BG Advantaged S&P®/TSX® Income Trust Index Fund |
BG Income + Growth Split Trust |
BG Top 100 Equal Weighted Income Fund |
BHK Resources Inc. |
BIOX Corporation |
BLF Real Estate Investment Trust |
BMO Capital Trust |
BMO Subordinated Notes Trust |
BMONT Split Corp. |
BMTC Group Inc. |
BNK Petroleum Inc. |
BNP Resources Inc. |
BNS Capital Trust |
BNS Split Corp. |
BNS Split Corp. II |
BPI Energy Holdings, Inc. |
BPO Properties Ltd. |
BRP Inc. |
BRS Resources Ltd. |
BSM Technologies Inc. |
BTB Real Estate Investment Trust |
BTU Capital Corp. |
BV! Media inc. (formerly, BRANCHEZ-VOUS! inc.) |
BW Park Place |
BW Technologies Ltd |
Ba Ba Capital Inc. (formerly Carber Capital Corp.) |
Babylon Technologies Inc. |
BacTech Environmental Corporation |
Bacanora Minerals Ltd. |
Badger Daylighting Inc. |
Badger Daylighting Ltd. |
Badger Income Fund |
Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation |
Baikal Forest Corp. |
Baja Mining Corp. |
BakBone Software Incorporated |
Balaton Power Inc. |
Ballard Power Systems Inc. |
Ballyliffin Capital Corp. |
Balmoral Resources Ltd. |
Baltic Resources Inc. |
Balto Resources Ltd. |
Bama Gold Corp. |
Bancorp Financial Group Inc. |
Band-Ore Resources Ltd. |
Bandera Gold Ltd. |
Banff Resources Ltd. |
Banff Rocky Mountain Resort Limited Partnership |
Bank of Montreal |
Bank of Nova Scotia, The |
Bankers Petroleum Ltd. |
Banks Energy Inc. |
Banks Island Gold Ltd. |
Bannerman Resources Limited |
Banro Corporation |
Banyan Gold Corp. (Formerly Banyan Coast Capital Corp.) |
Bard Ventures Ltd. |
Barisan Gold Corporation |
Barker Minerals Ltd. |
Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. |
Barksdale Capital Corp. |
Barrick Energy Inc., formerly Cadence Energy Inc. |
Barrick Gold Corporation |
Base of the Bridge Technology Ltd. |
Basis100 Inc. |
Bassett Media Group Corp. |
Batero Gold Corp. |
Battery & Wireless Solutions Inc. |
Bauer Performance Sports Ltd. |
Bay Equities Inc. |
Bay Terrace Limited Partnership |
Bayfield Ventures Corp. |
Bayhorse Silver Inc. (formerly known as Kent Exploration Inc.) |
Baylin Technologies Inc. |
Baymount Incorporated (formerly Academy Capital Corp.) |
Bayshore Floating Rate Senior Loan Fund |
Bayshore Petroleum Corp. |
Bayshore Senior Loan Split Corp. |
Bayswater Uranium Corporation |
Bayswater Uranium Corporation (formerly Kilgore Minerals Ltd) |
Bayswater Ventures Corp. |
Baytex Energy Corp. |
Baytex Energy Ltd. |
Baytex Energy Trust |
Beacon Acquisition Partners Inc. |
Beacon Resources Inc. |
Bear Creek Energy Ltd. |
Bear Creek Mining Corporation |
Bear Lake Gold Ltd. |
Bearclaw Capital Corp. |
Bearing Resources Ltd. |
Beau Pre Explorations Ltd |
Beauce Investments Inc. |
Beaufield Resources Inc. |
Beaumont Select Corporations Inc. |
BelAir Energy Corporation |
Bell Aliant Inc. |
Bell Aliant Preferred Equity Inc. |
Bell Aliant Regional Communications Holdings, Limited Partnership |
Bell Aliant Regional Communications Inc. |
Bell Aliant Regional Communications Income Fund |
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership |
Bell Canada |
Bell Canada International Inc. |
Bell Copper Corporation |
Bell Nordiq Group Inc. |
Bell Nordiq Income Fund |
Bellamont Exploration Ltd. |
Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. |
Bellhaven Copper & Gold Inc. |
Belltech Ventures Ltd. |
Belmont Resources Inc. |
Belo Sun Mining Corp. |
Belvedere Resources Ltd. |
Bema Gold Corporation |
Benchmark Energy Corp. |
Bengal Energy Ltd. |
Benton Capital Corp. |
Benton Resources Inc. |
Benvest Capital Inc. |
Benvest New Look Income Fund |
Benz Capital Corp. |
Berkana Energy Corp. |
Berkeley Capital Corp. II |
Berkley Renewables Inc. |
Berkwood Resources Ltd. |
Berwick Retirement Communities Ltd. |
Besra Gold Inc. |
Bestar inc. |
Beta Brands Incorporated |
Betacom Corporation Inc. (was Control Advancements Inc.) |
Bethpage Capital Corp. |
Bevo Agro Inc. |
Bi-Optic Ventures Inc. |
Big 8 Split Inc. |
Big Bank Big Oil Split Corp. |
Big Bar Resources Corporation |
Big Five Capital Corp. |
Big Lots Canada, Inc. (formerly Liquidation World Inc.) |
Big North Graphite Corp. |
Big Rock Brewery Inc. |
Big Rock Brewery Income Trust |
Big Sky Finishers (No. 1) Inc. |
Big Sky Petroleum Corporation (formerly Fox Resources Ltd.) |
Big Stick Media Corporation |
Bigknowledge Enterprises Inc. |
Bio-Med Laboratories Inc. |
BioEnvelop Technologies Corporation |
BioExx Specialty Proteins Ltd. |
BioSyent Inc. |
BioSyntech, Inc. |
Biocurex, Inc. |
Bioflamex Corporation |
Biolix Corporation |
Biomass Secure Power Inc |
Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. |
Biophage Pharma Inc. |
Biorem Inc. |
Biorthex Inc. |
Bioscrypt Inc. |
Biosenta Inc. |
Biosign Technologies Inc. |
Biostem U.S. Corporation (formerly Equinox International, Inc) |
Biotanika Health Group Inc. |
Biotech Holdings Ltd |
Biotech Medical Sciences Inc. (formerly Rita Capital Corp.) |
Bioxel Pharma Inc. |
Birch Hill Gold Corp |
Birch Lake Energy Inc. |
Birch Mountain Resources Ltd. |
Birchcliff Energy Ltd. |
Bird Construction Company Limited |
Bird Construction Inc. |
Bird Construction Income Fund |
Bird River Resources Inc. |
Birim Goldfields Inc. |
Bison Gold Resources Inc. |
Bison Resources Ltd. |
Bitterroot Resources Ltd. |
Bitumen Capital Inc. |
Black Birch Capital Acquisition III Corp. |
Black Bore Exploration Ltd. |
Black Bull Resources Inc. |
Black Diamond Group Limited |
Black Diamond Income Fund |
Black Hat Capital Inc. |
Black Hawk Mining Inc. |
Black Ice Capital Corp. |
Black Iron Inc. |
Black Isle Resources Corporation |
Black Marlin Energy Holdings Limited |
Black Panther Mining Corp. |
Black Point Capital Inc. |
Black Sparrow Capital Corp. |
Black Springs Capital Corp. |
Black Tusk Minerals Inc. |
Black Widow Resources Inc. |
BlackBerry Limited (formerly Research In Motion Limited) |
BlackPearl Resources Inc. |
BlackRock Silver Bullion Trust |
BlackRock Ventures Inc. |
BlackWatch Energy Services Trust |
Blackbird Energy Inc. |
Blackdog Resources Ltd. |
Blackhawk Resource Corp. |
Blackheath Resources Inc. |
Blackline GPS Corp. |
Blackpool Exploration Ltd. |
Blacksteel Energy Inc. |
Blackstone Ventures Inc. |
Blackstrap Hospitality Corporation |
Blackwater Capital Corp. |
Blake River Explorations Ltd. |
Blind Creek Resources Ltd. |
Blizzard Energy Inc. |
Bloom Income & Growth Canadian Fund |
Bloom Select Income Fund |
Bloom U.S. Income & Growth Fund (formerly Bloom U.S. Advantaged Income & Growth Fund) |
Blox, Inc. |
BluMetric Environmental Inc. (formerly Seprotech Systems Incorporated) |
BluMont Augen Limited Partnership 2007-1 |
BluMont Augen Limited Partnership 2008 |
BluMont Augen Québec Limited Partnership 2008 |
BluMont Capital Inc. |
BluMont Man Alternative Yield Fund |
BluMont Man Yield Fund Ltd. |
BluMont Strategic Partners Hedge Fund |
Blue Fyre One Inc. |
Blue Gold Mining Inc. |
Blue Horizon Industries Inc. |
Blue Mountain Energy Ltd. |
Blue Note Mining Inc. |
Blue Ribbon Income Fund (formerly Citadel Diversified Investment Trust) |
Blue River Resources Ltd. |
Blue Sky Uranium Corp. |
Blue Tree Wireless Data Inc. |
Blue Vista Technologies Inc. |
Blue Zen Memorial Parks Inc. (formerly Dynasty Gaming Inc.) |
BlueGrouse Seismic Solutions Ltd. |
BluePoint Data, Inc. (formerly BluePoint Data Storage, Inc.) |
BlueRush Media Group Corp. (formerly Soyers Capital Limited) |
BlueScout Technologies Ltd. |
Bluedrop Performance Learning Inc. |
Bluefire Mining Corp. |
Bluenose Gold Corp. |
Bluerock Acquisition Corp. |
Bluestone Resources Inc. |
Bluewater Park Apartment Project |
Blutip Power Technologies Ltd. (formerly Hy-Drive Technologies Ltd.) |
Boardwalk Equities Inc. |
Boardwalk REIT Limited Partnership |
Boardwalk Real Estate Investment Trust |
Bold Stroke Ventures Inc. |
Bold Ventures Inc. |
Boliden AB (publ) |
Bolivar Gold Corp. (formerly TecnoPetrol Inc.) |
Bombardier Capital Ltd. |
Bombardier Inc. |
BonTerra Resources Inc. |
Bonanza Blue Corp. |
Bonaparte Resources Inc. |
Bonavista Energy Corporation |
Bonavista Petroleum Ltd. |
Bond Trust |
Bonnett's Energy Corp. |
Bonnett's Energy Services Trust |
Bonterra Energy Corp. |
Bonterra Energy Corp. (formerly Silverwing Energy Inc.) |
Bonterra Energy Income Trust |
Boomerang Tracking Inc. |
Boralex Inc. |
Boralex Power Income Fund |
Border Chemical Company Limited |
Border Petroleum Corp. (formerly Border Petroleum Inc.) |
Borealis Infrastructure Trust |
Boss Power Corp. |
Boston Pizza International Inc. |
Boston Pizza Royalties Income Fund |
Bow Valley Energy Ltd. |
Bowater Canadian Forest Products Inc. |
Bowater Incorporated |
Bowmore Exploration Ltd. |
Bowram Energy Inc. |
Boxxer Gold Corp. |
Boyd Group Income Fund |
Boyuan Construction Group, Inc. |
Bradmer Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
Braeval Mining Corporation |
Brainhunter Inc. (formerly TrekLogic Technologies Inc.) |
Branco Resources Ltd. |
Brand Leaders Income Fund |
Brand Marvel Worldwide Consumer Products Corporation |
Brandenburg Energy Corp. |
Brandgamz Marketing Inc |
Brascan Adjustable Rate Limited Partnership |
Brascan Adjustable Rate Trust I |
Brascan Financial Corporation |
Brascan Power Inc. (formerly Great Lakes Power Inc.) |
Brascan SoundVest Diversified Income Fund |
Brascan SoundVest Total Return Fund |
Brasilca Mining Corporation |
Bravada Gold Corporation |
Bravo Resource Partners Ltd. |
Bravura Ventures Corp. |
Brazauro Resources Corporation |
Brazil Resources Inc. |
Brazilian Gold Corporation |
Brazilian Resources, Inc. |
Breaker Energy Ltd. |
Breaking Point Developments Inc. |
Breakwater Resources Ltd. |
Brett Resources Inc. |
Bri-Chem Corp. |
Brick Brewing Co. Limited |
Brickburn 2012 Royalty Income Limited Partnership |
BridgePoint International inc. |
Bridges Transitions Inc. |
Bridgewater Systems Corporation |
Brigadier Gold Limited |
Bright Star Ventures Ltd. |
BrightPath Early Learning Inc. (formerly Edleun Group, Inc.) |
Brighter Minds Media Inc. |
Brigus Gold Corp. (formerly Apollo Gold Corporation) |
Brilliant Resources Inc. |
Brinx Resources Ltd. |
Brionor Resources Inc. |
Brisio Innovations Inc. |
British Columbia Discovery Fund (VCC) Inc. |
British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. |
British Controlled Oilfields Ltd. |
Brixton Energy Corp. |
Brixton Metals Corporation |
Briyante Software Corp. |
Broadband Learning Corporation |
Broadview Press Inc. |
Broadway Credit Card Trust |
Brompton 2007 Flow-Through LP |
Brompton 2008 Flow-Through LP |
Brompton 2012 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Brompton 2013 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Brompton Corp. (formerly Duntroon Energy Ltd.) |
Brompton Equal Weight Income Fund |
Brompton Equity Split Corp. |
Brompton Lifeco Split Corp. |
Brompton MVP Income Fund |
Brompton Property Group Inc. |
Brompton Split Banc Corp. |
Brompton Stable Income Fund |
Brompton Top 50 Compound Growth Fund |
Brompton Tracker Fund |
Bronco Energy Ltd. |
Brookemont Capital Inc. |
Brookfield Asset Management Inc. |
Brookfield Canada Office Properties |
Brookfield High Yield Strategic Income Fund |
Brookfield Infrastructure Finance LLC |
Brookfield Infrastructure Finance Limited |
Brookfield Infrastructure Finance Pty Ltd |
Brookfield Infrastructure Finance ULC |
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P. |
Brookfield Infrastructure Preferred Equity Inc. |
Brookfield Investments Corporation (Formerly Brascade Corporation) |
Brookfield New Horizons Income Fund |
Brookfield Office Properties Inc. |
Brookfield Power Corporation |
Brookfield Property Partners L.P. |
Brookfield Real Estate Services Fund |
Brookfield Real Estate Services Inc. |
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners L.P. |
Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners ULC |
Brookfield Renewable Power Fund (formerly Great Lakes Hydro Income Fund) |
Brookfield Renewable Power Inc. |
Brookfield Renewable Power Preferred Equity Inc. |
Brookfield Residential Properties Inc. |
Brookfield Soundvest Equity Fund (formerly Brascan SoundVest Focused Business Trust) |
Brookfield Soundvest Split Trust (formerly Brascan SoundVest Rising Distribution Split Trust) |
Brooklyn Energy Corporation |
Brookwater Ventures Inc. |
Broome Capital Inc. |
Brownstone Energy Inc. |
Brunello Resources Corp. |
Bubbee Ventures Inc. |
Buccaneer Gold Corp. |
Buchans Minerals Corporation |
Buchans River Ltd. |
Bucking Horse Energy Inc. |
Buffalo Gold Ltd. |
Buffalo Resources Corp. |
Buhler Industries Inc. |
Build America Investment Grade Bond Fund |
Builders Capital Mortgage Corp. |
Builders Energy Services Trust |
Bulldog Energy Inc. |
Bulldog Resources Inc. |
Bullman Minerals Inc. |
Burlington Resources Canada Ltd. |
Burlington Resources Inc. |
Burmis Energy Inc. |
Burnstone Ventures Inc. |
Burntsand Inc. |
Burrow Mining Inc. |
Business Trust Equal Weight Income Fund |
C International Income Fund |
C&C Energia Ltd. |
C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. |
C-Tech Energy Services Inc. |
C.A. Bancorp Inc. |
C1 Energy Ltd. |
C8 Venture Capital Inc. |
C88 Capital Corporation |
CA-Network Inc. |
CAE Inc. |
CANADIAN Financials & Utilities Split Corp. |
CANMARC Real Estate Investment Trust |
CAPVEST Income Corp. |
CARA Operations Limited |
CARDS II Trust |
CB Gold Inc. |
CBM Asia Development Corp. |
CBR Alaska Holdings Inc. |
CCL Industries Inc. |
CCR Technologies Ltd. |
CCS Inc. (Canadian Crude Separators Inc.) |
CCS Income Trust |
CCT Capital Ltd. |
CD Rom Network Corp. |
CDA International Inc. |
CDG Investments Inc. |
CDI Education Corporation |
CDN MSolar Corp. |
CDNET Canada Inc. |
CE Franklin Ltd. |
CEMATRIX Corporation |
CERF Incorporated |
CFI Trust |
CFM Corporation |
CFS Group Inc. |
CFS International Inc |
CGA Mining Limited |
CGF Resource 2006 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
CGF Resource 2008 Flow Through Limited Partnership |
CGF Trust |
CGI Group Inc. |
CGX Energy Inc. |
CHC Helicopter Corporation |
CHC Realty Capital Corp. |
CHEQ-IT Ltd. |
CI Global Opportunities II Fund |
CIBC Capital Trust |
CMP 2004 Resource Limited Partnership |
CMP 2005 Resource Limited Partnership |
CMP 2011 Resource Limited Partnership |
CP Ships Limited |
CS Trust |
CVTech Group Inc. |
CaNickel Mining Limited |
Cabia Goldhills Inc. |
Cable Satisfaction International Inc. |
Cabletel Communications Corp. |
Cabo Drilling Corp. |
Cabot Creek Mineral Corporation |
Cache Exploration Inc. |
Cadan Resources Corporation |
Cade Struktur Corporation |
Cadillac Mining Corporation |
Cadillac Ventures Inc. |
Cadiscor Resources Inc. |
Cadman Resources Inc. |
Cadomin Capital Corporation (formerly Sprott Molybdenum Participation Corporation) |
Cagim Real Estate Corporation |
CaiTerra International Energy Corporation |
Cairo Resources Inc. |
CalStar Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Calais Resources Inc. |
Caldera Resources Inc. |
Caledonia Mining Corporation |
Calfrac Well Services Ltd. |
Calian Technologies Ltd. |
Calibre Mining Corp. |
Calico Resources Corp. |
California Gold Mining Inc. (formerly, Upper Canada Gold Corporation) |
California Nanotechnologies Corp. |
Callinan Royalties Corporation |
Callinex Mines Inc. |
Calloway Real Estate Investment Trust |
Calmena Energy Services Inc. |
Calpine Natural Gas Trust |
Calpine Power Income Fund |
Calvalley Petroleum Inc. |
Calyx Bio-Ventures Inc. |
Cambior Inc. |
Cambium Limited Partnership No. Two |
Camco Inc. |
Cameco Corporation |
Cameo Resources Corp. |
Camex Energy Corp. |
Camflo International Inc. |
Camino Minerals Corporation |
Campbell Resources Inc. |
Camphor Ventures Inc. |
Can-60 Income Corp. |
Can-Chin Entertainment Group Co. Ltd. |
Can-Financials Income Corp. |
CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. |
CanAm Coal Corp. (formerly Radar Acquisitions Corp.) |
CanAsia Financial Inc. |
CanBanc 8 Income Corp. |
CanBanc Income Corp. |
CanCap Preferred Corporation |
CanElson Drilling Inc. |
CanRock Energy Corp. |
CanScot Resources Ltd. |
CanWel Building Materials Group Ltd. (formerly, Canwel Holdings Corporation) |
CanWel Building Materials Ltd. |
CanWest MediaWorks Income Fund |
Cana Venture Capital Corp. |
CanaDream Corporation |
Canabrava Diamond Corporation |
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. |
Canacol Energy Ltd. |
Canada Bread Company, Limited |
Canada Carbon Inc. |
Canada Cartage Diversified Income Fund |
Canada Coal Inc. |
Canada Dominion Resources 2004 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2006 II Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2006 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2007 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2008 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2009 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2010 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2011 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources 2012 Limited Partnership |
Canada Dominion Resources Limited Partnership IX |
Canada Dominion Resources Limited Partnership X |
Canada Dominion Resources Limited Partnership XI |
Canada Energy Partners Inc. |
Canada Fluorspar Inc. |
Canada Iron Inc. |
Canada Life Assurance Company, The |
Canada Life Capital Corporation Inc. |
Canada Life Capital Trust |
Canada Life Financial Corporation |
Canada Mortgage Acceptance Corporation |
Canada Pacific Capital Corp. |
Canada Payphone Corporation |
Canada Rare Earth Corp. |
Canada Renewable Bioenergy Corp. |
Canada Strategic Metals Inc. |
Canada West Capital Inc. |
Canada Zinc Metals Corp. |
Canada's Pizza Delivery Corp. (formerly Comac Food Group Inc.) |
Canadex Resources Limited |
Canadian 50 Advantaged Preferred Share Fund |
Canadian 88 Diversified Energy Fund 1991 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Advantaged Convertibles Fund |
Canadian Apartment Properties Real Estate Investment Trust |
Canadian Arctic Gas Ltd. |
Canadian Arrow Mines Limited |
Canadian Banc Capital Securities Trust |
Canadian Banc Corp. |
Canadian Bank Note Company, Limited |
Canadian Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust II |
Canadian Capital Auto Receivables Asset Trust III |
Canadian Convertible Debenture Fund |
Canadian Convertibles Fund |
Canadian Convertibles Plus Fund |
Canadian Credit Card Trust |
Canadian Data Preserve Inc. |
Canadian Diversified Resource Investment Listed Liquidity Fund |
Canadian Energy Exploration Inc. |
Canadian Energy Services & Technology Corp. |
Canadian Energy Services L.P. |
Canadian Equipment Rental Fund Limited Partnership |
Canadian Facilities Income Fund |
Canadian Financial Dividend & Income Fund |
Canadian Financial Services NT Corp. |
Canadian Fundamental 100 Income Fund |
Canadian General Investments, Limited |
Canadian Helicopters Income Fund |
Canadian High Income Equity Fund |
Canadian High Yield Focus Fund |
Canadian Hotel Income Properties Real Estate Investment Trust |
Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc. |
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce |
Canadian Imperial Venture Corp |
Canadian Income Management Inc. |
Canadian Income Management Trust |
Canadian International LP |
Canadian International Minerals Inc. |
Canadian Life Companies Split Corp. |
Canadian Manoir Industries Limited |
Canadian Medical Discoveries Fund II Inc. |
Canadian Metals Inc. |
Canadian Mining Company Inc. |
Canadian Mining Diversified Asset Strategy Fund |
Canadian National Railway Company |
Canadian Natural Resources Limited |
Canadian Oil Recovery & Remediation Enterprises Ltd. |
Canadian Oil Sands Limited |
Canadian Oil Sands Trust |
Canadian Oilfield Solutions Corp. |
Canadian Orebodies Inc. |
Canadian Overseas Petroleum Limited |
Canadian Pacific Railway Company |
Canadian Pacific Railway Limited |
Canadian Platinum Corp. |
Canadian Premium Select Income Fund |
Canadian Prodigy Capital Corporation |
Canadian Public Venture Capital I Inc. |
Canadian Public Venture Finance I Inc. |
Canadian Quantum Energy Corporation |
Canadian REIT Income Fund |
Canadian Real Estate Investment Trust |
Canadian Revolving Auto Floorplan Trust |
Canadian Rocky Mountain Properties Inc. |
Canadian Royalties Inc. |
Canadian SWIFT Master Auto Receivables Trust |
Canadian Scholarship Trust Family Savings Plan |
Canadian Scholarship Trust Group Savings Plan (Group Savings Plan 2001) |
Canadian Scholarship Trust Individual Savings Plan |
Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan (Plan II and Founders' Plan) |
Canadian Science and Technology Growth Fund Inc. |
Canadian Silver Hunter Inc. |
Canadian Small Cap Resource Fund 2004 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Small Cap Resource Fund 2005 No. 1 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Small Cap Resource Fund 2006 No. 1 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Small Cap Resource Fund 2006 No. 2 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Small Cap Resource Fund 2007 No. 1 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Small Cap Resource Fund 2007 No. 2 Limited Partnership |
Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. |
Canadian Spooner Industries Corporation |
Canadian Spooner Resources Inc. |
Canadian Stevia Corporation |
Canadian Sub-Surface Energy Services Corp. |
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited |
Canadian Utilities & Telecom Income Fund |
Canadian Utilities Limited |
Canadian Western Bank |
Canadian Wireless Trust |
Canadian World Fund Limited |
Canaf Group Inc. |
Canam Group Inc. |
Canamex Resources Corp. |
Canarc Resource Corp. |
Canasil Resources Inc. |
Canbras Communications Corp. |
Cancana Resources Corp. |
Cancor Mines Inc. |
Candax Energy Inc. |
Candente Copper Corp. |
Candente Gold Corp. |
Candor Ventures Corp. |
Candy Investments Limited |
Canetic Resources Trust |
Canex Energy Inc. |
Canext Energy Ltd. |
Canexus Corporation |
Canexus Income Trust |
Canfor Corporation |
Canfor Pulp Income Fund |
Canfor Pulp Products Inc. |
Cangene Corporation |
Canico Resource Corp. |
Canlan Ice Sports Corp. |
Canmark International Resources Inc. |
Cannon Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Cannon Point Resources Ltd. |
Canoe 'GO CANADA' Income Fund |
Canoe 2012 Flow-Through LP - CDE Units |
Canoe 2012 Flow-Through LP - CEE Units |
Canoe 2014 Flow-Through LP - CDE Units |
Canoe 2014 Flow-Through LP - CEE Units |
Canoe EIT Income Fund |
Canoe Mining Ventures Corp. |
Canoe Strategic Resources Income Fund |
Canoel International Energy Ltd. |
Canoro Resources Ltd. |
Canplats Resources Corporation |
Canso Credit Income Fund |
Canso Select Opportunities Fund |
Canstar Resources Inc. |
Canterra Minerals Corporation |
Canterra Seeds Holdings Ltd. |
Cantex Mine Development Corp. |
Cantol Limited |
Cantronic Systems Inc. |
Canuc Resources Corporation |
Canwel Building Materials Income Fund |
Canyon Copper Corp |
Canyon Gold Corp. |
Canyon Services Group Inc. |
Cap-Ex Iron Ore Ltd. |
CapRate Commercial Properties Inc. |
Capital ABTB inc. |
Capital Alliance Ventures Inc. |
Capital BLF Inc. |
Capital DGMC Inc. |
Capital Desjardins Inc. |
Capital Diagnostic Corporation (formerly Veris Biotechnology Corp) |
Capital Gains Income STREAMS Corporation |
Capital Nobel Inc. |
Capital Power Corporation |
Capital Power L.P. |
Capital Pro-Égaux Inc. |
Capital Régional et Coopératif Desjardins |
Capital SLM 300 inc. |
Capricorn Business Acquisitions Inc. |
Capstone Infrastructure Corporation |
Capstone Mining Corp. |
Capstone Mining North Ltd. |
Capstream Ventures Inc. |
Captech Multicom Inc. |
Caracal Energy Inc. (formerly, Griffiths Energy International Inc.) |
Caracara Silver Inc. (formerly Ansue Capital Corp.) |
Caratax Limited Partnership - 1997 |
Carbiz Inc. |
Carbon Canada Inc. |
Carbon Green Inc. |
Carbon Products Industries, Inc. |
Cardero Resource Corp. |
Cardiff Energy Corp. |
Cardinal Capital Partners Inc. (formerly GDV Resources Inc.) |
Cardinal Energy Ltd. |
CardioComm Solutions, Inc. |
Cardiome Pharma Corp. |
Carfinco Income Fund |
Cargojet Inc. |
Cargojet Income Fund |
Caribbean Diversified Investments, Inc. |
Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. |
Cariboo Gold Fields Ltd. |
Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd. |
Caribou King Resources Ltd. |
Caribou Resources Corp. |
Carlaw Capital IV Inc. |
Carlin Gold Corporation |
Carlisle Goldfields Limited |
Carlton Trail Limited Partnership |
Carmanah Technologies Corporation |
Carmax Mining Corp. |
Carolina Capital Corp. |
Carolyn River Projects Ltd. |
Carpathian Gold Inc. |
Carpatsky Petroleum Inc. |
Carpincho Capital Corp. |
Carrington Acquisition Corp. |
Carrus Capital Corporation |
Carthew Bay Technologies Inc. |
Cartier Iron Corporation (Formerly Northfield Metals Inc.) |
Cartier Partners Financial Group Inc. |
Cartier Resources Inc. |
Casa Minerals Inc |
Casamiro Resource Corporation |
Cascade Resources Ltd. |
Cascade Technologies Corp. |
Cascadero Copper Corporation |
Cascades Inc. |
Cascadia Consumer Electronics Corp. |
Cascadia Resources Inc. |
Case Resources Inc. |
Casey Container Corp. |
Cash Canada Group Ltd. |
Caspian Energy Inc. |
Cassidy Gold Corp. |
Cassius Ventures Ltd. |
Castle Gold Corporation |
Castle Mountain Mining Company Limited |
Castle Peak Mining Ltd. |
Castle Resources Inc. |
Castle Rock Petroleum Ltd. |
Castle Silver Mines Inc. |
Catalyst Copper Corp. |
Catalyst Paper Corporation |
Catamaran Corporation (formerly SXC Health Solutions Corp.) |
Catapult Energy 2008 FTS Limited Partnership |
Catapult Energy Limited Partnership I |
Catapult Energy Small Cap 2007 FTS Limited Partnership |
Catapult Energy Small Cap FTS Limited Partnership |
Caterpillar Financial Services Limited |
Cathay Forest Products Corp. |
Cathedral Energy Services Corp. |
Cathedral Energy Services Income Trust |
Cathedral Energy Services Ltd. |
Cava Resources Inc. (formerly Sea Green Capital Corp.) |
Cavan Ventures Inc. |
Cavell Energy Corporation |
Cayden Resources Inc. |
Cayenne Gold Mines Ltd. |
Caymus Resources Inc. |
Caza Gold Corp. |
Caza Oil & Gas, Inc. |
Ceapro Inc. |
Cedar Creek Mines Ltd. |
Cedara Software Corp. |
Ceiba Energy Services Inc. |
Celeste Mining Corp. |
Celestica Inc. |
Cell-Loc Location Technologies Inc. |
CellStop Systems Inc. |
Cellbroadcast Group Inc. |
Celtic Exploration Ltd. |
Celtic Minerals Ltd. |
Celtic Tiger Minerals Exploration Inc. |
Cen-ta Real Estate Ltd. |
Cencotech Inc. |
Cenovus Energy Inc. |
Centamin Egypt Limited |
Centamin plc |
Centenario Copper Corporation |
Centennial Place Apartment Project |
Centerplate, Inc. (formerly, Volume Services America Holdings, Inc.) |
Centerra Gold Inc. |
Central Fund of Canada Limited |
Central GoldTrust |
Central Industries Corporation Inc. |
Central Iron Ore Limited |
Central Minera Corp. |
Central Resources Corp. |
Central Sun Mining Inc. |
Centric Energy Corp. |
Centric Health Corporation (formerly Alegro Health Corp.) |
Centurion Energy International Inc. |
Centurion Minerals Ltd. |
Century Energy Ltd. |
Century Financial Capital Group Inc. |
Century II Holdings Inc. |
Century Iron Mines Corporation |
Century Mining Corporation |
Cequel Energy Inc. |
Cequence Energy Ltd. |
Ceres Global Ag Corp. |
Cerro Grande Mining Corporation |
Cerro Mining Corp. |
Cerro Resources NL |
Certicom Corp. |
Certive Solutions Inc. |
Cervus Corporation |
Cervus Equipment Corporation |
Cervus Financial Group Inc. |
Cervus LP |
Chai Cha Na Mining Inc. |
Chai-Na-Ta Corp. |
Chalk Media Corp. |
Challenger Deep Resources Corp. |
Challenger Energy Corp. |
Chamaelo Exploration Ltd. |
Champion Bear Resources Ltd. |
Champion Communication Services, Inc. |
Champion Iron Mines Limited (formerly Champion Minerals Inc.) |
Chancellor Enterprises Holdings Inc. |
Changfeng Energy Inc. |
Changyu Medtech Ltd. |
Channel Resources Ltd. |
Channel Ridge Estate Holdings Inc. |
Chantrell Ventures Corp. |
Chaparral Gold Corp. |
Chapleau Resources Ltd. |
Charger Energy Corp. |
Chariot Resources Limited |
Charlotte Resources Ltd. |
Charter Realty Holdings Ltd. |
Charterhouse Advantaged Trust Split Corporation |
Charterhouse Preferred Share Index Corporation |
Charterhouse TRV Trust |
Chartwell Retirement Residences |
Chartwell Technology Inc. |
Chateau Beauvallon (3072444 Nova Scotia Company) |
Chateau Janeville Apartment Project |
Chatworth Resources Inc. |
Cheetah Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Chelsea Acquisition Corporation |
Chelsea Minerals Corp. |
Chelsea Oil and Gas Ltd. |
Chemokine Therapeutics Corp. |
Chemtrade Logistics Income Fund |
Chibougamau Independent Mines Inc. |
ClareGold Trust |
Clarington Diversified Income + Growth Fund |
Clarington Limited Partnership 1997 |
Colabor Group Inc. |
Colabor Income Fund |
Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust |
Connor, Clark & Lunn Conservative Income Fund |
Connor, Clark & Lunn Conservative Income Fund II |
Conservative Income Fund II |
Conway Resources inc. |
Coxe Commodity Strategy Fund |
Credit Trust II |
Credit Trust III |
Creso Exploration Inc. |
Crombie Real Estate Investment Trust |
Cunningham Lindsey Group Inc. (formerly Lindsey Morden Group Inc.) |
D-Box Technologies Inc. |
DATA Group Ltd. |
DDJ High Yield Fund |
DDJ U.S. High Yield Fund |
DDJ U.S. High Yield Trust |
DDS Wireless International Inc. |
DEQ Systems Corp. |
DGC Entertainment Ventures Corp. |
DGM Minerals Corp. |
DGS Minerals Inc. |
DHX Media Ltd. |
DIR Industrial Properties Inc. (formerly, C2C Industrial Properties Inc.) |
DIRTT Environmental Solutions Ltd. |
DNA Precious Metals Inc. |
DNI Metals Inc. |
DOT Resources Ltd. |
DPF India Opportunities Fund |
DPL Trust |
DREAM Unlimited Corp. |
DRM Ventures Inc. |
DV Resources Ltd. |
DXStorm.Com Inc. |
Dacha Strategic Metals Inc. |
Dahava Resources Ltd. |
Daimler Canada Finance Inc. |
Dajin Resources Corp. |
Dakar Resource Corp. |
Dalmac Energy Inc. |
Dalradian Resources Inc. |
Damin Energy Inc. |
Damon Capital Corp. |
Danbel Ventures Inc. |
Darford International Inc. |
Darlington Mines Ltd. |
Darnley Bay Resources Limited |
Darwin Resources Corp. |
Data Fortress Systems Group Ltd. |
DataMirror Corporation |
Datamark Systems Group Inc. |
Datawave Systems Inc. |
Datawest Solutions Inc. |
Datec Group Ltd. |
Datex Technologies Corporation (formerly Montec Holdings Inc.) |
Datinvest International Ltd. |
Datum Ventures Inc. |
Davie Yards Inc. |
Davis + Henderson Corporation |
Davis + Henderson Income Fund |
Davnor Water Treatment Technologies Ltd. |
Dawson Gold Corp. |
Daylight Energy Ltd. |
Daylight Energy Trust |
Daylight Resources Trust |
DePaul Capital Corporation |
DealNet Capital Corp. |
Deans Knight Income Corporation |
Deans Knight Income and Growth Fund |
Debut Diamonds Inc |
Decade Resources Ltd. |
Decision Dynamics Technology Ltd. |
DecisionPoint Systems, Inc. |
Declan Resources Inc. |
Decoma International Inc. |
Decourcy Capital Corp. |
Dectron Internationale Inc. |
DeeThree Exploration Ltd. |
Deep Resources Ltd. |
Deepwell Energy Services Trust |
Deer Horn Metals Inc. |
Defiance Mining Corporation |
Defiance Silver Corp. |
Defiant Energy Corporation |
Defiant Minerals Corp. |
Defiant Resources Corporation |
Dejour Energy Inc. |
Del Toro Silver Corp. |
Delavaco Residential Properties Corp. |
Delavaco Residential Properties Corp. (formerly Sereno Capital Corporation) |
Deloro Resources Ltd. |
Delrand Resources Limited |
Delta Exploration Inc. |
Delta Gold Corporation |
Delta Oil & Gas, Inc. |
Delta Systems, Inc. |
Delta Uranium Inc. |
Demcap Investments Inc. |
Denbury Resources Inc. |
Denison Mines Corp. (formerly International Uranium Corporation) |
Denison Mines Inc. |
Dentonia Resources Ltd. |
Deploy Technologies Inc. |
Desco Resources Inc. |
Desert Eagle Resources Ltd. (formerly Garrison International Ltd.) |
Desert Gold Ventures Inc. |
Desert Star Resources Ltd. (formerly First Graphite Corp.) |
Desert Sun Mining Corp. |
Desjardins Financial Corporation inc. |
Desjardins Specialized Financial Services Inc. |
Desjardins Trust Inc. |
Desmarais Energy Corporation |
Desmond Investments Ltd. |
Destiny Media Technologies Inc. |
Destorbelle Mines Limited |
Detector Exploration Ltd. |
Detour Gold Corporation |
DevStudios International Inc. |
Deveron Resources Ltd. |
Devin Energy Corporation |
Devine Entertainment Corporation |
Devlan Exploration Inc. |
Devon Canada Corporation (formerly Anderson Exploration Ltd.) |
Dexit Inc. (formerly Posera-HDX Inc.) |
Dexx Corporation |
Dia Bras Exmin Resources Inc. (formerly EXMIN Resources Inc.) |
DiaMedica Inc. |
Diadem Resources Ltd. |
Diagem Inc. |
DiagnoCure Inc. |
Diagnos Inc. |
Diamcor Mining Inc. |
Diamond Estates Wines & Spirits Inc. |
Diamond Fields International Ltd. |
Diamond Hawk Mining Corp |
Diamonds North Resources Ltd. |
Dianor Resources Inc. |
Difference Capital Financial Inc. |
Digger Resources Inc. |
Digital Nervous Systems Inc. |
Digital Shelf Space Corp. |
Digital Youth Network Corp. |
Dinnerex Limited Partnership IX |
Dinnerex Limited Partnership VIII |
Dinnerex Limited Partnership X |
Dinnerex Limited Partnership XI |
Dinnerex National III Limited Partnership |
Dinnerex National IV Limited Partnership |
Dioro Exploration NL |
Dios Exploration Inc. |
Direct IT Canada Inc. |
DirectCash Income Fund |
DirectCash Payments Inc. |
Disani Capital Corp. |
Discovery 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Discovery 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Discovery 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Discovery 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Discovery 2012 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Discovery 2013 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Discovery Air Inc. |
Discovery Capital 2001 Technology Limited Partnership |
Discovery Capital Corporation |
Discovery Energy Corp. (formerly Santos Resource Corp.) |
Discovery Harbour Resources Corp. |
Discovery PGM Exploration Ltd. |
Discovery Ventures Inc. |
Discovery-Corp Enterprises Inc. |
Disenco Energy PLC |
Ditem Explorations Inc. |
Dittybase Technologies Inc. |
Divcom Lighting Inc. |
Diversified Alpha Fund II |
Diversified Alpha II Corp. |
Diversified Canadian Financial Corp. |
Diversified Canadian Financial II Corp. |
Diversified Convertible Debenture Fund |
Diversified Dividend Growth Split Inc. |
Diversified Income Trust II |
Diversified Industries Ltd. |
Diversified Investment Grade Income Trust, Series 1 |
Diversified Preferred Share Trust |
Diversified Private Equity Corp. |
Diversified Utility Trust |
Diversinet Corp. |
Divestco Inc. |
Dividend 15 Split Corp. |
Dividend 15 Split Corp. II |
Dividend Growth Split Corp. |
Dividend Select 15 Corp. |
Dixie Energy Trust |
Dizun International Enterprises Inc. |
Dolce Enterprises Inc. |
Dollarama Inc. |
Dolly Varden Silver Corporation |
Dolly Varden Silver Ltd. |
Doman Industries Limited |
Domco Tarkett Inc. |
Dome Ventures Corporation |
Dominion Citrus Income Fund |
Dominion Citrus Limited |
Dominion Diamond Corporation |
Dominion Energy Inc. (formerly Digifonica International Inc.) |
Dominion Equity 2002 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Dominion Equity 2003 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Dominion Equity 2004 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Dominion and Anglo Invest. Corp Ltd. |
Domtar (Canada) Paper Inc. |
Domtar Inc. |
Donner Metals Ltd. |
Donnybrook Energy Inc. |
Donnycreek Energy Inc. |
Doorway Capital Corp. |
Dorel Industries Inc. |
Dorex Minerals Inc. |
DoubleLine Income Solutions Trust |
Doublestar Resources Ltd. |
Doubleview Capital Corp. |
DoveCorp Enterprises Inc. |
Dover Industries Limited |
Doxa Energy Ltd. |
DraftTeam Fantasy Sports Inc. |
Dragon-Tex (Group) Limited |
DragonWave Inc. |
Dragonfly Capital Corp. |
Drake Energy Ltd. |
Draxis Specialty Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Draxis Health Inc.) |
Drilcorp Energy Ltd. |
Drive Products Income Fund |
Driven Capital Corp. |
Driver Energy Services Inc. |
Drucker, Inc. |
DuPont Canada Inc. |
Dual Exploration Inc. |
DualEx Energy International Inc. |
Duluth Metals Limited |
Duma Energy Corp. |
Dunav Resources Ltd. |
Duncan Park Holdings Corporation |
Duncastle Gold Corp. |
Dundarave Resources Inc. |
Dundee Capital Markets Inc. |
Dundee Corporation |
Dundee Energy Limited (formerly Eurogas Corporation) |
Dundee Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust |
Dundee International Real Estate Investment Trust |
Dundee Precious Metals Inc. |
Dundee Real Estate Investment Trust |
Dundee Realty Corporation |
DundeeWealth Inc. (formerly Dundee Wealth Management Inc.) |
Dunes Exploration Ltd. |
Dunnedin Ventures Inc. |
Dunsmuir Ventures Ltd. |
Dupont Capital Inc. |
Duran Resources ULC (formerly MacMillan Gold Corp.) |
Duran Ventures Inc. |
Durango Resources Inc. |
Dussault Apparel Inc. |
Duvernay Oil Corp. |
DynaMotive Energy Systems Corporation |
Dynacor Gold Mines Inc. |
Dynamic Gold Corp. |
Dynamic Oil & Gas, Inc. |
Dynamic Russian Resource Fund |
Dynamic Venture Opportunities Fund Ltd. |
Dynamite Resources Ltd. |
Dynastar Inc. |
Dynasty Gold Corp. |
Dynasty Metals & Mining Inc. |
Dynatec Corporation |
Dynex Power Inc. |
E & E Capital Funding Inc |
E TRADE Financial Corporation |
E-Debit Global Corporation |
E-Energy Ventures Inc. |
E-L Financial Corporation Limited |
E-xact Transactions Ltd. |
E.D. Smith Income Fund |
E.G. Capital Inc. |
E.S.I. Environmental Sensors Inc. |
E3 Energy Inc. |
E4 Energy Inc. |
ECL EnviroClean Ventures Ltd. |
ECU Silver Mining Inc. |
EFT Canada Inc. |
EGI Canada Corporation |
EGI Financial Holdings Inc. |
EI Environmental Engineering Concepts Ltd. |
EMC Metals Corp. |
EMED Mining Public Limited |
EMJ Data Systems Ltd. |
EMedia Networks International Corporation |
ENMAX Corporation |
ENTREC Corporation |
EP 2000 Conservation Inc. |
EP Advantage Trust |
EPCOR Preferred Equity Inc. |
EPCOR Utilities Inc. |
EPI Environmental Technologies Inc. |
EPM Mining Ventures Inc. |
EQ Inc. |
ESI Entertainment Systems Inc. |
EURO Ressources S.A. |
EXFO Inc. (formerly know as EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering Inc.) |
EXI Wireless Inc. |
EXO U Inc. |
EXP Realty International Corp. |
Eacom Timber Corporation |
Eagle Credit Card Trust |
Eagle Energy Trust |
Eagle Hill Exploration Corporation |
Eagle I Capital Corporation |
Eagle Mountain Gold Corp. |
Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. |
Eagle Precision Technologies Inc. |
Eagle Star Minerals Corp. |
Eagle Tail Energy Ltd. |
Eagleford Energy Inc. |
Eaglewood Energy Inc. |
Earl Resources Limited |
Earth Star Diamonds Ltd. |
EarthFirst Canada Inc. |
Earthworks Industries Inc. |
East Africa Metals Inc. |
East Coast Investment Grade Income Fund |
East West Petroleum Corp. |
EastCoal Inc. |
EastSiberian Plc |
EastWest Gold Corporation |
Eastern Platinum Limited |
Eastfield Resources Ltd. |
Eastgate Minerals Ltd. |
Eastmain Resources Inc. |
Easton Minerals Ltd. |
Easy ESL Publishing, Inc. |
Easymed Technologies Inc. |
Ebully Inc. |
Echelon Capital Corporation |
Echelon Petroleum Corp. |
Echo Bay Mines Ltd. |
Echo Energy Canada Inc. |
Echo Springs Water Corp. |
Eclipse Capital Corporation |
Eclipse Residential Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Ltd. (formerly Goldbard Capital Corporation) |
Eco Oro Minerals Corp. |
EcoSynthetix Inc. |
Ecometals Limited |
Economic Investment Trust Limited |
Ecopia BioSciences Inc. |
Ecosse Energy Corp. |
Ecstall Mining Corporation |
Ecuador Gold and Copper Corp. |
Eden Energy Corp. |
Edge Resources Inc. |
Edgefront Real Estate Investment Trust |
Edgefront Realty Corp. |
Edgewater Exploration Ltd. |
Edgewater Wireless Systems Inc. |
Eguana Technologies Inc. |
El Callao Mining Corp. |
El Condor Minerals Inc. |
El Nino Ventures Inc. |
El Tigre Silver Corp. |
ElanOre Resources Inc. |
Elcora Resources Corp. |
Eldorado Gold Corporation |
Eldorado Gold Yukon Corp. (formerly European Goldfields Limited) |
Electra Gold Ltd. |
Electric Metals Inc. |
Electric-Spin Ltd. |
Electrohome Limited |
Electrovaya Inc. |
Element 79 Capital Inc. |
Element Financial Corporation |
Elemental Minerals Limited |
Elephant & Castle Group Inc. |
Elevation Capital Corp. |
Eleven Evergreen Limited Partnership |
Elgin Mining Inc. (formerly Phoenix Coal Inc.) |
Elgin Resources Inc. |
Elissa Resources Ltd. |
Elite Technical Inc. |
Elkwater Resources Ltd. |
Eloro Resources Ltd. |
Ely Gold & Minerals Inc. |
Ember Resources Inc. |
EmberClear Corp. |
EmberClear Inc. |
EmerGeo Solutions Worldwide Inc. |
Emera Incorporated |
Emerald Bay Energy Inc. |
Emerald Isle Resources Inc. |
Emercor Building Systems Ltd. |
Emerge Oil & Gas Inc. |
Emerge Resources Corp. |
Emergis Inc. |
Emerita Resources Corp. (formerly Emerita Gold Corp.) |
Emgold Mining Corporation |
Emperor Oil Ltd. (formerly Emperor Minerals Ltd.) |
Empire Company Limited |
Empire Industries Ltd. |
Empirical Inc. (formerly True North Corporation) |
Empower Technologies Corporation |
EnGlobe Corp. |
EnQuest Energy Services Corp. |
EnQuest PLC |
EnWave Corporation |
Enablence Technologies Inc. |
Enbridge Finance Company Inc. |
Enbridge Inc. |
Enbridge Income Fund |
Enbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc. |
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. |
Encana Corporation |
Encana Holdings Finance Corp. |
Endeavour Mining Corporation |
Endeavour Silver Corp. |
Endev Energy Inc. |
Endurance Gold Corporation |
EnerCare Inc. (formerly The Consumers' Waterheater Income Fund) |
EnerCare Solutions Inc. (formerly The Consumers' Waterheater Operating Trust) |
EnerGulf Resources Inc. |
EnerNorth Industries Inc. |
EnerScout Resources Ltd. |
EnerVest 2011 Flow-Through LP - CDE Units |
EnerVest 2011 Flow-Through LP - CEE Units |
EnerVest Energy and Oil Sands Total Return Trust |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2001 |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2002 |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2003 |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2007 |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2007 II |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2008 |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2009 - CDE Units |
EnerVest FTS Limited Partnership 2009 - CEE Units |
Enerflex Ltd. |
Enerflex Systems Income Fund |
Enerflex Systems Ltd. |
Energas Resources Inc. |
Energem Resources Inc. |
Energentia Resources Inc. |
Energizer Resources Inc. |
Energold Drilling Corp. |
Energy Explorer Inc. |
Energy Fuels Inc. |
Energy Income Fund (formerly Sustainable Production Energy Trust) |
Energy Leaders Income Fund |
Energy Metals Corporation |
Energy North Inc. |
Energy Plus Income Trust |
Energy Split Corp. II Inc. |
Energy Split Corp. Inc. |
Enerplus Corporation |
Enerplus Exchangeable Limited Partnership (formerly Focus Limited Partnership) |
Enerplus Resources Fund |
Enershare Technology Corporation |
Enersource Corporation |
Enertopia Corp. |
Enervest FTS Limited Partnership 2004 |
Enervest FTS Limited Partnership 2005 |
Enervest FTS Limited Partnership 2006 |
Enervest FTS Limited Partnership 2006 II |
Enfield Exploration Corp. |
Engagement Labs Inc. |
Engenuity Technologies Inc. (formerly Virtual Prototypes Inc.) |
Enghouse Systems Limited | Incorporated |
Enhanced Oil Resources, Inc. |
Enhancement Fund Limited |
Enpar Technologies Inc. |
Enseco Energy Services Corp. |
Ensign Energy Services Inc. |
Enssolutions Group Inc. |
Entech Investments Inc. (formerly Inter Energy Corp.) |
Entercor Resource Corp. |
Enterprise Energy Resources Ltd. |
Enterprise Group, Inc. |
Enterra Energy Corp. |
Enterra Energy Trust |
Enterra Production Corp. |
Entertainment One Income Fund (formerly ROW Entertainment Income Fund) |
Entourage Metals Ltd. |
Entourage Mining Ltd. |
Entree Gold Inc. |
EnviroResolutions, Inc. |
Environmental Control Corp. |
Environmental Waste International Inc. |
Envoy Capital Group Inc. |
Epic Data International Inc. |
Epic Energy Inc. |
Epic Fusion Corp. |
Epicore BioNetworks Inc. |
Epsilon Energy Ltd. |
Equal Energy Ltd. |
Equal Weight Plus Fund |
Equilar Capital Corporation |
Equinox Minerals Limited |
Equitable Group Inc. |
Equitas Resources Corp. |
Equitech Corporation |
Equitorial Exploration Corp. |
Equity Financial Holdings Inc. (formerly, Grey Horse Corporation) |
Erdene Resource Development Corporation |
Ergoresearch Ltd. |
Erin Ventures Inc. |
Escondoro Resources Ltd. |
Eskay Mining Corp |
Esperanza Resources Corp. |
Espial Group Inc. |
Esprit Energy Trust |
Esprit Exploration Ltd. |
Esrey Energy Ltd |
Essential Energy Service Trust |
Essential Energy Services Ltd. |
Essex Angel Capital Inc. |
Essex Oil Ltd. (formerly TITAN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES LTD.) |
Esstra Industries Inc. |
Estec Systems Corp. |
Estrella Gold Corporation |
Estrella International Energy Services Ltd. |
Eternity Healthcare Inc. |
Ethos Gold Corp. |
Etrion Corporation |
Etruscan Resources Inc. |
Eurasia Gold Inc. |
Eurasian Minerals Inc. |
Eureka Resources, Inc. |
Euro-Net Investments Ltd. |
EuroZinc Mining Corporation |
Eurocontrol Technics Group Inc. |
Eurogas International Inc. |
Euromax Resources Ltd. |
European Premium Dividend Fund |
European Uranium Resources Ltd. |
Eurotin Inc. |
Even Technologies Inc. |
Everbright Capital Corporation |
Eveready Holdings Limited Partnership |
Eveready Inc. |
Eveready Income Fund |
Everfront Ventures Corp. |
Evergreen Gaming Corporation |
Evergreen-Agra, Inc. |
Evermount Ventures Inc. |
Everock Inc. |
Everton Resources Inc. |
Evertz Technologies Limited |
Evolved Digital Systems Inc. |
Evolving Gold Corp. |
Evrim Resources Corp. |
ExAlta Energy Inc. |
Exall Energy Corporation |
Exall Resources Limited |
Excalibur Resources Ltd. |
Exceed Energy Inc. |
Excel Gold Mining Inc. |
Excel India Trust |
Excel Latin America Bond Fund |
Excel Latin America Bond Fund II |
Excel-Tech Ltd. |
Excellon Resources Inc. |
Excelsior Energy Limited |
Excelsior Mining Corp. |
Exceptional Technologies Fund 5 (VCC) Inc. |
Exchange Income Corporation |
Exchange Industrial Income Fund |
Exchequer Resource Corp. |
Exclamation Investments Corporation |
Exco Technologies Limited |
Executive Inn Group Corporation |
ExelTech Aerospace Inc. (formerly NordTech Aerospace Inc.) |
Exeter Resource Corporation |
Exito Energy II Inc. |
Exmouth Capital Corp. |
Expedition Energy Inc. |
Expedition Mining Inc. |
Exploration Aurtois Inc. |
Explorator Resources Inc. |
Exploratus Ltd. |
Explorer Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Explorer II Resource Limited Partnership |
Explorer III Resource Limited Partnership |
Explorers Alliance Corporation |
Explorex Resources Inc. |
ExtendMedia Inc. |
Extendicare Inc. |
Extendicare Limited Partnership |
Extendicare Real Estate Investment Trust |
Extenway Solutions Inc. |
Extorre Gold Mines Limited |
Extract Resources Limited |
Extreme CCTV Inc. |
Extreme Energy Corporation |
FA Power Fund |
FAM Real Estate Investment Trust |
FEC Resources Inc. |
FET Resources Ltd. (formerly Storm Energy Inc.) |
FLYHT Aerospace Solutions Ltd. (formerly AeroMechanical Services Ltd.) |
FMF Capital Group Ltd. |
FMI Holdings Ltd. |
FNR Energy II Limited Partnership |
FNR Energy III Limited Partnership |
FNR Energy Limited Partnership |
FNX Mining Company Inc. |
FP Newspapers Inc. |
FP Newspapers Income Fund |
FP Resources Limited |
FQM (Akubra) Inc. (formerly Inmet Mining Corporation) |
FSI Energy Group Inc. |
FSONA Systems Corp. |
FT Capital Ltd. |
FTC Cards Inc. |
FTI Foodtech International Inc. |
FUN Technologies Inc. |
FUN Technologies plc |
FW Omnimedia Corp. |
Fab-Form Industries Ltd. |
Fair Sky Resources Inc. |
FairWest Energy Corporation |
Fairborne Energy Trust |
Faircourt CSCRF 2008 No. 1 Limited Partnership |
Faircourt Exploration Flow-Through 2010 Limited Partnership |
Faircourt Gold Income Corp. |
Faircourt Income & Growth Split Trust |
Faircourt Income Split Trust |
Faircourt Resource Fund Limited Partnership |
Faircourt Split Five Trust |
Faircourt Split Seven Trust |
Faircourt Split Trust |
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited |
Fairmile GoldTech Inc. |
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Inc. |
Fairmont Resources Inc. |
Fairmount Energy Inc. |
Fairquest Energy Limited |
Fairstar Explorations Inc. |
Fairway Diversified Income and Growth Trust |
Fairway Energy (06) Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Fairway Energy (07) Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Fairway Investment Grade Income Fund |
Fairway Short Duration Diversified Income Fund |
Falco Pacific Resource Group Inc. (formerly Druk Capital Partners Inc.) |
Falcon Gold Corp. |
Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Falcon Trust |
Fancamp Exploration Ltd. |
Far City Mining Limited |
Far Resources Ltd. |
Far West Mining Ltd. |
Farallon Mining Ltd. (formerly Farallon Resources Ltd.) |
Fareport Capital Inc. |
Feronia Inc. |
Ferrum Americas Mining Inc. |
Fibre-Crown Manufacturing Inc. |
Fibrek Inc. |
Fibresources Corporation |
Fidelity Partnership 1993 |
Fidelity Partnership 1994 |
Fidelity Partnership 1995 |
Fidelity Partnership 1996 |
Fidelity Partnership IV (1992) |
Fieldex Exploration inc. |
Fiera Capital Corporation (formerly Fiera Sceptre Inc.) |
Fiera High Income Trust |
Financial 15 Split Corp. |
Financial 15 Split Corp. II |
Financial Models Company Inc. |
Financial Preferred Securities Corporation |
Financial Services Income STREAMS Corporation |
Finavera Wind Energy Inc. |
Find Energy Ltd. |
Finlay Minerals Ltd. |
Finning International Inc. |
Finore Mining Inc. |
Firan Technology Group Corporation |
Fire River Gold Corp. |
Firebird Energy Inc. |
Firebird Resources Inc. |
Firelight Corporation |
Firesteel Resources Inc. |
Firestone Ventures Inc. |
Fireswirl Technologies Inc. |
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Firm Capital Mortgage Investment Trust |
Firm Capital Property Trust |
First American Scientific Corp |
First Americas Gold Corporation |
First Asset CanBanc Split Corp. |
First Asset Canadian REIT Income Fund |
First Asset Diversified Convertible Debenture Fund |
First Asset Energy & Resource Fund |
First Asset Energy & Resource Income & Growth Fund (formerly, Triax Resource Limited Partnership II) |
First Asset Equal Weight Small-Cap Income Fund |
First Asset Global Bond Trust |
First Asset Global Infrastructure Fund |
First Asset Income & Growth Fund |
First Asset Opportunity Fund |
First Asset Pipes & Power Income Fund |
First Asset PowerGen Fund |
First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through LP II |
First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through LP III |
First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through LP IV |
First Asset Renewable Power Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
First Asset Yield Opportunity Trust |
First Asset/BlackRock North American Dividend AchieversTrust |
First Bauxite Corporation |
First Calgary Petroleums Ltd. |
First Capital Realty Inc. |
First Castle Enterprises Inc. |
First Choice Products Inc. |
First Colombia Gold Corp. |
First Global Data Limited (formerly Rockstar Capital Corp.) |
First Global Investments Inc. |
First Growth Holdings Ltd. |
First Harbour Enterprises Inc. |
First Idaho Resources Inc. |
First Leaside Properties Fund |
First Majestic Silver Corp. |
First Metals Inc. |
First Mexican Gold Corp. |
First Mountain Exploration Ltd. (formerly Triple Crown Petroleum Ltd.) |
First Narrows Resources Corp. |
First National AlarmCap Income Fund |
First National Financial Corporation |
First National Financial Income Fund |
First National Mortgage Investment Fund |
First Nickel Inc. |
First One Capital Inc. |
First Place Tower Brookfield Properties Inc. |
First Point Minerals Corp. |
First Potash Corp. |
First Quantum Minerals Ltd |
First Sahara Energy Inc. |
First Silver Reserve Inc. |
First Star Resources Inc. |
First Strike Diamonds Inc. |
First Structured Notes Corporation (formerly First B Shares) |
First Trust Advantaged Short Duration High Yield Bond Fund |
First Trust/Highland Capital Floating Rate Income Fund |
First Trust/Highland Capital Floating Rate Income Fund II |
First Trust/Highland Capital Senior Loan Income Fund |
First Trust/Highland Capital Senior Loan Trust |
First Uranium Corporation |
First West Properties Ltd. |
First Yellowhead Equities Inc. |
FirstSmart Sensor Corp. |
Firstgold Corp. |
Fission 3.0 Corp. |
Fission Energy Corp. |
Fission Uranium Corp. |
Fitch Street Capital Corp. |
Five Nines Ventures Ltd. |
Fjordland Exploration Inc. |
Flag Resources (1985) Limited |
Flaherty & Crumrine Investment Grade Fixed Income Fund |
Flaherty & Crumrine Investment Grade Preferred Fund |
Fleet Leasing Receivables Trust |
Fletcher Nickel Inc. |
Flinders Resources Limited |
Flint Energy Services Ltd. |
Floating Rate Income Fund |
Floron Food Services Limited |
Flowing Energy Corporation |
Flying A Petroleum Ltd. |
Focus Energy Trust |
Focus Graphite Inc. |
Focus Ventures Ltd. |
Focused 40 Income Fund |
Focused Capital Corp. |
Focused Capital II Corp. |
Folkstone Capital Corp. |
Fomack Energy Inc. |
FootSource Inc. |
Foraco International SA |
Foran Mining Corporation |
Forbes & Manhattan Coal Corp. (formerly Nyah Resources Corp.) |
Forbes Energy Services Ltd. |
Forbes Medi-Tech Operations Inc. |
Force Energy Corp. |
Ford Auto Securitization Trust |
Ford Credit Canada Limited |
Ford Floorplan Auto Securitization Trust |
Fording Canadian Coal Trust |
Foremost Income Fund |
Foremost Industries Income Fund |
Forent Energy Ltd. |
Forest & Marine Financial Limited Partnership |
Forest & Marine Investment Trust |
Forest & Marine Investments Ltd. |
Forest Gate Energy Inc. |
Formation Fluid Management Inc. |
Formation Metals Inc. |
Forsys Metals Corp |
Fort Chicago Energy Partners L.P. |
Fort Chicago Power Ltd. (formerly Countryside Canada Power Inc.) |
Fort Garry Brewing Company Ltd. |
Fort St. James Nickel Corp. |
Fortaleza Energy Inc. |
Forte Resources Inc. |
Forterra Environmental Corp. |
Fortify Resources Inc. |
Fortis Inc. |
FortisAlberta Inc. |
FortisBC Energy Inc. |
FortisBC Holdings Inc. |
FortisBC Inc. |
Fortress Minerals Corp. |
Fortress Paper Ltd. |
Fortriu Capital Corp. |
Fortsum Business Solutions Inc. |
Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. |
Fortune Minerals Limited |
Fortune River Resource Corp. |
Fortune Valley Resources Inc. |
Forum National Investments Ltd. |
Forum Uranium Corp. |
Fossil Bay Resources Ltd. |
Four Seasons Holdings Inc. (Formerly, Four Seasons Hotels Inc.) |
Fralex Therapeutics Inc. |
Franchise Bancorp Inc. |
Franchise Services of North America Inc. |
Franco-Nevada Corporation |
Franco-Nevada GLW Holdings Corp. (formerly, Gold Wheaton Gold Corp.) |
Franconia Minerals Corporation |
Fraser Papers Inc. |
Free Energy International Inc. |
Freegold Ventures Limited |
Freehold Royalties Ltd. |
Freehold Royalty Trust |
Freeport Resources Inc. |
Freewest Resources Canada Inc. |
Fresh Start Private Holdings, Inc. |
FreshXtend Technologies Corp. |
Freyja Resources Inc. |
Friday Capital Inc. |
Fronsac Capital Inc. |
Fronsac Real Estate Investment Trust |
Front Street Flow-Through 2004-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2005-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2006-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2007-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2008-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2009-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2009-II Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2010-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2011-I Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2011-II Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2012-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2012-I National Class |
Front Street Flow-Through 2012-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2012-I Québec Class |
Front Street Flow-Through 2012-II Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2013-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2013-I National Class |
Front Street Flow-Through 2013-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2013-I Québec Class |
Front Street Flow-Through 2013-II Limited Partnership |
Front Street Flow-Through 2014-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2014-I National CDE Class |
Front Street Flow-Through 2014-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2014-I National CEE Class |
Front Street Flow-Through 2014-I Limited Partnership - FSFT 2014-I Québec CEE Class |
Front Street Long/Short Income Fund |
Front Street MLP Income Fund II Ltd. |
Front Street MLP Income Fund Ltd. |
Front Street Performance Fund |
Front Street Performance Fund II |
Front Street Resource Performance Fund Ltd. |
Front Street Strategic Yield Fund Ltd. |
Front Street U.S. MLP Income Fund Ltd. |
Fronteer Gold Inc. |
Frontenac Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Frontera Copper Corporation |
Frontier Pacific Mining Corporation |
Frontier Rare Earths Limited |
FrontierAlt-MineralFields 2004 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Frontline Gold Corporation |
Frontline Technologies Inc. |
Fuel Cell Technologies Ltd. |
Fulcrum Resources Inc. |
Full Metal Minerals Ltd. |
Full Metal Zinc Ltd. |
Full Riches Investments Ltd. |
Fulucai Productions Ltd. |
Funtime Hospitality Corp. |
Fury Explorations Ltd. |
Fusion Resources Limited |
Future Canada China Environment Inc. |
Futuremed Healthcare Income Fund |
Futuremed Healthcare Products Corporation |
Futureview Inc. |
Fytokem Products Inc. |
G2 Resources Inc. |
G4G Resources Ltd. |
GA Capital Corp. |
GAR Limited |
GASFRAC Energy Services Inc. |
GB Minerals Ltd. |
GBO Inc. |
GBS Gold International Inc. |
GC-Global Capital Corp. |
GCIC Ltd. (formerly Goodman & Company, Investment Counsel Ltd.) |
GDI Global Data Inc. |
GE Capital Canada Funding Company |
GENIVAR Income Fund |
GEOCAN Energy Inc. |
GFK Resources Inc. |
GFM Resources Limited |
GGL Resources Corp. |
GGOF 2007 Mining Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
GIE Environment Technologies Ltd. |
GLG Emerging Markets Income Portfolio II Ltd. |
GLG Emerging Markets Income Portfolio Ltd. |
GLV Inc. |
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities of Canada, Inc. |
GMIncome & Growth Fund |
GMP Capital Corp. |
GMP Capital Inc. |
GMP Capital Trust |
GMV Minerals Inc. |
GPM Metals Inc. (formerly, Guyana Precious Metals Inc.) |
GRD Enterprises Inc. |
GSI Group Inc. |
GSW Inc. |
GT Canada Medical Properties Inc. |
GTA Resources and Mining Inc. |
GTO Resources Inc. |
GVIC Communications Corp. |
GVIC Communications Inc. |
GWR Global Water Resources Corp. |
GWR Resources Inc. |
Gabriel Resources Ltd. |
Gainey Capital Corp. |
Gainey Resources Ltd. |
Galahad Metals Inc. (Formerly known as Phoenix Matachewan Mines Inc.) |
Galane Gold Ltd. |
Galantas Gold Corporation |
Galaxy Graphite Corp. |
Galaxy Lithium One Inc. |
Galaxy Resources Limited |
Gale Force Petroleum Inc. |
Galena International Resources Ltd. |
Galileo Petroleum Ltd. |
Galleria Opportunities Inc. |
Gallery Resources Limited |
Galore Resources Inc. |
Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc. |
Galway Gold Inc. |
Galway Metals Inc. |
Galway Resources Ltd. |
Gamehost Inc. |
Gamehost Income Fund |
Garda World Security Corporation |
Gardiner Dam Terminal Ltd. |
Garibaldi Resources Corp. |
Garneau Inc. |
Garson Gold Corp. |
Garson Resources Ltd. |
Gastar Exploration, Inc. |
Gastem Inc. |
Gatco Technologies Inc. |
Gatehouse Balanced Oil & Gas Trust |
Gatekeeper Systems Inc. |
Gateway Casinos Income Fund |
Gateway Gold Corp. |
Gauntlet Energy Corporation |
Gaz Métro Limited Partnership |
Gaz Métro inc. |
Gazit America Inc. |
Gazit-Globe Ltd. |
Geac Computer Corporation Limited |
Gear Energy Ltd. |
Gem International Resources Inc. |
Gemcom Software International Inc. |
Gemini Corporation |
Gemini Energy Corp. |
Gemoscan Canada, Inc. |
GeneNews Limited |
Gener8 Media Corp. (formerly, Delon Resources Corp.) |
General Donlee Canada Inc. |
General Donlee Income Fund |
General Fasteners Inc. |
General Mining Properties Ltd. |
General Moly, Inc. |
Genesis Hydrogen Systems Inc. |
Genesis Land Development Corp. |
Genesis Trust |
Genesis Trust II |
Genesis Worldwide Inc. |
Genetic Diagnostics Technologies Corp. |
Genevest Inc. |
Genius Properties Ltd. |
Genoil Inc. |
Genova Biotherapeutics Inc. |
Gensource Potash Corporation |
Genterra Capital Inc. |
Genterra Inc. |
Genterra Investment Corporation |
Gentor Resources Inc. |
Gentry Resources Ltd. |
Genview Capital Corp. |
Genworth MI Canada Inc. |
Geo Minerals Ltd. |
GeoGlobal Resources Inc. |
GeoNovus Minerals Corp. |
GeoPetro Resources Company |
GeoVenCap Inc. |
Geodex Minerals Ltd. |
Geodrill Limited |
Geologix Explorations Inc. |
Geomaque Explorations Ltd. |
Geomark Exploration Ltd. |
Geomega Resources Inc. |
George Weston Limited |
Georgian Court Hotel Limited Partnership |
Georox Resources Inc. |
Geosimm Integrated Technologies Corporation |
Geovic Mining Corp. |
Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation |
Ges Technologies inc. |
Gespeg Copper Resources Inc. |
Getty Copper Inc. |
Giant Exploration Inc. |
Gibraltar Springs Capital Corporation |
Gibson Energy Inc. |
Gienow Windows & Doors Income Fund |
Giga Capital Corporation |
Gildan Activewear Inc. |
Ginger Beef Corporation |
Ginguro Exploration Inc. |
Gitennes Exploration Inc. |
Giyani Gold Corp. |
Glacier Credit Card Trust |
Glacier Media Inc. |
Gladstone Pacific Nickel Ltd. |
Glamis Gold Ltd. |
Glen Eagle Resources Inc. |
Glenbriar Technologies Inc. |
Glencore Canada Corporation |
Glendale International Corp. |
Glenmark Capital Corp. (formerly Abbastar Resources Corp.) |
Global (GMPC) Holdings Inc |
Global 45 Split Corp. |
Global Advantaged Telecom & Utilities Income Fund |
Global Alternative Investments Inc. |
Global Alumina Corporation |
Global Biotech Corp. |
Global Champions Split Corp. |
Global Cobalt Corporation |
Global Commerce Development Inc |
Global Credit Trust |
Global DiSCS Trust 2004-1 |
Global Diversified Investment Grade Income Trust |
Global Diversified Investment Grade Income Trust II |
Global Dividend Fund |
Global Dividend Growers Income Fund |
Global Educational Trust Plan |
Global Express Energy Inc. (formerly Universal Star Ventures Corporation) |
Global Fortress Inc. |
Global Green Solutions, Inc. |
Global Hunter Corp. |
Global Immune Technologies Inc. |
Global Key Investment Limited |
Global Light Telecommunications Inc. |
Global Met Coal Corporation |
Global Minerals Ltd. |
Global Preferred Securities Trust |
Global Preferred Trust |
Global Resource Split Corp. |
Global SeaFarms Corporation |
Global Security Agency Inc. formerly known as Belvedere Resources Corp. |
Global Strategy Master LP |
Global Summit Real Estate Inc. |
Global Telecom Split Share Corp. |
Global Thermoelectric Inc. |
Global Wealth Management Fund |
Global X Development Corp. |
GlobalBanc Advantaged 8 Split Corp. |
GlobeTel Communications Limited |
GlobeeCom International Inc. (formerly Fiberoptic One Inc.) |
Globel Direct, inc |
Globestar Mining Corporation |
Globetech Ventures Corp. |
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc. |
Globex Resources Ltd. |
Gloucester Credit Card Trust |
Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. |
Go Capital I, Inc. |
GoGold Resources Inc. |
GobiMin Inc. |
God's Lake Resources Inc. |
Golconda Resources Ltd. |
Gold Bullion Development Corp. |
Gold Canyon Resources Inc. |
Gold City Industries Ltd. |
Gold Eagle Mines Ltd. |
Gold Finder Explorations Ltd. (formerly SNS Precious Metals Inc.) |
Gold Giant Ventures Inc. |
Gold Jubilee Capital Corp. |
Gold Mountain Mining Corporation |
Gold Participation and Income Fund |
Gold Point Energy Corp. |
Gold Reach Resources Ltd. |
Gold Reserve Inc. |
Gold Ridge Exploration Corp. |
Gold Royalties Corporation |
Gold Standard Ventures Corp. |
Gold World Resources Inc. |
Gold Yield Trust |
Gold-Ore Resources Ltd. |
GoldON Resources Ltd. |
GoldQuest Mining Corp. |
GoldTrain Resources Inc. |
Goldbank Mining Corporation |
Goldbar Resources Inc. |
Goldbelt Resources Ltd. |
Goldbridge Mining Ltd. |
Goldbrook Ventures Inc. |
Goldcorp Inc. |
Goldcrest Resources Ltd. (formerly Ventaur Capital Corporation) |
Golden Arch Resources Ltd. |
Golden Arrow Resources Corporation |
Golden Band Resources Inc. |
Golden Briar Mines Limited |
Golden Bridge Mining Corporation |
Golden Cariboo Resources Ltd. |
Golden China Resources Corporation (formerly, APAC Minerals Inc.) |
Golden Coast Energy Corp. |
Golden Credit Card Trust |
Golden Dawn Minerals Inc. |
Golden Fortune Investment Limited |
Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. |
Golden Goose Resources Inc. |
Golden Harker Explorations Limited |
Golden Harp Resources Inc. |
Golden Hat Resources Inc. |
Golden Hope Mines Limited |
Golden Minerals Company |
Golden Moor Inc. |
Golden Oasis Exploration Corp. |
Golden Pacific Capital Corporation |
Golden Peak Minerals Inc. |
Golden Queen Mining Co. Ltd. |
Golden Raven Resources Ltd. |
Golden Reign Resources Ltd. |
Golden Ridge Resources Ltd. |
Golden Secret Ventures Ltd. |
Golden Share Mining Corporation |
Golden Star Resources Ltd. |
Golden Sun Capital Inc. |
Golden Sunset Trail Inc. |
Golden Tag Resources Ltd |
Golden Triumph Resources Ltd. |
Golden Valley Mines Ltd. |
Golden Virtue Resources Inc. |
Goldeneye Resources Corp. |
Goldenfrank Resources Inc. |
Goldenlode Resources Ltd. |
Goldgroup Mining Inc. |
Goldminco Corporation |
Goldray Inc. |
Goldrea Resources Corp. |
Goldrock Mines Corp. |
Goldrush Resources Ltd. |
Goldsource Mines Inc. |
Goldspike Exploration Inc. |
Goldstake Explorations Inc. |
Goldstar Minerals Inc. |
Goldstone Resources Inc. |
Goldstream Minerals Inc. |
Goldstrike Resources Ltd. |
Golf Town Income Fund |
Gonzaga Resources Ltd. |
Goodfellow Inc. |
Goodman Gold Trust (formerly CMP Gold Trust) |
Goose River Resources Ltd. |
Gopher Media Services Corporation |
Gordon Creek Energy Inc.(Formerly Thunderbird Energy Corp) |
Gorilla Minerals Corp. |
Gossan Resources Limited |
Government Strip Bond Trust |
Gowest Gold Ltd. |
Gran Colombia Gold Corp. |
Gran Tierra Energy Inc. |
Gran Tierra Exchangeco Inc. |
Granby Industries Income Fund |
Grand Banks Energy Corporation |
Grand Oakes Resources Corp. |
Grand Peak Capital Corp. |
Grandcru Resources Corporation |
Grande Cache Coal Corporation |
Grande Portage Resources Ltd. |
Grande West Transportation Group Inc. |
Grandfield Pacific Inc. |
Grandview Gold Inc. |
Granite Creek Gold Ltd. |
Granite Europe Limited Partnership |
Granite REIT Holdings Limited Partnership |
Granite REIT Inc. |
Granite Real Estate Inc. (Formerly MI Developments Inc.) |
Granite Real Estate Investment Trust |
Graniz Mondal Inc. |
Granja Gold Inc. |
Granville Pacific Capital Corp. |
Graphite One Resources Inc. |
Gravis Energy Corp. |
Gravitas Financial Inc. (formerly Searchgold Resources Inc.) |
Gray Wolf Capital Corporation |
Grayd Resource Corporation |
Graystone Corporation |
Great Atlantic Resources Corp. |
Great Basin Gold Ltd. |
Great Bear Resources Ltd. |
Great Canadian Gaming Corporation |
Great Gold Mines N.L. |
Great Lakes Carbon Income Fund |
Great Lakes Holdings Inc. (formerly GLP NT Corporation) |
Great Lakes Nickel Limited |
Great Northern Exploration Ltd., formerly Ascot Energy Resources Ltd. |
Great Northern Gold Exploration Corporation |
Great Panther Silver Limited |
Great Plains Exploration Inc. |
Great Prairie Energy Services Inc. |
Great Quest Metals Ltd. |
Great Sandhills Terminal Ltd. |
Great Thunder Gold Corp. |
Great Western Diamonds Corp. |
Great Western Minerals Group Ltd. |
Great-West Life Capital Trust |
Great-West Lifeco Finance (Delaware) LP |
Great-West Lifeco Finance (Delaware) LP II |
Great-West Lifeco Inc. |
Greater Toronto Airports Authority |
Green Arrow Resources Inc. |
Green Environmental Technologies Inc. |
Green Standard Vanadium Resources Corp. |
Green Swan Capital Corp. |
Green Valley Mine Incorporated |
GreenStar Agricultural Corporation (formerly China Green Star Agricultural Corporation) |
Greenangel Energy Corp. |
Greenbank Capital Inc. |
Greenbriar Capital Corp. |
Greencastle Resources Ltd. |
Greenfields Petroleum Corporation |
Greengreen Capital Corp. |
Greenock Resources Inc. (formerly Simberi Mining Corporation) |
Greenpower Motor Company Inc. |
Greenshield Explorations Limited |
Greentree Gas & Oil Ltd. |
Grenville Gold Corp. |
Grew Ventures Inc. |
Grey Island Systems International Inc. |
Grey Wolf Exploration Inc. |
Greystone Research Corp. |
Greywacke Exploration Ltd. |
GridSense Systems Inc. |
Griffiths McBurney L.P. |
Grilli Property Group Inc. |
Grizzly Discoveries Inc. |
Gro-Net Financial Tax & Pension Planners Ltd. |
Groundstar Resources Limited |
Groupe Bikini Village inc. |
Groupe Laperrière & Verreault inc. |
Grove Energy Limited |
Gryphon Gold Corporation |
Guardian Capital Group Limited |
Guardian Exploration Inc. |
Guerrero Exploration Inc. |
Guest-Tek Interactive Entertainment Ltd. |
GuestLogix Inc. |
Guide Exploration Ltd. |
Guinor Gold Corporation |
Gulf & Pacific Equities Corp. |
Gulf International Minerals Ltd. |
Gulf Shores Resources Ltd. |
Gulfstream Acquisition 1 Corp. |
Gunpoint Exploration Ltd. |
Guyana Frontier Mining Corp. |
Guyana Goldfields Inc. |
H&R Finance Trust |
H&R Real Estate Investment Trust |
H. Paulin & Co., Limited |
H.O. Financial Limited |
HBanc Capital Securities Trust |
HEARx Canada Inc. |
HFG Holdings Inc. |
HFX Holding Corp. |
HHT Investments Inc. |
HIP Energy Corporation |
HLD Land Development Limited Partnership |
HLT Energies inc. |
HMH China Investments Limited |
HMI Nickel Inc. (formerly Skye Resources Inc.) |
HMZ Metals Inc. |
HNZ Group Inc. (formerly Canadian Helicopters Group Inc.) |
HOMEQ Corporation |
HOST International Holdings Inc. |
HPVC Inc. |
HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A. |
HSBC Bank Canada |
HSBC Canada Asset Trust |
HSBC Financial Corporation Limited |
HSE Integrated Ltd. |
HSIF Technologies Corporation |
HTC Purenergy Inc. |
HTI Ventures Corp. |
HTN Inc. (formerly Consolitech Invest Corp.) |
HTR Total Return Fund (formerly HORIZON Total Return Fund) |
HYBRID Coating Technologies Inc. |
Hadley Mining Inc. |
Haemacure Corporation |
Hali Capital Corporation |
Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission |
Halmont Properties Corporation |
Halo Resources Ltd. |
Halogen Software Inc. |
Haltain Developments Corp. |
Halterm Income Fund |
Hamilton Park Plaza Limited Partnership |
Hamilton Thorne Ltd. (formerly Calotto Capital Inc.) |
Hammond Manufacturing Company Limited |
Hammond Power Solutions Inc. |
Hampton Court Resources Inc. |
Hana Mining Ltd. |
Handeni Gold Inc. |
Hanfeng Evergreen Inc. |
Hankin Water Technologies Limited |
Hansa Resources Limited |
Happy Creek Minerals Ltd. |
Harbour Pacific Minerals Inc. |
Hard Creek Nickel Corporation |
Hardwood Properties Ltd. |
Hardwoods Distribution Inc. |
Hardwoods Distribution Income Fund |
Harmony Asset Limited |
Harris Steel Group ULC (Formerly, Harris Steel Group Inc.) |
Harry Winston Diamond Corporation |
Hart Stores Inc. |
Hartco Corporation |
Hartco Inc. |
Hartco Income Fund |
Harte Gold Corp. |
Harvest Banks & Buildings Income Fund |
Harvest Canadian Income & Growth Fund |
Harvest Energy Trust |
Harvest Gold Corporation |
Harvest Grand Inc. |
Harvest One Capital Inc. |
Harvest Operations Corp. |
Harvest Pegasus Inc. |
Harvest Sustainable Income Fund |
Hathor Exploration Limited |
Hawk Energy Corp. |
Hawk Exploration Ltd. |
Headway Property Investment 77-IV |
HealthLease Properties Real Estate Investment Trust |
Healthscreen Solutions Incorporated |
HeartLink Canada (1999) Inc. |
Heatherdale Resources Ltd. |
Heating Oil Partners Income Fund |
Hedman Resources Limited |
Hegco Canada Inc. |
Helijet International Inc. |
Helio Resource Corp. |
Helix BioPharma Corp. |
Heller Financial Canada, Ltd. |
Hellix Ventures Inc. |
Hemisphere Energy Corporation |
Heritage Explorations Ltd |
Heritage Oil Corporation |
Hermes Financial Inc. |
Heron Exploration Inc. |
Heroux-Devtek Inc. |
Hi Ho Silver Resources Inc. |
High 5 Ventures Inc. |
High Arctic Energy Services Inc. |
High Arctic Energy Services Trust |
High Desert Gold Corporation |
High Energy Ventures Inc. |
High Income Principal And Yield Securities Corporation |
High Liner Foods Incorporated |
High North Resources Ltd. |
High Plains Uranium, Inc. |
High Point Resources Inc. |
High River Acquisition Corp. |
High River Gold Mines Ltd. |
High Yield & Mortgage Plus Fund |
High Yield & Mortgage Plus Trust |
Highbank Resources Ltd. |
Highbury Projects Inc. |
Highground Capital Corp. |
Highland Copper Company Inc. |
Highpine Energy Ltd. (formerly Vaquero Energy Ltd.) |
Highpine Oil & Gas Limited |
Highvista Gold Inc. |
Highwater Power Corporation |
Highway 50 Gold Corp. |
Hillcrest Resources Ltd. |
Hillsborough Resources Limited |
Hinterland Metals Inc. |
Hip Interactive Corp. |
Hodgins Auctioneers Inc. |
Holland Global Capital Corporation |
Hollinger Canadian Newspapers, Limited Partnership |
Hollinger Inc. |
Hollis Receivables Term Trust |
Hollis Receivables Term Trust II |
Holloway Capital Corporation |
Holloway Lodging Corporation |
Holloway Lodging Real Estate Investment Trust |
Holmer Gold Mines Limited |
Hombre Capital Inc. |
Homburg Invest Inc. |
Home Capital Group Inc. |
Home Equity Income Trust |
Home Media Corp. |
Homeland Energy Group Ltd. |
Homeland Uranium Inc. |
Homestake Resource Corporation |
Honey Badger Exploration Inc. |
Honeybee Technology Inc. |
Horizon North Logistics Inc. |
Horizon Petroleum plc |
Horizon Sciences & Technologies Inc. |
Horizons Advantaged Equity Fund Inc. |
Horizons AlphaPro Fiera Tactical Bond Fund |
Horizons AlphaPro Gartman Fund |
Horizons AlphaPro Income Plus Fund |
Horizons Enhanced U.S. Equity Income Fund |
Horizons Gold Yield Fund |
Horizonte Minerals PLC |
Horn Petroleum Corporation (formerly Denovo Capital Corp.) |
Hornby Bay Mineral Exploration Ltd. (formerly, Unor Inc.) | Inc. |
Hotline to HR Inc. |
How To Web TV Inc. |
Huakan International Mining Inc. |
Huaxing Machinery Corp. |
Hub International Limited |
Hubble Capital Inc. |
Hucamp Mines Limited |
HudBay Minerals Inc. |
Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited |
Hudson Resources Inc. |
Hudson River Minerals Ltd. |
Hudson's Bay Company |
Huldra Silver Inc. |
Hummingbird Ltd. |
Humpty Dumpty Snack Foods Inc. |
Humpty's Restaurants International Inc. |
Hunt Mining Corp |
Hunter Bay Minerals plc |
Huntingdon Capital Corp. |
Huntingdon Real Estate Investment Trust |
Huntington Exploration Inc. |
Huntington Rhodes Inc. |
Huron Carbon ULC |
Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. |
Hyatt Financial Corporation Ltd. |
Hybrid Paytech World Inc.(Formerly Freeport Capital Inc) |
HydraLogic Systems Inc. |
Hydro One Inc. |
Hydrogenics Corporation |
Hyduke Energy Services Inc. |
Hyperion Exploration Corp. |
I-Minerals Inc. |
I.C.T.C. Holdings Corporation (formerly Napier Environmental Technologies Inc.) |
IAMGOLD Burkina Faso Inc. |
IAMGOLD Corporation |
IAS Energy, Inc. |
IAT Air Cargo Facilities Income Fund |
IATRA Life Sciences Corporation |
IBC Advanced Alloys Corp. |
IBI Corporation |
IBI Group Inc. |
IBI Income Fund |
IC Potash Corp. |
ICN Resources Ltd. |
ID Biomedical Corporation |
ID Watchdog, Inc. |
IDG Holdings Inc. |
IDYIA Innovations Inc. |
IEMR Resources Inc. (formerly: Trans National Minerals Inc.) |
IFL Investment Foundation (Canada) Limited |
IGC Resources Inc. |
IGM Financial Inc. |
IITC Holdings Ltd. |
IMAX Corporation |
IMN Resources Inc. (formerly Petaquilla Copper Ltd.) |
IMPACT Silver Corp. |
IMRIS Inc. |
IND DairyTech Limited (formerly China One Corporation) |
INDEXPLUS Dividend Fund |
ING Diversified Floating Rate Senior Loan Fund |
ING Floating Rate Senior Loan Fund |
ING High Income Floating Rate Fund |
ING Summit Industrial Fund LP |
INSCAPE Corporation |
INTERCAP eCommerce Inc. |
INV Metals Inc. |
IOU Financial Inc. |
IPC Financial Network Inc. |
IPC US Real Estate Investment Trust |
IPICO Inc. |
IPL Inc. |
IPSCO Inc. |
IRI Separation Technologies Inc. |
IROC Energy Services Corp. |
IRON SOUTH MINING CORP. (formerly, Panthera Exploration Inc.) |
ISE Limited |
ISEE3D Inc. |
ISG Capital Corporation |
ISL Loan Trust |
ITOK Capital Corp. |
ITS Investments Limited Partnership |
IWG Technologies Inc. |
Ialta Industries Ltd. |
Iberian Minerals Corp. plc |
Icefloe Technologies Inc. |
Icon Exploration Inc. |
Iconic Minerals Ltd. |
Icron Technologies Corporation |
Idaho Natural Resources Corp. (formerly Bridge Resources Corp.) |
Igen Networks Corp. |
Igloo Vikski |
Iledor Exploration Corporation |
ImaSight Corp. |
Imaflex Inc. |
Imaging Dynamics Company Ltd. |
Immunall Science Inc. |
Immunotec Inc. (formerly Magistral Biotech Inc.) |
Immunovaccine Inc. |
Imogo Mobile Technologies Corp. |
Impact Energy Inc. |
Impala Mineral Exploration Corp. |
Impatica Inc. |
Impax Energy Services Income Trust |
Imperial Equities Inc. |
Imperial Ginseng Products Ltd. |
Imperial Metals Corporation |
Imperial Oil Limited |
Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited (formerly Imasco Limited) |
Imvescor Restaurant Group Inc. |
In-Touch Survey Systems Ltd. |
InNexus Biotechnology Inc. |
InStorage Limited Partnership |
InStorage Real Estate Investment Trust |
Inca One Resources Corp. |
Inca Pacific Resources Inc. |
Inco Limited |
Income & Equity Index Participation Fund |
Income Financial Plus Trust |
Income Financial Trust |
Income STREAMS III Corporation |
Income Strategies Trust |
Independence Gold Corp. |
Independent Nickel Corp. |
Indexplus Income Fund |
Indico Resources Ltd. |
Indigo Books & Music Inc. |
Indigo Exploration Inc. |
Industrial Alliance Capital Trust |
Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services inc. |
Industrial Growth Income Corporation |
Industrialex Manufacturing Corp. |
Infinite Resources Inc. |
Infiniti Resources International Ltd. |
Infinito Gold Ltd. |
Infinity 1997 Limited Partnership |
Infinity Income Trust |
Infinity Minerals Corp. |
Infocorp Computer Solutions Ltd |
Infolink Technologies Ltd. |
Infolinx Communications Ltd. |
Inform Exploration Corp. |
Inform Resources Corp. |
Information Services Corporation |
Infowave Software, Inc. |
Infrastructure Materials Corp. |
Inlet Resources Ltd. |
InnVest Operations Trust |
InnVest Real Estate Investment Trust |
Innergex Power Income Fund |
Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. |
Innicor SubsurfaceTechnologies Inc. |
Innova Exploration Ltd. |
Innova LifeSciences Corporation |
Innovative Composites International Inc. |
Innovative Properties Inc. |
Innovative Wireline Solutions Inc. (formerly Avalite Inc.) |
Innovente Inc. |
Innovotech Inc. |
Inova Resources Limited (formerly, Ivanhoe Australia Limited) |
Inovalis Real Estate Investment Trust |
Inovent Capital Inc. |
Input Capital Corp. |
Insignia Energy Ltd. |
Inspiration Mining Corporation |
Insta-Rent Inc. |
Intact Financial Corporation |
Integra Gold Corp. |
Integrated Paving Concepts Inc. |
IntelGenx Technologies Corp. |
Intellectual Capital Group Ltd. (formerly SeaMiles Limited) |
Intema Solutions Inc. |
Intepac Inc. |
Intequest Corporation |
Inter Pipeline Fund |
Inter Pipeline Ltd. |
Inter-Citic Minerals Inc. |
InterOil Corporation |
InterRent International Properties Inc. |
InterRent Real Estate Investment Trust |
InterTAN, Inc. |
Interactive Capital Partners Corporation |
Intercept Energy Services Inc. |
Interconnect Ventures Corporation |
Intercontinental Mining Corp. |
Interex Minerals Ltd. |
Intergold Ltd. |
Intergulf Resources Corp. |
Intermap Technologies Corporation |
International Absorbents Inc. |
International Antarex Metals Ltd. |
International Barytex Resources Ltd |
International Bethlehem Mining Corp. (Formerly Orphan Boy Resources Inc.) |
International Cetec Investments Inc. |
International Commercial Television Inc. |
International Datacasting Corporation |
International Datashare Corporation |
International Enexco Limited |
International Fairhaven Resources Ltd. |
International Forest Products Limited |
International Frontier Resources Corporation |
International Gold Corporation |
International Hi-Tech Industries Inc. |
International Hydrocarbons Corp. |
International Keystone Entertainment Inc. |
International Lithium Corp. |
International Millennium Mining Corp. |
International Minerals Corporation |
International Montoro Resources Inc. |
International Northair Mines Ltd. |
International PBX Ventures Ltd. |
International Parkside Products Inc. |
International Ranger Corp. |
International Road Dynamics Inc. |
International Royalty Corporation |
International Samuel Exploration Corp. |
International StarTeck Industries Ltd. |
International Taurus Resources Inc. |
International Technologies Corporation |
International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. |
International Utility Structures Inc. |
International Water-Guard Industries Inc. |
Intertainment Media Inc. |
Intertape Polymer Group Inc. |
Intier Automotive Inc. |
Intigold Mines Ltd. |
Intrawest ULC (Formerly, Intrawest Corporation) |
Intrepid Minerals Corporation |
Intrepid Mines Limited |
Intrepid Nustar Exchange Corporation |
Intrinsic Capital Inc. |
Intrinsyc Software International, Inc. |
Intus Capital Corporation |
Invenio Resources Corp. |
Inventronics Limited |
Invesco Inc. |
Invesprint Corporation |
Investis U.S., Inc. |
Investissements Mondias Inc. |
Investissements TSPL inc. |
Investment Grade Trust |
Investus Real Estate Inc. (Formerly Capital Wapiti Inc) |
Invicta Energy Corp. |
Invictus Financial Inc. (formerly Stockhouse Inc.) |
Inviro Medical Inc. |
Iona Energy Inc |
Iplayco Corporation Ltd. |
Iron Creek Capital Corp. |
Iron Springs Capital Corp. |
Iron Tank Resources Corp. |
Ironhorse Oil & Gas Inc. |
Isacsoft Inc. |
Isis Lab Corporation |
IsoTis Inc. |
IsoTis S.A. |
Iteration Energy Ltd. |
Ithaca Energy Inc. |
Ivanhoe Energy Inc. |
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. |
Ivernia Inc. |
Ivory Energy Inc. |
Ivrnet Inc. |
JER Envirotech International Corp. |
JFT Strategies Fund |
JG Capital Corp. |
JJR IV Acquisition Inc. |
JM Capital Corp. |
JM Capital II Corp. |
JMG Exploration, Inc. |
JNR Resources Inc. |
JPY Holdings Ltd. |
Jade Capital Corp. |
Jadela Oil Corp. |
Jager Resources Inc. (formerly, Black Smoker Ventures Inc.) |
Jagercor Energy Corp. |
Jaguar Financial Corporation |
Jaguar Financial Inc. |
Jaguar Mining Inc. |
James Bay Resources Limited |
Jannock Properties Limited |
Jasper Mining Corporation |
Java Joe's International Corporation |
Javelin Energy Inc. |
Javelle Capital Corp. |
Jaxon Minerals Inc. |
Jayden Resources Inc. |
Jazz Air Income Fund |
Jazz Resources Inc. |
Jemi Fibre Corp. |
Jemtec Inc. |
Jerico Explorations Inc. |
Jet Drill Canada Inc. |
Jet Gold Corp. |
Jet Metal Corp. |
Jetcom Inc. |
Jewett-Cameron Trading Company Ltd. |
Jiminex Inc. |
Jite Technologies Inc. |
Jiulian Resources Inc. |
John Deere Canada Funding Inc. |
John Deere Financial Inc. (formerly, John Deere Credit Inc.) |
John Hancock Canadian Corporation |
John Hancock Financial Services, Inc. |
Jones Soda Co. |
Jonpol Explorations Limited |
Josephine Mining Corp. |
Jourdan Resources Inc. |
Jov Diversified Flow-Through 2007 Limited Partnership |
Jov Diversified Flow-Through 2008 Limited Partnership |
Jov Diversified Flow-Through 2008-II Limited Partnership |
Jov Diversified Flow-Through 2009 Limited Partnership |
Jov Diversified Quebec 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Jovian Capital Corporation |
Jubilee Gold Exploration Ltd. |
Jubilee Gold Inc. |
Junex Inc. |
Jura Energy Corporation |
Just Energy Exchange Corp. (formerly Universal Energy Group Ltd.) |
Just Energy Group Inc. |
Just Energy Income Fund (formerly Energy Savings Income Fund) |
K-Bro Linen Inc. |
K-Bro Linen Income Fund |
KAB Distribution Inc. (formerly Kaboose Inc.) |
KCO Capital Inc. |
KCP Income Fund |
KDR Industrials Ltd. |
KEWL Corporation |
KEYreit (formerly Scott's Real Estate Investment Trust) |
KFG Resources Ltd |
KIK Holdco Company |
KILO Goldmines Ltd. |
KMS Power Income Fund |
KMT-Hansa Corp. (fka Global Commerce, Inc.) |
KP Tissue Inc. |
KR Investment Ltd. |
KSAT Satellite Networks Inc. |
KT Capital Corp. |
KWG Resources Inc. |
Kairos Capital Corporation |
Kaiyue International Inc. |
Kaizen Capital Corp. |
Kaizen Discovery Inc. |
Kalimantan Gold Corporation Limited |
Kallisto Energy Corp. |
Kam and Ronson Media Group Inc. |
Kaminak Gold Corporation |
Kane Biotech Inc. |
Kane Investment Corp. |
Kangaroo Media Inc. |
Kansai Mining Corporation |
Kaoclay Resources Inc. |
Karel Capital Corporation |
Kariana Resources Inc. |
Karmin Exploration Inc. |
Karnalyte Resources Inc. |
Karoo Exploration Corp. |
Karsten Energy Corp. |
Kasten Energy Inc. |
Katanga Mining Limited |
Kazax Minerals Inc. |
Kedem Pharmaceuticals Inc. (formerly Global Health Ventures Inc.) |
Keeper Resources Inc. |
Kelman Technologies Inc. |
Kelso Technologies Inc. |
Kelt Exploration Ltd. |
Kemestrie inc. |
Kenai Resources Ltd. |
Kenartha Oil and Gas Company Limited |
Kenieba Goldfields Ltd. |
Kenna Resources Corp. |
Kennady Diamonds Inc. |
Kenora Prospectors & Miners, Limited |
Kensington Apartments Limited |
Kensington Court Ventures Inc. |
Kensington Energy Ltd. |
Kensington Global Private Equity Fund |
Kensington II Partnership |
Kensington Resources Ltd. |
Kermode Resources Ltd. |
Kernow Resources & Developments Ltd. |
Kerr Mines Inc. |
Kesselrun Resources Ltd. |
Kestrel Gold Inc. |
Ketch Resources Ltd. |
Ketch Resources Trust |
Kettle River Resources Ltd. |
Key Venture Capital Inc. |
Keyera Corp. |
Keyera Facilities Income Fund |
Keystone Newport Inc. (formerly Keystone Newport ULC) |
Keystone North America Inc. |
Khalkos Exploration Inc. |
Khayyam Minerals Ltd. |
Khot Infrastructure Holdings, Ltd. |
Kick Energy Corporation |
Kilkenny Capital Corporation |
Killam Properties Inc. |
Killbear Acquisition Corp. |
Killdeer Minerals Inc. |
Kimber Resources Inc. |
Kinbauri Gold Corp. |
Kincora Copper Limited |
Kinder Morgan, Inc. |
Kinetex Resources Corporation |
King Energy Inc. |
King George Financial Corporation |
King Products Inc. |
King's Bay Gold Corporation |
Kingly Enterprises Inc. |
Kingsland Energy Corp. |
Kingsman Resources Inc. |
Kingsmill Capital Ventures II Inc. |
Kingsmill Capital Ventures Inc. |
Kingsway Arms Retirement Residences Inc. |
Kingsway Financial Services Inc. |
Kingsway Linked Return of Capital Trust |
Kinloch Resources Inc. |
Kinross Gold Corporation |
Kipp & Zonen Inc. |
Kirkcaldy Capital Corp. |
Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. |
Kirkland Precious Metals Corp. |
Kirrin Resources Inc. |
Kiska Metals Corporation |
Kitrinor Metals Inc. |
Kivalliq Energy Corporation |
Klad Enterprises Ltd. |
Klondex Mines Ltd. |
Klondike Silver Corp. |
Knick Exploration Inc. |
KnightHawk Inc. |
Knightscove Media Corp. (formerly Queen Street Entertainment Capital Inc.) |
Knightswood Financial Corp. |
Knol Resources Corp. |
Knowlton Capital Inc. |
Kobex Minerals Inc |
Kobex Resources Ltd. |
Koda Resources Ltd. |
Kodiak Energy Services Ltd. |
Kodiak Energy, Inc. |
Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp. |
Kola Mining Corp. |
Kombat Copper Inc. |
Komet Resources Inc. |
Komunik Corporation |
Kootenay Energy Inc. |
Kootenay Silver Inc. |
Kore Nutrition Inc. |
Korinor Exploration Inc. |
Kramer Capital Corp. |
Kree Tech International Corporation |
Kria Resources Ltd. |
Kutcho Copper Corp. |
L'Excellence, Life insurance Company |
L'Internationale, Compagnie D'Assurance-Vie |
L1 Capital Corp. |
LAB Research Inc. |
LCTI Low Carbon Technologies International Inc. |
LED Medical Diagnostics Inc. |
LGC Skyrota Wind Energy Corp. |
LGX Oil + Gas Inc. |
LML Payment Systems Inc. |
LPBP Inc. |
LTT Capital Corp. |
LW Capital Pool Inc. |
LX Ventures Inc. |
La Imperial Resources Inc. |
La Jolla Cove Limited Partnership |
La Mancha Resources Inc. |
La Quinta Resources Corporation |
La Ronge Gold Corp. |
La Senza Corporation |
La Société en commandite Les Habitations des Laurentides |
Labopharm Inc. |
Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Limited |
Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corporation |
Labrador Technologies Inc. |
Lachlan Star Limited |
Lafarge Canada Inc. |
Lafarge North America Inc. |
Lago Dourado Minerals Ltd. |
Laidlaw International, Inc. |
Laja Capital Corporation |
Lake Louise Limited Partnership |
Lake Shore Gold Corp. |
Lakefield Marketing Corporation |
Lakeland Resources Inc. |
Lakeport Brewing Income Fund |
Lakeside Minerals Inc. (formerly Grasslands Entertainment Inc.) |
Lakeside Steel Inc. (formerly Added Capital Corp.) |
Lakeview Hotel Investment Corp. |
Lakeview Hotel Real Estate Investment Trust |
Lamêlée Iron Ore Ltd. |
Landdrill International Inc. |
Landis Energy Corporation |
Landmark Global Financial Corporation |
Landmark Minerals Inc. |
Landmark Oil & Gas Corp. |
Landore Resources Inc. |
Landore Resources Limited |
Lands End Resources Ltd. |
Landstar Properties Inc. |
Lanesborough Real Estate Investment Trust |
Langevin Energy 2004 Limited Partnership |
Lara Exploration Ltd. |
Laramide Resources Ltd. |
Largo Resources Ltd. |
Lariat Energy Ltd. |
Las Vegas From Entertainment Inc. |
Laser Rejuvenation Clinics Inc. |
Lassonde Industries Inc. |
Lateegra Gold Corp. |
Lateral Capital Corp. |
Lateral Gold Corp. |
Latigo Capital Corporation |
Latin American Minerals Inc. |
Lattice Capital Corporation |
Launch Resources Inc. |
Laurentian Goldfields Ltd. |
Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc. |
Lawrence Conservative Payout Ratio Trust |
Lawrence Payout Ratio Trust |
LeChamp Capital Corp. |
Leader Capital Corp. |
Leader Energy Services Ltd. |
Leader Mining International Inc. |
Leading Brands, Inc. |
Learnco International Inc. |
Lebon Gold Mines Limited |
Leeward Capital Corp. |
Leeward Group Holdings Inc |
Legacy Hotels Real Estate Investment Trust |
Legacy Oil + Gas Inc. |
Legend Gold Corp. |
Legend Power Systems Inc. |
Legg Mason BW Investment Grade Focus Fund |
Legg Mason Canada Holdings Ltd. |
Legion Resources Corp. |
Legumex Walker Inc. |
Lehman Trikes Inc. |
Leis Industries Limited |
Leisureworld Senior Care Corporation |
Leitch Technology Corporation |
Leo Acquisitions Corp. |
Leo Resources Inc. |
LeoNovus Inc. |
Leon's Furniture Limited |
Lero Gold Corp. |
Leroux Steel Inc. |
Les Mines J.A.G. Ltée |
Les Mines Opinaca Ltée. |
Lexam Explorations Inc. |
Lexam VG Gold Inc. |
Lexaria Corp. |
Lexicon Building Systems Ltd. |
Lexoil Incorporated |
Liberian Gold Corporation |
Liberty Silver Corp. |
Life & Banc Split Corp. |
Lifebank Corp. |
Lifeco Split Corporation Inc. |
Lifetime Ventures Ltd. |
Lightning Energy Ltd. |
Lightstream Resources Ltd. |
Lignol Energy Corporation |
Limerick Mines Limited |
Limited Duration Investment Grade Preferred Securities Fund |
Limtech Lithium Industries Inc. |
Linamar Corporation |
Lincoln Gold Corporation |
Lincoln Mining Corporation |
Linear Gold ULC (formerly: Linear Gold Corp.) |
Lingo Media Corporation |
Linmor Inc. |
Linux Gold Corp. |
Lion Energy Corp. |
Lion One Metals Limited |
LionOre Mining International Ltd. |
Lions Bay Capital Inc. |
Lions Gate Energy Inc. |
Lions Gate Metals Inc. |
Lions Petroleum Inc. |
Lipari Energy, Inc. |
Liquid Nutrition Group Inc. |
Liquor Barn Income Fund |
Liquor Stores Income Fund |
Liquor Stores N.A. Ltd. |
Lithic Resources Ltd. |
Lithium Americas Corp. |
Lithium One Inc. |
Liuyang Fireworks Limited |
Live Current Media Inc. |
LiveReel Media Corporation |
Livingston International Income Fund |
Loblaw Companies Limited |
Lochaird Energy Inc. |
Lockerbie & Hole Inc. |
Lodgepole Energy No. 1 Limited Partnership |
Logan Copper Inc. |
Logan International Inc. (formerly Destiny Resource Services Corp.) |
Logan Resources Ltd. |
Logibec Groupe Informatique Ltée |
Logistec Corporation |
Loma Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Loma Vista Capital Inc. |
Lombardi Media Corporation |
Lomiko Metals Inc. |
Loncor Resources Inc. |
Lone Pine Resources Inc. |
LoneStar West Inc. |
Lonestar Renewable Technologies Acquisition Corp. |
Long Harbour Exploration Corp. (formerly Long Harbour Capital Corp.) |
Long Run Exploration Ltd. |
Long View Resources Corporation |
LongBow Energy Corp. |
LongBow Resources Inc. |
Longacre Resources Inc. |
Longreach Oil and Gas Limited (formerly Chairman Capital Corp.) |
Longview Oil Corp. |
Lonmin Investments Canada Inc. |
Lonsdale Apartment Project |
Loon Energy Corporation |
Lorex Technology Inc. (formerly Strategic Vista International Inc.) |
Loring Ward International Ltd. |
Lorne Park Capital Partners Inc. |
Lornex Capital Inc. |
Lorraine Copper Corp. |
Lorus Therapeutics Inc. |
Los Andes Copper Ltd. |
Lounor Exploration Inc. |
Louvem Mines Inc. |
Louvicourt Gold Mines Inc. |
Lovitt Resources Inc. |
Low Volatility Canadian Equities Income Fund |
Low Volatility U.S. Equity Income Fund |
Lowell Copper Ltd. (formerly Waterloo Resources Ltd.) |
Loyalist Group Limited |
Lucara Diamond Corp. |
Lucca Energy Ltd. (formerly known as Senmar Capital Corp.) |
Lucem Resources Inc. |
Lucid Entertainment Inc. |
Lucky Minerals Inc. |
Lucky Strike Resources Ltd. |
Luiri Gold Limited |
Luke Energy Ltd. |
Lumex Capital Corp. |
Lumina Copper Corp. |
Lumina Royalty Corp. |
Luna Gold Corp. |
Lund Enterprises Corp. (formerly Lund Gold Ltd.) |
Lundin Mining Corporation |
Lundin Petroleum AB |
Lupaka Gold Corp. |
Luxell Technologies Inc. |
Luxfer Canada Limited (formerly Dynetek Industries Ltd.) |
Luxor Developments Inc. |
Luxor Industrial Corporation |
Lydia Diamond Exploration of Canada Ltd. |
Lydian International Limited |
Lynden Energy Corp. |
Lyrtech inc. |
Lyynks Inc. |
M Split Corp. |
M.I.T. Ventures Corp. |
M8 Entertainment Inc |
MABL Holdings Ltd. |
MAG Silver Corp. |
MATRIX Income Fund |
MATRRIX Energy Technologies Inc. |
MAX Resource Corp. |
MAXIN Income Fund |
MBAC Fertilizer Corp. |
MBMI Resources Inc. |
MBN Corporation |
MBS Adjustable Rate Income Fund |
MCAN Mortgage Corporation |
MCM Capital One Inc. |
MCM Split Share Corp. |
MCP Exchangeco Inc. |
MCW Energy Group Limited |
MD Multimedia Inc. |
MDC Partners Inc. |
MDI Technologies, Inc. |
MDSI Mobile Data Solutions Inc. |
ME Resource Corp. |
MEG Energy Corp. |
MEGA Brands Inc. |
MENA Hydrocarbons Inc. (formerly SKANA Capital Corp.) |
MFC Industrial Ltd. |
MG Dividend & Income Fund |
MGM Energy Corp. |
MGM Resources Corp. |
MICC Investments Limited |
MINT Income Fund |
MIV Therapeutics, Inc. |
MKS Inc. |
MMX Mineracao e Metalicos S.A. |
MNP Petroleum Corporation |
MOSAID Technologies Incorporated |
MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. |
MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. |
MacMillan Minerals Inc. |
Macarthur Minerals Limited |
Mackenzie 2004 Resource Limited Partnership |
Mackenzie Master Limited Partnership |
Maclos Capital Inc. (formerly LMS Medical Systems Inc.) |
Macquarie Emerging Markets Infrastructure Income Fund |
Macquarie NexGen Global Infrastructure Corporation |
Macquarie Power & Infrastructure Income Fund |
Macro Enterprises Inc. |
Macusani Yellowcake Inc. |
Mad Catz Interactive Inc. |
Madacy Entertainment Income Fund |
Madalena Energy Inc. |
Madeira Minerals Ltd. |
Madison Capital Corporation |
Madison Minerals Inc. (formerly Madison Enterprises Corp.) |
Madison Pacific Properties Inc. |
Madrona Mining Limited |
Mag Copper Limited (formerly, Fort Chimo Minerals Inc.) |
MagIndustries Corp. |
Magellan Aerospace Corporation |
Magellan Minerals Ltd. |
Magma Metals Limited |
Magna Entertainment Corp. |
Magna International Inc. |
Magna Resources Ltd. |
Magnate Ventures Inc. |
Magnotta Winery Corporation |
Magnum Energy Inc. |
Magnum Goldcorp Inc. |
Magnum Hunter Resources Corporation |
Magnum Uranium Corp. |
Magnus Energy Inc. |
Magnus International Resources Inc. |
Magor Corporation (formerly Biovest Corp. I) |
Mahalo Energy Ltd |
Mahdia Gold Corp. |
Mainframe Entertainment, Inc. |
Mainstream Minerals Corporation |
Mainstreet Equity Corp. |
Majescor Resources Inc. |
Majestic Gold Corp. |
Major Drilling Group International Inc. |
Makena Resources Inc. |
Malbex Resources Inc. |
Malette Industries Inc. |
Mammoth Capital Corporation |
Mammoth Resources Corp. |
Man Canada AHL Alpha Fund |
Man GLG Emerging Markets Income Fund |
Manaar Limited (formerly African Aura Resources Limited) |
Manac Inc. |
Manado Gold Corp. |
Mandalay Resources Corporation |
Mandate National Mortgage Corporation |
Mangazeya Mining Ltd. |
Manicouagan Minerals Inc. |
Manitex Capital Inc. |
Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. |
Manitok Energy Inc. |
Manitou Capital Corporation |
Manitou Gold Inc. |
Mannix Resources Inc. |
Manoir Royal St-Eustache |
Mansfield Trust |
Manson Creek Resources Ltd. |
Mantis Mineral Corp. |
Mantra Capital Inc. |
Mantra Resources Limited |
Manulife Finance (Delaware), L.P. |
Manulife Finance Holdings Limited |
Manulife Financial Capital Trust |
Manulife Financial Capital Trust II |
Manulife Financial Corporation |
Manulife Floating Rate Senior Loan Fund |
Manulife Global Tactical Credit Fund |
Manulife Strategic Income Trust |
Maple Leaf 2011 Energy Income Limited Partnership |
Maple Leaf 2012 Energy Income Limited Partnership |
Maple Leaf 2012-II Energy Income Limited Partnership |
Maple Leaf 2013 Oil & Gas Income Limited Partnership |
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. |
Maple Leaf Green World Inc. |
Maple Leaf Resource Corp. |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2011 - II Flow-Through Limited Partnership - National Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2011 - II Flow-Through Limited Partnership - Québec Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2012 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - National Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2012 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - Quebec Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2013 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - National Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2013 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - Quebec Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2014 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - National Class |
Maple Leaf Short Duration 2014 Flow-Through Limited Partnership - Quebec Class |
Maple Leaf Warrant Corp. |
Maple Partners Investments Inc. |
Maple Power Capital Corporation |
Maplewood International Real Estate Investment Trust |
Marathon Gold Corporation |
Marathon Oil Canada Corporation |
Marathon PGM Corporation |
Marauder Resources East Coast Inc. |
March Networks Corporation |
Marchwell Ventures Ltd. (formerly, Sitebrand Inc.) |
Marco Polo Investments Ltd. |
Marengo Mining Limited |
Margaux Red Capital Inc. |
Margaux Resources Ltd. |
Mariah Energy Corp. |
Mariana Resources Limited |
Marifil Mines Limited |
MarilynJean Interactive Inc. (formerly Future Energy, Corp.) |
Maritime Life Canadian Funding |
Maritime Resources Corp. |
Markland AGF Precious Metals Corp. |
Marksmen Energy Inc. (formerly Marksmen Resources Ltd.) |
Marlin Gold Mining Ltd. (formerly Oro Mining Ltd.) |
Marquee Energy Ltd. |
Marquest 2013-1 Mining Super Flow-Through Limited Partnership - National Class |
Marquest 2013-1 Mining Super Flow-Through Limited Partnership - Quebec Class |
Marquest Canadian Equity Income Fund |
Marret High Yield Strategies Fund |
Marret Investment Grade Bond Fund |
Marret Multi-Strategy Income Fund |
Marret Resource Corp. |
Marsulex Inc. |
Mart Resources, Inc. |
Martin Health Group Inc. |
Martina Minerals Corp. (formerly Manor Global Inc.) |
Martinrea International Inc. |
Masev Communications International Inc. |
Maskal Energy Ltd. |
Mason Graphite Inc. (formerly, POCML 1 INC.) |
Masonite Canada Corporation (formerly Masonite International Corporation) |
Master Credit Card Trust |
Masters Energy Inc. |
Masuparia Gold Corporation |
MatNic Resources Inc. |
Matachewan Consolidated Mines, Limited |
Matador Exploration Inc. |
Matamec Explorations Inc. |
Match Capital Resources Corporation |
Matrikon Inc. |
Matrix 2011-I FT National Class |
Matrix 2011-I FT Québec Class |
Matrix 2011-II FT National Class |
Matrix 2011-II FT Québec Class |
Matrix 2012-I FT National Class |
Matrix 2012-I FT Québec Class |
Matrix Asset Management Inc. |
Matrix Petroleum Inc. (formerly Marlin Developments Ltd.) |
Maudore Minerals Ltd |
Maverick Tube (Canada) Inc. |
Mavrix Balanced Income and Growth Trust |
Mavrix Explore 2006 - I FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2006 - II FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2007 - I FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2007 - II FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2008 - I FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2008 - II FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2009 - I FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2009 - II FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore 2010 - I FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore Québec 2006 FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Explore Québec 2007-1 FT Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Fund Management Inc. |
Mavrix Québec 2007-II Flow Through LP |
Mavrix Québec 2008 Flow Through LP |
Mavrix Québec 2009 Flow Through LP |
Mavrix Québec 2010 Flow Through LP |
Mavrix Resource Fund 2004 - II Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Resource Fund 2004 Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Resource Fund 2005 - I Limited Partnership |
Mavrix Resource Fund 2005 - II Limited Partnership |
Mawson Resources Limited |
Mawson West Limited |
Maxill Inc. |
Maxim Atlantic Corporation (formerly IMARK Corporation) |
Maxim Power Corp. |
Maxim Resources Inc. |
Maximizer Software Inc. |
Maximus Ventures Ltd |
Maxtech Ventures Inc. |
Maxxcapp Corporation |
Maxy Gold Corp. |
Mazarin Inc. |
Mazorro Resources Inc. |
McBroom Resources Inc. |
McCarney Technologies Inc |
McChip Resources Inc |
McCoy Corporation |
McEwen Mining - Minera Andes Acquisition Corp. |
McEwen Mining Inc. (formerly US Gold Corporation) |
McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited |
McLaren Resources Inc. |
McVicar Industries Inc. |
McVicar Minerals Ltd. |
McWatters Mining Inc. |
Meadow Bay Gold Corporation |
Meadowbrook Apartment Project |
Mecachrome International Inc. |
Med BioGene Inc. |
Med Net International Ltd. |
Med-Emerg International Ltd. |
MedX Health Corp. |
Medallion Resources Ltd. |
MedcomSoft Inc. |
Medgold Resources Corp. |
MediSolution Ltd. |
Media Overture Speq Ltd |
Media Script Marketing Inc |
MediaNet Communications Corp. |
Mediagrif Interactive Technologies Inc. |
Medicago Inc. |
Medical Facilities Corporation |
Medical Intelligence Technologies Inc. |
Medical Services International Inc. |
Medicure Inc. |
Medifocus Inc. |
Medisys Health Group Inc. |
Medisys Health Group Income Fund |
Medisystem Technologies Inc. |
Mediterranean Resources Ltd. |
Medmira Inc. |
Medoro Resources (Yukon) Inc. |
Medwell Capital Corp. |
Medworxx Solutions Inc. |
Meekom Natural Resources Ltd. |
Mega Copper Ltd. |
Mega Precious Metals Inc. |
Mega Uranium Ltd. |
Mega View Digital Entertainment Corp. |
Megal Capital Corporation |
Megastar Development Corp |
Megawheels Technologies Inc. |
Melanesian Minerals Corporation |
Melcor Developments Ltd. |
Melcor Real Estate Investment Trust |
Meliadine Holdings Inc. (formerly Comaplex Minerals Corp.) |
Melior Resources Inc. |
Melkior Resources Inc. |
Mena Resources Inc. |
Menika Mining Ltd. |
Menu Foods Income Fund |
Mercantile International Petroleum Inc. |
Mercator Minerals Ltd. |
Mercator Transport Group Corporation |
Mercer International Inc. |
Merch Performance Inc. |
Merge Cedara ExchangeCo Limited |
Meridex Software Corporation |
Meridian Energy Corporation |
Meridian Gold Inc. |
Meritus Minerals Ltd. |
Merrex Gold Inc. |
Merrill Lynch & Co., Canada Ltd. |
Merrill Lynch Financial Assets Inc. |
Mersington Capital Inc. |
Merus Labs International Inc. |
Meryllion Resources Corporation |
Mesa Exploration Corp. |
Mesa Resources Inc. |
Messina Minerals Inc. |
Metalcorp Limited |
Metalex Ventures Ltd. |
Metallic Ventures Gold Inc. |
Metallica Resources Inc. |
Metallis Resources Inc. |
Metallum Resources Inc. (formerly Young-Shannon Gold Mines, Limited) |
Metalore Resources Limited |
Metals Creek Resources Corp. |
Metals Plus Income Corp. |
Metanor Resources Inc. |
Metco Resources Inc. |
Metfin Properties Limited Partnership |
Methanex Corporation |
MethylGene Inc. |
Metro Vancouver Properties Corp. |
Metro inc. |
Metron Capital Corp. |
Metropolitan Energy Corp. |
Mexgold Resources Inc. |
Mexican Silver Mines Ltd. |
Mexigold Corp. |
Mexivada Mining Corp. |
Mezzotin Minerals Inc. |
Micon Gold Inc. |
Micrex Development Corp. |
MicroCoal Technologies Inc. |
MicroPlanet Technology Corp. |
Microbix Biosystems Inc. |
Microcell Telecommunications Inc. |
Micromem Technologies Inc. |
Microsemi Semiconductor Corp. |
Midas Gold Corp. |
Midasco Capital Corp. |
Middlefield Bancorp Limited |
Middlefield Can-Global REIT Income Fund |
Middlefield Equal Sector Income Fund |
Middlefield Income Plus II Corp. |
Midland Exploration Inc. |
Midlands Minerals Corporation |
Midnight Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Midnight Sun Mining Corp. |
Midpoint Holdings Ltd. (formerly Javelina Resources Ltd.) |
Midway Energy Ltd. |
Midway Gold Corp. |
Midwest Energy Emissions Corp. |
Migao Corporation |
Milagro Energy Inc. |
Milestone Apartments Real Estate Investment Trust |
Military International Limited |
Mill Run Golf Club |
MillenMin Ventures Inc. |
Millenium Biologix Corporation |
Millenium Biologix Corporation (formerly Cytovax Biotechnologies Inc.) |
Millennium Ventures Ltd. |
Millrock Resources Inc. |
Millstream Mines Ltd. |
Milner Consolidated Silver Mines Ltd. |
Minacs Worldwide Inc. |
Minaean International Corp. |
Minaurum Gold Inc. |
Minco Base Metals Corporation |
Minco Gold Corporation |
Minco Plc |
Mincom Capital Inc. |
Mindoro Resources Ltd. |
Mindready Solutions Inc. |
MineGem Inc. |
Minefinders Corporation Ltd. |
Minera Andes Inc. |
Minera IRL Limited |
Mineral Deposits Limited |
Mineral Hill Industries Ltd. |
Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd. |
MineralFields 2004 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Mines Management, Inc. |
Minfocus Exploration Corp. |
Minsud Resources Corp. (previously, Rattlesnake Ventures Inc.) |
Minterra Resource Corp. |
Minto Explorations Ltd. |
Miocene Metals Limited |
Mira II Acquisition Corp. |
Mira III Acquisition Corp. |
Mira Properties Ltd. |
Mirabela Nickel Limited |
Miraculins Inc. |
Mirado Nickel Mines Limited |
Mirage Energy Ltd. |
Miramar Mining Corporation |
Miramare Capital Inc. |
Miranda Gold Corp. |
Miranda Mining Corporation |
Miranda Technologies Inc. |
Mirasol Resources Ltd. |
Mirati Therapeutics, Inc. |
Mirtronics Inc. |
Mission Oil & Gas Inc. |
Mission Ready Services Inc. |
Mistango River Resources Inc. |
Mistral Pharma Inc. |
Mitec Technologies Inc. |
Mitel Networks Corporation |
Mkango Resources Ltd. |
Moag Copper Gold Resources Inc. |
Mobetize Corp. |
Mobile Climate Control Industries Inc. |
Mobilized Entertainment Inc. |
Mohave Exploration & Production Inc. |
Moimstone Corporation |
Moira Partnership |
Molson Canada |
Molson Coors Canada Inc. |
Molson Coors Capital Finance ULC |
Molson Inc. |
Moly Mines Limited |
Molycorp Minerals Canada ULC |
Molycorp, Inc. |
Momentum Advanced Solutions Inc. |
Monarques Resources Inc. |
Moneda LatAm Corporate Bond Fund |
Moneda LatAm Fixed Income Fund |
Moneda LatAm Growth Fund |
Mongolia Growth Group Ltd. |
MonoGen, Inc. |
Monster Copper Corporation |
Monster Mining Corp. |
Monster Uranium Corp. |
Mont Saint-Sauveur International Inc. |
Montan Capital Corp. |
Montana Exploration Corp. (formerly AltaCanada Energy Corp.) |
Montana Gold Mining Company Inc. |
Monte Cristo Capital Inc. |
Montello Resources Ltd. |
Monterey Exploration Ltd. |
Montero Mining and Exploration Ltd. |
Montreal Exchange Inc. |
Monument Mining Limited |
Mood Media Corporation (formerly Fluid Music Canada, Inc.) |
Mooncor Oil & Gas Corp. (formerly DVD Investments Limited) |
Moore Wallace Incorporated |
Morgain Minerals Inc. |
Morgan Resources Corp. (formerly, Gideon Capital Corp.) |
Morguard Corporation |
Morguard North American Residential Real Estate Investment Trust |
Morguard Real Estate Investment Trust |
Morguard Sunstone Real Estate Income Fund |
Morien Resources Corp. |
Morneau Shepell Inc. |
Morneau Sobeco Income Fund |
Morro Bay Resources Ltd. (Formerly Morro Bay Capital Ltd.) |
Mortgage-Backed Securities Trust |
Morumbi Resources Inc. |
Mosaic Capital Corporation |
Mosaic Group Inc. |
Mosaic Mapping Corporation |
Mosaic Technologies Corporation |
Moss Lake Gold Mines Ltd. |
Motapa Diamonds Inc. |
Moto Goldmines Limited |
Mount Dakota Energy Corp. |
Mount Knowledge Holdings, Inc. |
Mount Real Corporation |
Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd. |
Mountain China Resorts (Holding) Limited (formerly Melco China Resorts (Holding) Limited) |
Mountain Lake Minerals Inc. |
Multibanc NT Financial Corp |
Murgor Resources Inc |
N-45° First CMBS Issuer Corporation |
N.W.T. Copper Mines Limited |
NAL Energy Corporation |
NAL Oil & Gas Trust |
NAL Petroleum (ACE) Ltd. |
NB Split Corp |
NBC Asset Trust |
NBC Capital Trust |
NBS Technologies Inc. |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (05-2) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (04) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (05) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (06) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (06-2) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (07) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (07-2) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (08) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (09) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (10) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (11) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (12) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (13) Limited Partnership |
NCE Diversified Flow-Through (14) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2001-1) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2001-2) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2002-1) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2002-2) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2003) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2003-2) Limited Partnership |
NCE Flow-Through (2004) Limited Partnership |
NDX Growth & Income Fund |
NEMI Northern Energy & Mining Inc. |
NGEx Resources Inc. |
NGas Resources Inc. (formerly Daugherty Resources Inc.) |
NHC Communications Inc. |
NIR Diagnostics Inc. |
NMC Resource Corporation |
NORTHCORE TECHNOLOGIES INC. (formerly ADB Systems International Ltd.) |
NOVA Chemicals Corporation |
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. |
NOVX21 Inc. |
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
NQ Exploration Inc. |
NQL Energy Services Inc. |
NR2 Resources Corporation |
NSGold Corporation |
NSI Global Inc. |
NSI Strategic Investments Ltd. |
NSP Pharma Corp. |
NSR Resources Inc. |
NSX Silver Inc. |
NTG Clarity Networks Inc. |
NU2U Resources Corp. |
NV Gold Corporation |
NWM Mining Corporation (formerly Columbia Metals Corporation) |
NWT Uranium Corp. |
NWest Energy Corp. (formerly NWest Energy Inc.) |
NXA Inc. |
NXT Energy Solutions Inc. |
Nabors Exchangeco (Canada) Inc. |
Nadoli Capital Inc. |
Naftex Energy Corporation |
NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc |
Naked Brand Group Inc. |
Namex Explorations Inc. |
Namibia Rare Earths Inc. |
NanoStruck Technologies Inc. |
Nanotech Sciences Corp. |
Nanotech Security Corp. |
Nanton Nickel Corp. |
Napier Ventures Inc. |
Nass Valley Gateway Ltd. |
Natan Resources Ltd. |
Natcore Technology Inc. |
Nation Wide Resources Inc. |
National Bank of Canada |
National Telcom Solutions Inc |
Nationwide Utilities Corp. |
Natunola AgriTech Inc. (formerly Botaneco Corp.) |
Natunola Health Biosciences Inc. (formerly Sentex Systems Ltd.) |
Naturally Splendid Enterprises Ltd. |
Nautilus Minerals Inc. |
Nautor Progressive Corporation |
Navan Capital Corp. |
Navasota Resources Inc. (formerly Anglo Aluminum Corp.) |
Navigator Exploration Corp. |
Navigator Partners LP No. 1 |
Navigator Partners LP No.2 |
Navigo Energy Inc. |
Navina Banc & Life Split Corp. |
Navina Global Resource Fund |
Navitrak International Corporation |
Navy Resources Corp. |
Nayarit Gold Inc. |
Nearctic Nickel Mines Inc. |
Nebo Capital Corp. |
Nebu Resources Inc. |
Nelson Resources Limited |
Nemaska Lithium Inc. (formerly NEMASKA EXPLORATION INC.) |
Neovasc Inc. |
Neptune Technologies & Bioressources Inc. |
Nerium Biotechnology, Inc. |
Nesscap Energy Inc. (formerly, Asian Resource Global Strategies Inc.) |
NetDriven Solutions Inc. |
NetMotion Wireless Inc. |
Netgraphe inc. |
Network Exploration Ltd. |
Network Media Group Inc. (formerly Andele Capital Corporation) |
Network One Holdings Corp. |
NeuLion, Inc. |
NeuroBioPharm Inc. |
NeuroMedix Inc. |
Neurokine Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
Nevada Bob's International Inc. |
Nevada Clean Magnesium Inc. |
Nevada Copper Corp. |
Nevada Exploration Inc. |
Nevada Iron Ltd. |
Nevada Pacific Gold Ltd. |
Nevada Sunrise Gold Corporation |
Nevado Resources Corporation |
Nevaro Capital Corporation |
Nevarro Energy Ltd. |
Nevgold Resource Corp. |
Nevoro Inc. |
Nevsun Resources Ltd. |
New Carolin Gold Corp. |
New Commerce Split Fund |
New Destiny Mining Corp. |
New Dimension Resources Ltd. |
New Flyer Industries Canada ULC |
New Flyer Industries Inc. |
New Gold Inc. |
New Guinea Gold Corporation |
New Hana Copper Mining Ltd. |
New Horizon Uranium Corporation |
New Horizons Capital Corp. |
New Island Resources Inc. |
New Klondike Exploration Ltd. |
New Look Eyewear Inc. |
New Look Eyewear Inc. (formerly Benvest Capital Inc.) |
New Millennium Iron Corp. |
New Moon Minerals Corp. |
New Nadina Explorations Limited |
New North Resources Ltd. |
New Oroperu Resources Inc. |
New Pacific Metals Corp. |
New Sage Energy Corp. |
New West Energy Services Inc. |
New World Resource Corp. |
New Zealand Energy Corp. |
NewGrowth Corp. |
NewNorth Projects Ltd. |
NewWest Gold Corporation |
Newalta Corporation |
Newalta Inc. |
Newalta Income Fund |
Newcastle Energy Corp. |
Newco Bancorp Inc. |
Newcrest Mining Limited |
Newfoundland Capital Corporation Limited |
Newfoundland Goldbar Resources Inc. |
Newfoundland Power Inc. |
Newlox Gold Ventures Corp. |
Newmac Resources Inc. |
Newmarket Gold Inc. (formerly Raystar Capital Ltd.) |
Newmont Canada FN Holdings Limited |
Newmont Mining Corporation |
Newport Exploration Ltd |
Newport Partners Income Fund |
Newstrike Capital Inc. |
Newstrike Resources Ltd. |
Newtech Group International Inc. |
Newton Energy Corporation |
NexC Partners Corp. |
NexGen Energy Ltd. |
NexGen Financial Corporation |
NexJ Systems Inc. |
Nexaira Wireless Inc. |
Nexen Inc. |
NexgenRx Inc. |
Nexia Biotechnologies Inc. |
Nexient Learning Inc. |
Nexstar Energy Ltd |
Next Gen Metals Inc. |
Nextraction Energy Corp. |
Nextron Corporation |
Nexus Group International Inc. |
Nexxlink Technologies Inc. |
NiMin Energy Corp. |
Niagara Ventures Corporation |
Niblack Mineral Development Inc. |
Nicer Canada Corp. |
Nicholas Financial, Inc. |
Nickel Asia Corp. |
Nickel North Exploration Corp. |
Nickel Petroleum Resources Ltd. |
Nighthawk Gold Corp. |
Nightingale Informatix Corporation |
Niko Resources Ltd. |
Nikos Explorations Ltd. |
Nile Industries Ltd. |
NioCorp Developments Ltd. |
Niocan Inc. |
Nitinat Minerals Corporation |
Nobel Real Estate Investment Trust |
Noble China Inc. |
Noble Iron Inc. (Formerly:Texada Software Inc.) |
Noble Metal Group Incorporated |
Noble Mineral Exploration Inc. (formerly Ring of Fire Resources Inc.) |
Noka Resources Inc. |
Nomad Ventures Inc. |
Noor Energy Corporation |
NorRock Realty Finance Corporation (formerly C.A. Bancorp Canadian Realty Finance Corporation) |
NorRock Realty Finance L.P. (formerly C.A.B. Realty Finance L.P.) |
NorSerCo Inc. |
Norac Industries Inc. |
Noram Ventures Inc. |
Norampac Inc. |
Noranda Inc. |
Noranda Income Fund |
Norbord Inc. |
Norcast Income Fund |
Nord Gold N.V. |
Nord Pacific Limited |
Nord Resources Corporation |
Nordex Explosives Ltd. |
Nordic Oil and Gas Ltd. |
Nordion Inc. |
Normabec Mining Resources Ltd. |
Normiska Corporation |
Noront Resources Ltd. |
Norrep 2001 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2002 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2003 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2004 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2005 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2006 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2007 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Performance 2012 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norrep Short Duration 2013 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Norsat International Inc. |
Norsemont Mining Inc. |
Norstar Ventures Corp. |
Nortec Minerals Corp |
Nortel Networks Corporation |
Nortel Networks Limited |
North American Advantaged Convertibles Fund |
North American Energy Partners Inc. |
North American Financials Capital Securities Trust |
North American Metals Corp. |
North American Nickel Inc. |
North American Palladium Ltd. |
North American Potash Developments Inc. |
North American Preferred Share Fund |
North American REIT Income Fund |
North American Shopping Centres I Limited Partnership |
North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd. |
North Arrow Minerals Inc. |
North Bluff Capital Corp. |
North Country Gold Corp. |
North East Terminal Ltd. |
North Group Finance Limited |
North Peace Energy Corp. |
North Sea Energy Inc. (formerly, Ranger Energy Ltd.) |
North Shore Mercantile Corp. |
North Sur Resources Inc. |
North West Company Fund |
North West Terminal Ltd. |
NorthIsle Copper and Gold Inc. |
NorthWest Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust |
NorthWest International Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust |
Northampton Group Inc. |
Northaven Resources Corp. |
Northbridge Financial Corporation |
Northcliff Resources Ltd. |
Northcore Resources Inc. (formerly Big Red Diamond Corporation) |
Northern Abitibi Mining Corp. |
Northern Aspect Resources Ltd. |
Northern Canadian Uranium Inc. |
Northern Continental Resources Inc. |
Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. |
Northern Financial Corporation |
Northern Freegold Resources Ltd. |
Northern Frontier Corp. (formerly Frontier Acquisition Corp.) |
Northern Gold Mining Inc. |
Northern Graphite Corporation |
Northern Iron Corp. |
Northern Lights Acquisition Corp. |
Northern Lion Gold Corp. |
Northern Orion Resources Inc. |
Northern Platinum Ltd. |
Northern Precious Metals 2004 Limited Partnership |
Northern Precious Metals 2005 Limited Partnership |
Northern Precious Metals 2006 Limited Partnership |
Northern Precious Metals 2007 Limited Partnership |
Northern Precious Metals 2007-II Limited Partnership |
Northern Precious Metals Limited Partnership |
Northern Property Real Estate Investment Trust |
Northern Shield Resources Inc. |
Northern Spirit Resources Inc. |
Northern Star Mining Corp. |
Northern Sun Mining Corp. |
Northern Superior Resources Inc. |
Northern Tiger Resources Inc. |
Northern Vertex Mining Corp. |
Northfield Capital Corporation |
Northgate Minerals Corporation |
Northland Metals Corp. |
Northland Power Inc. |
Northland Power Income Fund |
Northland Power Preferred Equity Inc. |
Northland Resources S.A. |
Northquest Ltd. |
Northstar Aerospace, Inc. |
Northstar Electronics Inc. |
Northstar Energy Corporation |
Northstar Healthcare Inc. |
Northwater Five-Year Market-Neutral Trust |
Northwater Market-Neutral Trust |
Northwater Top 75 Income Trusts PLUS |
Norzan Enterprises Ltd. |
Nouveau Monde Mining Enterprises Inc. |
NovAtel Inc. |
Nova Canada Enterprises Ltd. |
Nova Energy Inc. |
Nova Scotia Power Incorporated |
NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
NovaCopper Inc. |
NovaDx Ventures Corp. |
NovaGold Canada Inc. |
Novadaq Technologies Inc. |
Noveko International Inc. |
Novelis Inc. |
Novicourt Inc. |
Novik Inc. |
Novo Resources Corp. |
Novra Technologies Inc. |
Novus Energy Inc. (formerly, Regal Energy Ltd.) |
Nstein Technologies Inc. |
Nu Energy Uranium Corporation |
Nu-Life Corp. (formerly Natraceuticals Inc.) |
NuLegacy Gold Corporation |
NuLoch Resources Inc. |
Nubian Resources Ltd. |
Nuinsco Resources Limited |
Nunavik Nickel Mines Ltd. |
Nurun Inc. |
Nustar Resources Inc. |
Nuva Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
Nuveen Senior Floating Rate Income Fund |
Nuvo Network Management Inc. |
Nuvo Research Inc. (formerly Dimethaid Research Inc.) |
Nventa Biopharmaceuticals Corporation |
Nx Phase Capital Inc. (formerly SPELNA CAPITAL CORPORATION) |
Nymox Pharmaceutical Corporation |
O&Y Properties Corporation |
O&Y Real Estate Investment Trust |
O'Donnell 1996 Limited Partnership |
O'Donnell 1997 Limited Partnership |
O'Leary Advantaged Tactical Global Corporate Bond Fund |
O'Leary Bond Portfolio Trust |
O'Leary BrIC-Plus Income & Growth Fund |
O'Leary Canadian Diversified Income Fund |
O'Leary Canadian Equity Income Fund |
O'Leary Canadian Income Opportunities Fund |
O'Leary Canadian Income Opportunities Fund 2 |
O'Leary Convertible Portfolio Trust |
O'Leary Founder's Series Income & Growth Fund |
O'Leary Global Equity Income Fund |
O'Leary Global Income Opportunities Fund |
O'Leary Global Infrastructure Fund |
O'Leary Hard Asset Income Fund |
O'Leary U.S. Portfolio Trust |
O'Leary U.S. Strategic Yield Advantaged Fund |
OCP Credit Strategy Fund |
OCP Investment Trust |
OCP Senior Credit Fund |
OFI Income Fund |
ONE Financial Real Property Development Trust (2008-1) |
ONE Financial Real Property Income Fund (2008-1) |
ONE Signature Financial Corporation |
ONEnergy Inc. |
ORTHOsoft Inc. (formerly ORTHOsoft Holdings Inc.) |
OSI Geospatial Inc. |
Oakham Capital Corp. |
Oakmont Minerals Corp. |
Oando Energy Resources Inc. (formerly Exile Resources Inc.) |
Oatpoint Capital Corp. |
Ocean Smart, Inc. |
OceanLake Commerce Inc. |
OceanaGold Corporation |
Oceanex Income Fund |
Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. |
Oceanside Capital Corp. |
Oceanus Resources Corporation |
Octagon Industries Inc. |
Octant Energy Corp. |
Oculus Ventures Corporation |
Oculus VisionTech Inc. |
Odesia Group Inc. |
Odin Mining and Exploration Ltd. |
Odyssey Petroleum Corporation |
Odyssey Re Holdings Corp. |
Odyssey Resources Limited |
Offsetters Climate Solutions Inc. |
Oil Optimization Inc. |
Oil Sands Sector Fund |
Oil Sands Split Trust |
Oil Sands and Energy Mega-Projects Trust |
Oilsands Quest Inc. |
Oiltec Resources Ltd. |
Olco Petroleum Group Inc. |
Old Maritime Corporation |
Olivut Resources Ltd. |
Olympia Energy Inc. |
Olympia Financial Group Inc. |
Olympic Resources Ltd. |
Omega Advisors U.S. Capital Appreciation Fund |
Omineca Mining and Metals Ltd. |
Omni-Lite Industries Canada Inc. |
Omnicity Corp. |
Omnitech Consultant Group Inc. |
On4 Communications Inc. | Canada Inc. |
Onco Petroleum Inc. |
OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
Oncolytics Biotech Inc. |
Oncothyreon Canada Inc. (formerly Biomira Inc.) |
Oncothyreon Inc. |
Ondine Biomedical Inc. |
One Click Ventures Inc. |
One World Investments Inc. |
OneCap Investment Corporation |
OneMove Technologies Inc. |
OnePak, Inc. |
Online Energy Inc. |
Ontario Power Generation Inc. |
Onyx Trust, Series A-1 |
Opal Energy Corp. |
Opawica Explorations Inc. |
Open EC Technologies, Inc. |
Open Gold Corp. |
Open Range Energy Corp. |
Open Source Health Inc. |
Open Text Corporation |
OpenSky Capital Index Income Fund |
Opmedic Group Inc. |
Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. |
Opsens Inc. |
Opta Minerals Inc. |
Optimal Geomatics Inc. |
Optimum General Inc. |
Optipress Inc. |
Oracle Energy Corp. |
Oracle Mining Corp. |
Oragenics, Inc. |
Oramericas Corp. |
Orbit Garant Drilling Inc. |
Orbite Aluminae Inc. |
Orbus Pharma Inc. |
Orca Exploration Group Inc. (formerly EastCoast Energy Corporation) |
Orca Gold Inc. |
Orca Power Corp. (formerly Creation Casinos Inc.) |
Orca Wind Power Corp. |
Orcatron Communications Ltd. |
Ord Mountain Resources Corp. |
Orefinders Resources Inc. |
Oremex Gold Inc. (Formerly: Black Birch Capital Acquisition I Corp.) |
Oremex Silver Inc. (formerly Oremex Resources Inc.) |
Orestone Mining Corp. |
Orex Exploration Inc. |
Orezone Gold Corporation |
Organic Earth Corp. |
Organic Potash Corporation |
Organic Resource Management Inc. |
Oriana Resources Corporation |
Oriel Resources plc |
Original Commerce Split Fund |
Orion Oil & Gas Corporation |
Orko Silver Corp. |
Orleans Resources Inc. |
Oro Silver Resources Ltd. |
Oroco Resource Corp. |
Orocobre Limited |
Oromin Explorations Ltd. |
Orosur Mining Inc. |
Orovero Resources Corp. (formerly Golden Alliance Resources Corp.) |
Orsa Ventures Corp. |
Orsu Metals Corporation |
Orvana Minerals Corp. |
Oryx Petroleum Corporation Limited |
Osisko Mining Corporation |
Osprey Media Income Fund |
Osta Biotechnologies Inc. |
Otelco Inc. (formerly, Rural LEC Acquisition LLC) |
Otis Gold Corp. |
Otterburn Resources Corp. |
OutdoorPartner Media Corporation |
Outlook Resources Inc. |
Outrider Energy Corp. |
Outrider Merchant Equities Inc. |
Overture Media Ltd. |
Ovid Capital Ventures Inc. |
Oxford Resources Inc. |
Oyster Oil and Gas Ltd. (formerly Clemson Resources Corp.) |
P&P Ventures Inc. (formerly Polo Biology Global Group Corporation) |
P2 Solar, Inc. |
PATHFINDER Income Fund |
PBB Global Logistics Income Fund |
PBS Coals Limited |
PC Financial Partnership |
PC Gold Inc. |
PCNet International Inc. |
PDC Biological Health Group Corporation |
PDM Royalties Income Fund |
PDX Resources Inc. (formerly Pelangio Mines Inc.) |
PEYTO Energy Trust |
PEYTO Exploration & Development Corp. |
PFB Corporation |
PGNX Capital Corp. (formerly Paragon Pharmacies Limited) |
PHX Energy Services Corp. |
PJX Resources Inc. |
PLM Group Ltd. |
PMI Gold Corporation |
PNG Gold Corporation |
PNI Digital Media Inc. |
PNO Resources Ltd. |
POCML 2 Inc. |
POET Technologies Inc. |
PRD Energy Inc. |
PRIDE Trust |
PacRim Resources Ltd. |
Pace Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Pacgen Life Science Corporation |
Pachamama Resources Ltd. |
Pacific & Western Bank of Canada |
Pacific Arc Resources Ltd. |
Pacific Asia China Energy Inc. |
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. |
Pacific Cascade Minerals Inc. |
Pacific Coal Resources Ltd. |
Pacific Comox Resources Ltd. |
Pacific Copper Corporation |
Pacific E-Link Corporation |
Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. |
Pacific GeoInfo Corp. |
Pacific Imperial Mines Inc. |
Pacific Insight Electronics Corp. |
Pacific Iron Ore Corporation |
Pacific Link Mining Corp. |
Pacific Lottery Corporation |
Pacific North West Capital Corp. |
Pacific Northern Gas Ltd. |
Pacific Orient Capital Inc. |
Pacific Paradym Energy Inc. |
Pacific Potash Corporation |
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. |
Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. |
Pacific Safety Products Inc. |
Pacific Software, Inc. |
Pacific Standard Properties Inc. |
Pacific Stratus International Energy Ltd. |
Pacific Therapeutics Ltd. |
Pacific Topaz Resources Ltd. |
Pacific Vector Holdings Inc. |
Pacific Wildcat Resources Corp. |
Pacific-Link Capital Inc. |
Pacrim International Capital Inc. |
Paddington Properties Partnership |
Paget Minerals Corp. |
Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd. |
Paladin Energy Ltd. |
Paladin Labs Inc. |
Palcan Power Systems Inc. |
Palko Environmental Ltd. |
Palladon Ventures Ltd. |
Palliser Oil & Gas Corporation |
Palmarejo Silver and Gold Corporation |
Palo Duro Energy Inc. |
Paloma Resources Inc. |
Palomino Resources Inc. |
Pamerica Corporation |
Pan African Mining Corp. |
Pan African Oil Ltd. |
Pan American Fertilizer Corp. (formerly Golden Fame Resources Corp.) |
Pan American Fertilizer Corp. - OLD CO (formerly Bastion Resources Ltd.) |
Pan American Goldfields Ltd. |
Pan American Silver Corp. |
Pan Caribbean Minerals Inc. |
Pan Global Resources Inc. |
Pan Orient Energy Corp. |
Pan-Global Energy Ltd. |
Pan-Nevada Gold Corporation |
Pan-Ocean Energy Corporation Limited |
PanTerra Gold Limited |
PanTerra Resource Corp. |
Pancontinental Uranium Corporation (formerly, Centram Exploration Ltd.) |
Panda Capital Inc. |
Pangolin Diamonds Corp. (formerly Key Gold Holding Inc.) |
Panoro Minerals Ltd. |
Pantera Drilling Income Trust |
Pantheon Ventures Ltd. |
Pantorama Industries Inc. |
Papuan Precious Metals Corp. |
Paragon Minerals Corporation |
Parallel Energy Trust |
Parallel Mining Corp. |
Paramount Energy Trust |
Paramount Gold and Silver Corp. |
Paramount Resources Ltd. |
Paramount Ventures and Finance Inc. |
Pareto Corporation |
Parex Resources Inc. |
Paris Energy Inc. |
Park Lawn Company Limited |
Park Lawn Corporation |
Park Lawn Income Trust |
Park Place Energy Corp. |
Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities Inc. |
Parkit Enterprise Inc. |
Parkland Energy Services Inc. |
Parkland Fuel Corporation |
Parkland Income Fund |
Parkside Resources Corporation |
Parlane Resource Corp. |
Partner Jet Corp. |
Partners Real Estate Investment Trust |
Partners Value Fund Inc. (formerly BAM Investments Corp.) |
Partners Value Split Corp. (formerly BAM Split Corp.) |
Pasinex Resources Limited (formerly Triple Dragon Resources Inc.) |
Pason Systems Inc. |
Passport Energy Ltd. |
Passport Potash Inc. |
Patch International Inc. |
Patheon Inc. |
Pathfinder Convertible Debenture Fund |
Pathfinder Resources Ltd. |
Pathway 2010 GORR Limited Partnership |
Pathway DRM 2011 GORR Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2005 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2006 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2006-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2007 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2007-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2007-III Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2008-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2009-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2010-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Mining 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Oil & Gas 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Oil & Gas 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Oil & Gas 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2007 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2008-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2009-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2010-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Pathway Quebec Mining 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Patient Home Monitoring Corp. (formerly International Health Partners Inc.) |
Patricia Mining Corp. |
Patriot Petroleum Corp. |
Pattern Energy Group Inc. |
Pax Clean Energy, Inc. |
Paxton International Resources Ltd. |
Payment Services Interactive Gateway Corp. |
Payout Performers Income Fund |
Peace Arch Entertainment Group Inc. (formerly Vidatron Entertainment Group Inc.) |
Peak Energy Services Ltd. |
Peak Gold Ltd. |
Peak Positioning Technologies Inc. |
Pearl River Holdings Limited |
Peat Resources Limited |
Pebble Creek Mining Ltd. |
Pebercan Inc. |
Pediapharm Inc. |
Pediment Gold Corp. |
Pedro Resources Ltd. |
Peer 1 Network Enterprises, Inc. |
Peerless Energy Inc. |
Pelangio Exploration Inc. |
Pele Mountain Resources Inc. |
Pelorus Energy Corp. |
Pembina NGL Corporation (formerly Provident Energy Ltd.) |
Pembina Pipeline Corporation |
Pembina Pipeline Income Fund |
Pender Growth Fund (VCC) Inc. |
Pender NDI Life Sciences Fund (VCC) Inc. |
Pendulum Capital Corporation |
Penfold Capital Acquisition II Corporation |
Penfold Capital Acquisition III Corporation |
Penfold Capital Acquisition IV Corporation |
Pengrowth Corporation |
Pengrowth Energy Corporation |
Pengrowth Energy Trust |
Penn West Energy Trust |
Penn West Petroleum Ltd. |
Penn West Santiago Ltd. (formerly Spartan Exploration Ltd.) |
Pennant Energy Inc. |
Pennine Petroleum Corporation |
People Corporation |
Pepcap Ventures Inc. |
Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. |
Peregrine Energy Ltd. (formerly Tesoro Energy Corp.) |
Peregrine Holdings Ltd. |
Peregrine Metals Ltd. |
Periscope Investments Limited |
Perisson Petroleum Corporation |
Perle Systems Limited |
Perlite Canada Inc. |
Perpetual Energy Inc. |
Pershimco Resources Inc. |
Persona Inc. |
Peru Copper Inc. |
Peru Uranium Inc. |
Peruvian Precious Metals Corp. |
Pet Valu Canada Inc. |
Pet Valu, Inc. |
Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. |
Pethealth Inc. |
Petra Petroleum Inc. |
Petrichor Energy Inc. |
Petro Andina Resources Inc. |
Petro Basin Energy Corp. |
Petro One Energy Corp. |
Petro River Oil Corp. |
Petro Uno Resources Ltd. |
Petro Vista Energy Corp. |
Petro-Canada |
PetroBakken Exploration Ltd. |
PetroCorp Group Inc. (formerly PowerComm Inc.) |
PetroFrontier Corp. |
PetroGlobe Inc. |
PetroKazakhstan Inc. |
PetroNova Inc. |
PetroReal Energy Inc. |
PetroShale Inc. |
Petroamerica Oil Corp. |
Petrobank Energy and Resources Ltd. |
Petrodorado Energy Ltd. |
Petroflow Energy Ltd. |
Petroforte International Ltd. |
Petrofund Energy Trust |
Petrol One Corp. |
Petrolia Inc. |
Petrolifera Petroleum Limited |
Petrolympic Ltd. |
Petromanas Acquisitions Ltd. (formerly Gallic Energy Ltd.) |
Petromanas Energy Inc. |
Petromin Resources Ltd |
Petrominerales Bermuda Ltd. |
Petrominerales Ltd. |
Petrosonic Energy, Inc. |
Petrostar Petroleum Corporation |
Petrowest Corporation |
Petrowest Energy Services Trust |
Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. |
Pharaoh Capital Inc. |
PharmEng International Inc. |
PharmaGap Inc. (formerly Sebring Resources Ltd.) |
PharmaGlobe Inc. |
Philex Gold Inc. |
Philippine Metals Inc. |
Philom Bios Inc. |
Phoenix Canada Oil Company Limited |
Phoenix Capital Inc. |
Phoenix Capital Income Trust |
Phoenix Leisure Corporation |
Phoenix Metals Corporation |
Phoenix Technology Income Fund |
Phoenix Technology Services Inc. (formerly Nevis Energy Services Ltd.) |
Phoscan Chemical Corp. |
Photon Control Inc. |
Picton Mahoney Tactical Income Fund |
Pigboss Follow-up Growth Inc. |
PilaGold Inc. |
Pilot Gold Inc. |
Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. |
Pine Valley Mining Corporation |
Pinecrest Energy Inc. |
Pinecrest Resources Ltd. |
Pinestar Gold Inc. |
Pinetree Capital Ltd. |
Pineview Tower Apartment Project |
Pingify International, Inc. |
Pioneer Exploration Inc. |
Pioneer Metals Corporation |
Pioneering Technology Corp. |
Piper Capital Inc. |
Piper Resources Ltd. |
Pistol Bay Mining Inc. |
Pitchblack Resources Ltd. (formerly Cash Minerals Ltd.) |
Pitchstone Exploration Ltd. |
Pivot Technology Solutions, Inc. (formerly Acme Capital Corporation) |
Pivotal Corporation |
Pivotal Energy Ltd. |
Pivotal Therapeutics Inc. |
Pixman Nomadic Media Inc. |
Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp. |
Pizza Pizza Royalty Income Fund |
Place Montfort Apartment Project |
Placer Dome Inc. |
Plaintree Systems Inc. |
Planet Mining Exploration Inc. (formerly, Planet Exploration Inc.) |
Planet Organic Health Corp. |
Plata Latina Minerals Corporation |
Plate Resources Inc. |
Platinex Inc. |
Platino Energy Corp. |
Platinova A/S |
Platinova Resources Ltd |
Platinum Communications Corporation |
Platinum Group Metals Ltd. |
Platmin Limited |
Plato Gold Corp. |
Playfair Mining Ltd. |
Plaza Retail REIT |
Plazacorp Retail Properties Ltd. |
Plexmar Resources Inc. |
Plicit Capital Corp. |
Plus International Corporation |
Plus8 Global Ventures, Ltd. (formerly Royal Monashee Gold Corp.) |
Plutonic Power Corporation |
Plymouth Realty Capital Corp. |
Pocaterra Energy Inc. |
Point North Energy Ltd. |
Point-Lab Research Inc. |
Pointe West Golf Club Corp. |
Points International Ltd. |
Polar Hedge Enhanced Income Trust |
Polar Resources Corporation |
Polar Star Canadian Oil and Gas, Inc. |
Polar Star Mining Corporation |
Polaris Geothermal Inc. |
Polaris Minerals Corporation |
Pollard Banknote Income Fund |
Pollard Banknote Limited |
Poly Shield Technologies Inc. (formerly Globetrac Inc.) |
Polyair Inter Pack Inc. |
Polymer Solutions, Inc. |
Polymet Mining Corp. |
Polyphalt Inc. |
Ponderosa Fund |
Poplar Creek Resources Inc. |
Poplar Point Energy Inc. |
Poplar Resources Ltd. |
Portage Biotech Inc. |
Portage Minerals Inc. |
Porter Aviation Holdings Inc. |
Portex Minerals Inc. |
Portia Exploration Ltd. |
Porto Energy Corp. |
Portola Resources Inc. |
Poseidon Concepts Corp. (formerly Open Range Energy Corp.) |
Posera-HDX Limited |
Postmedia Network Canada Corp. |
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. |
Potash North Resource Corporation |
Potash One Inc. |
Potash Ridge Corporation |
Pound-Maker Investments Ltd. |
Pounder Venture Capital Corp. |
Power Corporation of Canada |
Power Financial Corporation |
Power Tech Corporation Inc. |
PowerNova Technologies Corporation |
Powermax Energy Inc. |
Powertech Uranium Corp. |
Poynt Corporation |
Prairie Fire Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Prairie Pacific Energy Corporation |
Prairie Schooner Petroleum Ltd. |
PreMD Inc. (formerly IMI International Medical Innovations Inc.) |
Precious Metals Bullion Trust |
Precious Metals and Mining Trust |
Precipitate Gold Corp. |
Precision Assessment Technology Corporation |
Precision Drilling Corporation |
Precision Drilling Limited Partnership |
Precision Drilling Trust |
Predator Exploration Ltd. |
Prefco Enterprises Inc. |
Preferred Securities Fund |
Preferred Securities Income Fund |
Preferred Securities LD Fund |
Preferred Securities Limited Duration Fund |
Preferred Share Investment Trust |
Premier Canadian Income Fund (formerly Global Plus Income Trust) |
Premier Diagnostic Health Services Inc. |
Premier Gold Mines Limited |
Premier Royalty Inc. |
Premier Tech Ltd |
Premier Value Income Trust |
Premium Brands Holdings Corporation |
Premium Brands Inc. |
Premium Brands Income Fund |
Premium Exploration Inc. |
Premium Income Corporation |
Premium Income Corporation II |
Preo Software Inc. |
Prescient Mining Corp. |
Prestige Telecom Inc. |
Pretium Resources Inc. |
Prima Colombia Hardwood Inc. |
Prima Fluorspar Corp. (Formerly Camisha Resources Corp.) |
Primaria Capital (Canada) Ltd. |
Primaris Retail Real Estate Investment Trust |
Primary Energy Recycling Corporation |
Primary Metals Inc. |
Primary Petroleum Corporation |
Primax Capital Corp. |
Prime City One Capital Corp. |
Prime Dividend Corp. |
Prime Meridian Resources Corp. |
Prime Restaurants Inc. |
Prime Restaurants Royalty Income Fund |
Prime U.S. Banking Sector Split Corp. |
PrimeWest Energy Inc. |
PrimeWest Energy Trust |
PrimeWest Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Primeline Energy Holdings Inc. |
Primera Bioscience Research Inc. |
Primera Energy Resources Ltd. |
Primero Mining Corp. |
Prince Resource Corporation |
Prince William Partnership |
Printera Corporation |
Priority Ventures Ltd. |
Prism Medical Ltd. |
Prism Resources Inc. |
Pristine Power Inc. |
Priszm Income Fund |
Priviti Oil & Gas Opportunities Limited Partnership 2013 |
Prize Mining Corporation |
Pro Minerals Inc. |
Pro Real Estate Investment Trust |
Pro-AMS U.S. Trust |
Pro-Trans Ventures Holdings Ltd. |
Pro-Trans Ventures Inc. |
ProAm Explorations Corporation |
ProMetic Life Sciences Inc. |
ProSep Inc. |
Probe Mines Limited |
Process Capital Corp. |
Procon Mining Holdings Ltd. |
Procrea Biosciences inc. |
Prodigy Gold Inc. |
Producers Oilfield Services Inc. |
Production Enhancement Group, Inc. |
Profound Energy Inc. (formerly known as Cork Exploration Inc.) |
Proginet Corporation |
Progress Energy Canada Ltd. |
Progress Energy Ltd. |
Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd.(formerly IESI-BFC Ltd.) |
Prolab Technologies inc. |
Promatek Industries Ltd. |
Promax Energy Inc. |
Prominex Resource Corp. |
ProntoForms Corporation (formerly TrueContext Mobile Solutions Corporation) |
Propel Multi-Strategy Fund |
Prophecy Coal Corp. |
Prophecy Holdings Inc. |
ProspEx Resources Ltd. |
Prospect Park Capital Corp. |
Prospector Resources Corp. |
Prosper Gold Corp. (formerly Lander Energy Corporation) |
Prosperity Goldfields Corp. |
Prosperity Goldfields Corp. (OLD) |
Prospero Silver Corp. |
Prosys Tech Corporation |
Protective Products of America, Inc. (formerly Ceramic Protection Corporation) |
Providence Resources Corp. |
Provident Energy Resources Inc. |
Puma Exploration Inc. |
Q Investments Ltd. |
Q-Gold Resources Ltd. |
Q2 Gold Resources Inc. |
Q9 Networks Inc. |
QGX Ltd. (formerly Emerging Ventures Corp.) |
QHR Corporation |
QI Systems Inc. |
QLT Inc. |
QMX Gold Corporation (formerly Alexis Minerals Corporation) |
QSOLAR Limited |
QSound Labs Inc. |
QWIP Systems Inc. |
Qeva Group Inc. |
QuStream Corporation |
Quadra FNX Mining Ltd. |
Quadra Resources Corp. |
Quadro Resources Ltd.. |
Quanta Resources Inc. |
Quantitative Alpha Trading Inc. |
Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc. |
Quantum Materials Corporation |
Quarry Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Quartet Resources Limited |
Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd. |
Quaterra Resources Inc. |
Quattro Exploration and Production Ltd. |
Quebecor Inc. |
Queenstake Resources Ltd. |
Queenston Manor Limited Partnership |
Queenston Mining Inc. |
Quest Investment Corporation |
Quest PharmaTech Inc. |
Quest Rare Minerals Ltd. |
Quest Water Global, Inc. (formerly, RPM Dental, Inc.) |
QuestAir Technologies Inc. |
Questerre Energy Corporation |
Questfire Energy Corp. |
Questor Technology Inc. |
Quetzal Energy Inc. |
Quia Resources Inc. |
Quincy Energy Corp. |
Quinsam Capital Corporation |
Quinto Mining Corporation |
Quinto Real Capital Corporation |
Quizam Media Corp. |
Qumana Software Inc. |
Quorum Information Technologies Inc. |
Qwest 2012 Oil & Gas Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy (2001) Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2004 Financial Corp. |
Qwest Energy 2004 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2005 Financial Corp. |
Qwest Energy 2005 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2005-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2005-III Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2006 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2006-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2007 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2007-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2008 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2008-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2009 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2009-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2010 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2010-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2011 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy 2011-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy Development III Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy Financial Corp. |
Qwest Energy II Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy IV Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Qwest Energy Income Development Limited Partnership |
Qwick Media Inc. |
R Split Corporation |
R Split II Corp. |
R Split III Corp. |
R.P.M. Tech Inc. |
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company |
R37 Capital Corporation |
RAP Acquisition Corp. (formerly Rapid Brands Inc.) |
RB Energy Inc. (formerly Canada Lithium Corp.) |
RBC Capital Trust |
RBC Capital Trust II |
RBC Subordinated Notes Trust |
RCP Capital Corp. |
RDM Corporation |
RDX Technologies Corporation |
REBgold Corporation |
REGI U.S., Inc. |
RESAAS Services Inc. |
RG Properties Ltd. |
RJK Explorations Ltd. |
RMD Properties I |
RMM Ventures Inc. |
RMP Energy Inc. |
RMS Systems Inc. |
RNC Gold Inc. |
ROC Pref Corp. |
ROC Pref II Corp. |
ROC Pref III Corp. |
ROI Canadian High Income Mortgage Fund (formerly ROI High Income Private Placement Fund) |
ROI Canadian Mortgage Income Fund (formerly ROI Private Placement Fund) |
ROI Canadian Real Estate Fund (formerly ROI Strategic Private Placement Fund) |
RONA inc. |
RS Technologies Inc. |
RSI International Systems Inc |
RSX Energy Inc. |
RT Minerals Corp. |
RTG Mining Inc. |
RTICA Corporation |
RW Packaging Ltd. |
RX Gold & Silver Inc. |
RYM Capital Corp. |
Ra Minerals Inc. |
Rackla Metals Inc. |
Radiant Communications Corp. |
Radiant Energy Corporation |
Radical Elastomers Inc. |
Radisson Mining Resources Inc. |
Radius Explorations Ltd. |
Radius Gold Inc. |
Radius Resources Corp. (formerly Sierra Vista Energy Ltd. ) |
Rae-Wallace Mining Company |
Rage Energy Ltd. |
Raging River Exploration Inc. |
Railtown Capital Corp. |
Raimount Energy Inc. |
Rainbow Gold Ltd. |
Rainbow Resources Inc. |
Rainchief Energy Inc. |
Rainmaker Entertainment Inc. |
Rainmaker Income Fund |
Rainmaker Mining Corp. |
Rainmaker Ventures Ltd. |
Rainy Mountain Capital Corp |
Rainy Mountain Royalty Corp. (formerly East West Resource Corporation) |
Rainy River Resources Ltd. |
Raise Production Inc. |
Rally Energy Ltd. |
Ram Power, Corp. |
Rambler Metals and Mining plc |
Rampart Energy Ltd. |
Ranaz Corporation |
Ranchgate Energy Inc. (formerly Geodyne Energy Inc.) |
Rancho Santa Monica Developments, Inc. |
Rand A Technology Corporation |
Randgold Resources Limited |
Randsburg International Gold Corp. |
Range Capital Corp. |
Range Energy Resources Inc. |
Range Gold Corp. |
Ranger Canyon Energy Inc. |
Rango Energy Inc. |
Rapid Solutions Corporation |
Rapier Gold Inc. |
Rare Element Resources Ltd. |
Rare Method Interactive Corp. |
Ratel Group Limited |
Rathdowney Resources Ltd. |
Raudin Exploration Inc. |
Raven Energy Ltd. |
Raven Rock Strategic Income Fund |
Ravencrest Resources Inc. |
Ravensource Fund (formerly The First Asia Income Fund) |
Ravenwood Resources Inc. |
Raymor Industries Inc. |
Razore Rock Resources Inc. |
Re-Con Building Products Inc. |
Real Estate Asset Liquidity Trust |
Real Resources Inc. |
Real Return Trust |
Real Time Measurements Inc. |
Realcap Holdings Limited |
Realex Properties Corp. |
Realm Energy International Corporation |
Recap Energy Inc. |
Reco International Group Inc. |
Red Back Mining Inc. |
Red Coat Cattle Feeders Inc. |
Red Crescent Resources Limited (formerly Nico Mining Limited) |
Red Eagle Mining Corporation |
Red Hut Metals Inc. |
Red Metal Resources Ltd. |
Red Mile Minerals Corp. |
Red Moon Potash Inc. |
Red Ore Gold Inc. |
Red Pine Camp Inc. |
Red Pine Exploration Inc. |
Red Pine Petroleum Ltd. |
Red Rock Capital Corp. |
Red Rock Energy Inc. |
Red Star Capital Ventures Inc. |
Red Tiger Mining Inc. - Formerly Zaruma Resources Inc. |
Red Tusk Resources Inc. |
RedQuest Capital Corp. |
RedStar Oil & Gas Inc. (formerly Pelorus Energy Corp.) |
RedWater Energy Corp. |
Redcliffe Energy Holdings Inc. (formerly First Western Financial Ventures Inc.) |
Redcliffe Exploration Inc. |
Redcliffe Exploration Ltd. |
Redcorp Ventures Ltd. |
Redex Inc. |
Redhawk Resources, Inc. |
Redhill Resources Corp. |
RediShred Capital Corp. |
Redknee Solutions Inc. |
Redline Communications Group Inc. |
Redstar Gold Corp. |
Redtail Metals Corp. |
Redwood Energy, Ltd. |
Redzone Resources Ltd. |
Reece Energy Exploration Corp. |
Reef Resources Ltd. |
Reg Technologies Inc. |
Regal Consolidated Ventures Limited |
Regal Energy Corp. |
Regal Lifestyle Communities Inc. |
Regal Resources Inc. |
Regency Gold Corp. |
Regent Pacific Properties Inc. |
Regent Ventures Ltd. |
Regulus Resources Inc. |
Reitmans (Canada) Limited |
Reko International Group Inc. |
Relax Hotels Windsor 1988 Limited Partnership |
Relentless Resources Ltd. |
Reliable Energy Ltd. |
Reliance Resources Limited |
Reliant Gold Corp. |
Remington Resources Inc. |
Remo Resources Inc. |
Renaissance Capital Manitoba Ventures Fund Limited Partnership |
Renaissance Gold Inc. |
Renasant Financial Partners Ltd. |
Renco Resources Inc. |
Rencore Resources Ltd. |
Renegade Petroleum Ltd. |
Renewable Energy Developers Inc. (formerly Sprott Power Corp.) |
Renforth Resources Inc. |
RenoWorks Software Inc. |
Reparo Energy Partners Corp. |
RepeatSeat Ltd. |
RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. |
Republic Goldfields Inc. |
Reserva Natural Gas Corp. |
Reservoir Capital Corp. |
Reservoir Minerals Inc. |
Residential Equities Real Estate Investment Trust |
Resilient Resources Ltd. |
Resinco Capital Partners Inc. |
Resolute Energy Inc. |
Resolution Resources Ltd. |
Resolve Business Outsourcing Income Fund |
Resolve Energy Inc. |
Resolve Ventures Inc. |
Response Biomedical Corp |
Ressources Appalaches inc. |
Ressources Dasserat Inc. |
Resverlogix Corp. |
Retirement Residences Real Estate Investment Trust |
Retrocom Real Estate Investment Trust (formerly Retrocom Mid-Market Real Estate Investment Trust) |
Reunion Gold Corporation |
Reva Resources Corp. |
Revelation Ventures Inc. |
Revenue Properties Company Limited |
Revett Minerals Inc. |
Revive Therapeutics Ltd. (formerly, Mercury Capital II Limited) |
Revolution Resources Corp. |
Revolution Technologies Inc. |
Revolver Resources Inc. |
Rex Opportunity Corp. |
Rheingold Exploration Corp. |
Rhonda Corporation |
Rhone 2004 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Rhone 2005 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
Rhyolite Resources Ltd. |
Rhys Resources Ltd. |
Ria Resources Corp. |
Richards Oil & Gas Limited |
Richards Packaging Income Fund |
Richco Investors Inc. |
Richelieu Hardware Ltd. |
Richfield Ventures Corp. |
Richmond Minerals Inc. |
Richmond Road Capital Corp. |
Richmont Mines Inc. |
Richtree Inc. |
Richview Resources Inc. |
Rider Resources Ltd. |
Ridgemont Iron Ore Corp. |
Ridgewood Canadian Investment Grade Bond Fund |
Ridley Inc. |
Rift Basin Resources Corp. (formerly, Mayen Minerals Ltd.) |
Rift Valley Resources Corp. |
RightsMarket Ltd. |
Rimfire Minerals Corporation |
Rio Algom Limited |
Rio Alto Mining Limited |
Rio Cristal Resources Corporation |
Rio Grande Mining Corp. |
Rio Narcea Gold Mines, Ltd. |
Rio Novo Gold Inc. |
Rio Plata Exploration Corp. |
Rio Silver Inc. |
Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. |
Riphean Platinum Corporation |
Ripper Oil and Gas Inc. |
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Incorporated |
Riva Gold Corporation |
Rival Energy Inc. |
Rival Energy Ltd. |
Rival Technologies Inc. |
River Park Estates Partnership |
River Valley Energy Services Ltd. |
River Wild Exploration Inc. |
Rivera Capital Corp. |
Rivergate Estates Phase I Limited Partnership |
Rivergate Estates Phase II Limited Partnership |
Rivergate Estates Phase III Limited Partnership |
Riverside Forest Products Limited |
Riverside Resources Inc. |
RoaDor Industries Ltd. |
Roadking Travel Centres Inc. |
Roadships Holdings, Inc. |
Robex Resources Inc. |
Robix Alternative Fuels, Inc. |
Roca Mines Inc. |
Rochester Energy Corp. |
Rochester Resources Ltd. |
Rock Creek Resources Ltd. |
Rock Energy Inc. |
Rock Tech Lithium Inc. |
RockBridge Resources Inc. |
Rockcliff Resources Inc. |
Rockex Mining Corporation (formerly Enviropave International Ltd.) |
Rockgate Capital Corp. |
Rockhaven Resources Ltd. |
Rockland Minerals Corp. |
Rockwater Capital Corporation |
Rockwell Diamonds Inc. |
Rocky Mountain Acquisition Corp. |
Rocky Mountain Brands, Inc. (formerly Healing Waters Inc.)(formerly Snackie Jack's Ltd.) |
Rocky Mountain Dealerships Inc. |
Rocky Mountain Liquor Inc. |
Rocky Old Man Energy Inc. |
Rockyview Energy Inc. |
Rockyview Oil & Gas Ltd. (formerly Espoir Exploration Corp.) |
Rocmec Mining Inc. |
Roctest Ltd. |
Rodeo Capital II Corp. |
Rodinia Lithium Inc. |
Rodinia Oil Corp. |
Rodocanachi Capital Inc. |
Rogers Associate Financial Partners Inc. |
Rogers Cable Inc. |
Rogers Communications Inc. |
Rogers Sugar Inc. |
Rogers Sugar Income Fund |
Rogers Telecom Holdings Inc. |
Rogers Wireless Communications Inc. |
Rogers Wireless Inc. |
Rogue Resources Inc. |
Rokmaster Resources Corp. |
Rolling Rock Resources Corporation |
Rolling Thunder Exploration Ltd. |
Roman Corporation Limited |
Romarco Minerals Inc |
Rome Resources Ltd. |
Romios Gold Resources Inc. |
Rooster Energy Ltd. |
Rosa Capital Inc. |
Roscan Minerals Corporation |
Rosedale Place Limited Partnership |
Ross River Minerals Inc. |
Rotation Minerals Ltd. |
Rothmans Inc |
Rouge Resources Ltd. |
Route1 Inc. |
Roxgold Inc. |
Roxmark Mines Limited |
Roxwell Gold Mines Ltd. |
Royal Bank of Canada |
Royal Coal Corp. |
Royal County Minerals Corp. |
Royal Gold, Inc. |
Royal Group Technologies Limited |
Royal Host Inc. |
Royal Host Real Estate Investment Trust |
Royal Laser Corp. |
Royal Lifescience Corp. |
Royal Nickel Corporation |
Royal Oak Ventures Inc. |
Royal Sapphire Corp. |
Royal Standard Minerals Inc. |
Royal Trust Real Estate Limited Partnership |
Royal Utilities Income Fund |
Royal Victoria Minerals Ltd. |
Royalty Fund |
Royalty Fund II |
Royce Resources Corp. |
Royster-Clark Ltd. |
Royster-Clark ULC |
Rubicon Energy Corporation |
Rubicon Minerals Corporation |
Ruby Creek Resources Inc. |
Rugby Mining Limited |
RuggedCom Inc. |
Run of River Power Inc. |
Running Fox Resource Corp. |
Rupert Resources Ltd. |
Rusoro Mining Ltd. |
Russel Metals Inc. |
Russell Breweries Inc. |
Rutel Networks Corporation |
Rutter Inc. |
Rutter Technologies Inc. |
Ryan Gold Corp. |
Rye Patch Gold Corp. |
Ryland Oil ULC |
S Split Corp. |
S.C.O. Medallion Healthy Homes Ltd. |
SAGE Income Fund |
SAMEX Mining Corp. |
SAMSys Technologies Inc. |
SCI Income Trust |
SCITI Total Return Trust |
SCITI Trust |
SCITI Trust II |
SCORE Trust |
SCOSS Capital Corp. |
SCS Solars Computing Systems Inc |
SEAIR Inc. |
SEAMARK Asset Management Ltd. |
SEF Private Issuers Trust |
SENSIO Technologies Inc. |
SEP Capital Corporation |
SET Resources Inc. |
SFK Pulp Fund |
SFP Inc. (formerly, Motivus Inc.) |
SFR Energy Ltd. |
SG Spirit Gold Inc. |
SGB International Holdings Inc. |
SGX Resources Inc. |
SHEP Technologies Inc. |
SIR Royalty Income Fund |
SL Split Corp. |
SLC Capital Inc. |
SMART Technologies Inc. |
SMC 2011-1 Charity Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
SMC Man AHL Alpha Fund |
SMC Ventures Inc. |
SMK Speedy International Inc. |
SMTC Manufacturing Corporation of Canada |
SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. |
SNP Health Split Corp. |
SNP Split Corp. |
SP Advantage Trust |
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. |
Sable Resources Ltd. |
Sabre Graphite Corp. |
Sabretooth Resources Inc. |
Sabrich Capital Corporation |
Saccharum Energy Corp. |
Sackport Ventures Inc. |
Sacre-Coeur Minerals, Ltd. |
SafeBrain Systems, Inc. |
Safety First Savings & Mortgage Corp. |
Sagittarius Capital Corporation |
Sagres Energy Inc. |
Sahara Energy Ltd. |
Saint Jean Carbon Inc. (Formerly Torch River Resources Ltd.) |
Saintstar Ventures Inc. |
Salamander Energy (Canada) Holdings Corp. (formerly GFI Oil & Gas Corporation) |
Salamander Energy plc |
Salamon Group, Inc. |
Salares Lithium Inc. (formerly P2P Health Systems Inc.) |
Salazar Resources Limited |
Salida Wealth Preservation (Listed) Fund |
Salida Wealth Preservation Fund S.à.r.l. |
Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. |
Salmon River Resources Ltd. |
Sama Resources Inc./Ressources Sama Inc. |
Samco Gold Limited |
Samena Resources Corp. |
Samoth Oilfield Inc. |
Samuel SMT Inc. (formerly, Samuel Manu-Tech Inc.) |
San Anton Resource Corporation |
San Antonio Ventures Inc. |
San Gold Corporation |
San Gold Resources Corporation |
San Leon Canada Limited |
San Leon Energy PLC |
San Marco Resources Inc. |
San Telmo Energy Ltd. |
Sanatana Resources Inc. |
Sanction Capital Corp. |
Sandpoint Capital Inc. |
Sandspring Resources Ltd. |
Sandvine Corporation |
Sangoma Technologies Corporation |
Santa Barbara Resources Limited |
Santa Fe Gold Corporation (formerly Azco Mining Inc.) |
Santa Fe Metals Corporation |
Santa Maria Petroleum Inc. (formerly Quetzal Energy Ltd.) |
Santa Rosa Resources Corp. |
Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd. |
Santonia Energy Inc. |
Sanu Resources Ltd. |
Sanwire Corporation |
Saputo Inc. |
Sarama Resources Ltd. |
Saratoga Capital Corp. |
Saratoga Electronic Solutions Inc. |
Sargold Resource Corporation |
Sasamat Capital Corporation |
Satori Resources Inc. |
Saturn (Solutions) Inc. |
Saturn Minerals Inc. |
Savanna Energy Services Corp. |
Savant Explorations Ltd. |
Savaria Corporation |
Savary Gold Corp. |
Saville Resources Inc. |
Savoy Ventures Inc. |
Sawtooth International Resources Inc. |
Saxon Energy Services Inc. |
Saxon Financial Inc. |
Saxon Oil Company Ltd. |
Scandinavian Minerals Limited |
Scavo Resource Corp. (formerly Pure Living Media Inc.) |
Sceptre Income & Growth Trust |
Sceptre Income & High Growth Trust |
Sceptre Ventures Inc. |
Schneider Power Inc. |
Schooner Trust |
Schwabo Capital Corporation |
Schyan Exploration Inc. |
Score Media Inc. |
Scorpio Gold Corporation |
Scorpio Mining Corporation |
Scorpion Resources Inc. |
Scotia Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Scotia Schools Trust |
Scotiabank Capital Trust |
Scotiabank Subordinated Notes Trust |
Scotiabank Tier 1 Trust |
Scott Paper Limited |
Scout Exploration Inc. |
Scout Management Ltd. |
Scout New Media Group Inc. |
Sea Breeze Power Corp. |
Sea Dragon Energy Inc. |
Seabridge Gold Inc. |
Search Minerals Inc. |
Searchlight Venture Corp. |
Sears Canada Inc. |
Seaway Energy Services Inc. |
Second Cup Income Fund (formerly Second Cup Royalty Income Fund) |
Second Wave Petroleum Inc. |
Secova Metals Corp. |
Secure Energy Services Inc. |
Secure Luggage Solutions Inc. |
Security Devices International Inc. |
Sego Resources Inc. |
Select 50 S-1 Income Trust |
Select 50 S-1 Income Trust II |
SelectCore Ltd. |
Selient Inc. |
Selkirk Metals Corp. |
Selwyn Resources Ltd. |
SemBioSys Genetics Inc. |
Semtech Canada Inc. |
Senator Minerals Inc. |
Sendero Mining Corp. (formerly QRS Capital Corp.) |
Seneca Equities Corp. |
Senior Floating Rate Income Trust |
Senior Secured Floating Rate Loan Fund |
Sennen Potash Corporation |
Sense Technologies Inc. |
Sentinel Rock Oil Inc. (formerly Sentinel Rock Oil Corporation) |
Sentra Resources Corporation |
Sentry China Fund |
Sentry Petroleum Ltd. |
Sentry Select 40 Split Income Trust |
Sentry Select Blue - Chip Income Trust |
Sentry Select Canadian Income Exchange Fund |
Sentry Select Capital Corp. |
Sentry Select Commodities Income Trust |
Sentry Select Diversified Income Fund (previously Sentry Select Diversified Income Trust) |
Sentry Select FIDAC U.S. Mortgage Trust |
Sentry Select Focused Growth & Income Trust |
Sentry Select Global Index Income Trust |
Sentry Select Global Real Estate Fund |
Sentry Select Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Fund |
Sentry Select MBS Adjustable Rate Income Fund II |
Sentry Select Primary Metals Corp. |
Sentry Select Total Strategy Fund |
Senvest Capital Inc. |
Sepp's Gourmet Foods Ltd. |
Sequoia Minerals Inc. |
Sequoia Oil & Gas Trust |
Serabi Gold plc |
Serengeti Resources Inc. |
Serenic Corporation |
Serica Energy Corporation |
Serica Energy PLC |
Series S-1 Income Fund |
Serinus Energy Inc. |
Sernova Corp. |
Serrano Energy Ltd. |
Seven Evergreen Apartment Project |
Seventh Energy Ltd. |
Sewell Ventures Inc. |
ShaMaran Petroleum Corp. (formerly Bayou Bend Petroleum Ltd.) |
Shaker Resources Inc. |
Shamrock Enterprises Inc. |
Shane Resources Ltd. |
Sharon Energy Ltd. |
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show (Series III) |
Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show (Series IV) |
Sharpe Resources Corporation |
Shatheena Capital Corp. |
ShawCor Ltd. |
Shear Wind Inc. |
Sheen Resources Ltd. |
Sheffield Resources Ltd. |
Shelby Ventures Inc. |
Sheldon-Larder Mines, Limited |
Shell Canada Limited |
Shellbridge Oil & Gas, Inc. |
Shelter Restaurant (Moose Jaw) Limited Partnership |
Sheltered Oak Resources Corp. |
Shelton Canada Corp. |
Sherbrook SBK Sport Corp. |
Sheridan Brothers Trust |
Shermag Inc. |
Sherobee Glen Limited Partnership |
Sherritt International Corporation |
Shield Gold Inc. |
Shift Networks Inc. |
Shiningbank Energy Income Fund |
Shire Pharmaceuticals Group PLC |
Shoal Point Energy Ltd. |
Shogun Capital Corp. |
Shona Energy Company, Inc. |
Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation |
Shore Gold Inc. |
Shoreline Energy Corp. |
Short Duration High Yield Portfolio Trust |
Shoshoni Gold Ltd. |
Sico Inc. |
Sienna Resources Inc. |
Sierra Geothermal Power Corp. |
Sierra Iron Ore Corporation |
Sierra Metals Inc. (formerly Dia Bras Exploration Inc.) |
Sierra Systems Group Inc. |
Sierra Vista Energy Ltd. |
Sierra Wireless, Inc. |
Siga Resources Limited |
Sightus Inc. |
Sigma Industries Inc. |
Signal Exploration Inc. |
SignalEnergy Inc. |
Signature Diversified Value Trust |
Signature Ongoing Business Trust |
Signature Resources Ltd. |
Signet Minerals Inc. |
Silent Witness Enterprises Ltd. |
Silica Resources Corporation |
Silican Processing Corp. |
Silk Road Energy Inc. |
Silk Road Ventures Ltd. |
Silver Bear Resources Inc. |
Silver Bull Resources, Inc. |
Silver Bullion Trust |
Silver Creek-Cedarwood Partnership |
Silver Eagle Mines Inc. |
Silver Fern Financial Ltd. |
Silver Fields Resources Inc. |
Silver Grail Resources Ltd. |
Silver Mountain Mines Inc. |
Silver One Mining Corporation |
Silver Phoenix Resources Inc. |
Silver Predator Corp. |
Silver Pursuit Resources Ltd. |
Silver Quest Resources Ltd. |
Silver Range Resources Ltd. |
Silver Shield Resources Corp. |
Silver Standard Resources Inc. |
Silver Stream Mining Corp. |
Silver Swan Resources Inc. |
Silver Wheaton Corp. |
SilverBirch Energy Corporation |
SilverCrest Mines Inc. |
SilverWillow Energy Corporation |
Silverbirch Inc. |
Silvermet Inc. |
Silvermex Resources Inc. |
Silverstar Mining Corp. |
Silverstone Resources Corp. |
Simavita Limited |
Simba Energy Inc. |
Simba Gold Corp. |
Simplex Solutions Inc. |
Sino American Oil Company |
Sino Dragon New Energy Holdings Limited |
Sino Gold Mining Ltd. |
Sino Vanadium Inc. |
Sino-Forest Corporation |
Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. |
Sintana Energy Inc. |
Sirios Resources Inc. |
Sirit Inc. |
Sirius XM Canada Holdings Inc. (formerly Canadian Satellite Radio Holdings Inc.) |
Sirocco Mining Inc. (formerly Atacama Minerals Corp.) |
Sirona Biochem Corp. |
Sixty Plus Income Trust |
Sixty Split Corp. |
Skeena Resources Limited |
Ski Sutton inc. |
Skope Energy Inc. |
Sky Harvest Energy Corp. |
Sky Ridge Resources Ltd. |
SkyWest Acquisitions Ltd. |
Skybridge Development Corp. |
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. |
Skylon All Asset Trust |
Skylon Big Three STAR LP |
Skylon Capital Yield Trust |
Skylon Global Capital Yield Trust |
Skylon Global Capital Yield Trust II |
Skylon Global High Yield Trust |
Skylon Global Yield Fund Limited |
Skylon Growth & Income Trust |
Skylon High Yield Trust |
Skylon International Advantage Yield Trust |
Slam Exploration Ltd. |
Slate U.S. Opportunity (No. 1) Realty Trust |
Slate U.S. Opportunity (No. 2) Realty Trust |
Slate U.S. Opportunity (No. 3) Realty Trust |
Slater Mining Corporation |
Slater Steel Inc. |
Sleeman Breweries Ltd. |
Sleep Country Canada Income Fund |
Slocan Forest Products Ltd. |
SmarTire Systems Inc. |
Smart Employee Benefits Inc |
Smart-Tek Solutions Inc. |
SmartCool Systems Inc. |
Smash Minerals Corp. (OLD) |
Smithfield Canada Limited |
SnipGold Corp. |
Sniper Resources Ltd. |
Snipp Interactive Inc. |
Snow Eagle Resources Ltd. |
Snow Leopard Resources Inc. |
Snowberry Downs Limited Partnership |
Snowdon Resources Corp. |
Snowfield Development Corp. |
SoMedia Networks Inc. |
Sobeys Inc. |
Société d'exploration minière Vior Inc. |
Société en Commandite Galilée |
Société en commandite 453 Darontal |
Société en commandite Centre des Récollets-Foucher |
Sodisco-Howden Group Inc. |
Sofame Technologies Inc. |
Soficap Acquisitions Inc. |
Softchoice Corporation |
Softrock Minerals Ltd. |
Software Growth Inc. |
Sojourn Ventures Inc. |
Sokoman Iron Corp. |
Solana Resources Limited |
Solara Exploration Ltd |
Solarvest BioEnergy Inc. |
Solid Gold Resources Corp. |
Solid Resources Ltd. |
Solimar Energy Limited |
Solium Capital Inc. |
Solomon Resources Limited |
Soltoro Ltd. |
SolutionInc Technologies Limited |
Solutrea Corp. |
Solvista Gold Corporation |
Sombrio Capital Corp. |
Somerset Entertainment Income Fund |
Sona Resources Corp. (formerly J-Pacific Gold Inc.) |
Sonde Resources Corp. |
SonnenEnergy Corp. |
Sonoma Resources Inc. |
Sonomax Hearing Healthcare Inc. |
Sonomax Technologies Inc. |
Sonomed Inc. |
Sonor Investments Limited |
Sonora Gold & Silver Corp. |
Sonoro Energy Ltd. |
Sonoro Metals Corp. |
Sophia Capital Corp. |
Sophiris Bio Inc. (formerly Protox Therapeutics Inc.) |
Sor Baroot Resources Corp. |
Sorel Ventures Ltd. |
Sound Energy Trust |
Source Exploration Corp. |
Source Life Sciences Inc. |
Sourcesmith Industries Inc. |
South American Silver Corp. |
South West Terminal Ltd. |
SouthGobi Resources Ltd. |
SouthTech Capital Corporation |
Southbridge Resources Corp. |
Southeast Asia Mining Corp. |
Southern Arc Minerals Inc. |
Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited |
Southern Legacy Minerals Inc. |
Southern Pacific Resource Corp. |
Southern Platinum Corp. |
Southern Silver Exploration Corp. |
Southern Star Resources Inc. |
Southern Sun Minerals Inc. |
SouthernEra Diamonds Inc. |
Southesk Energy Ltd. |
Sovereign Limited Partnership |
Spackman Equities Group Inc. (formerly, Centiva Capital Inc.) |
Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. |
Spara Acquisition One Corp. |
Sparcap One Ltd. |
Sparrow Ventures Corp. |
Sparta Capital Ltd. |
Spartacus Capital Inc. |
Spartan Oil Corp. |
Sparton Resources Inc. |
Sparx Energy Corp. |
Spearhead Resources Inc. |
Spearmint Resources Inc. |
Specialty Foods Group Income Fund |
Spectra Premium Industries Inc. |
Spider Resources Inc. |
Sportscene Group Inc. |
Squatex Energy and Resources Inc. |
St. Genevieve Resources Ltd. (acquired by Ascendant Copper Corp. (now Copper Mesa Mining Corp.) effective 2008-03-27 |
St. Lawrence Cement Group Inc. |
Strateco Resources Inc. |
Strategic Exploration (STREX) Inc. |
Sun Life Financial Inc. |
Sundust Resources Inc. |
Supremex Income Fund |
T. Boone Pickens Energy Fund |
T.T.Y. Paramount Partnership No. 5 |
TAC Gold Corporation |
TAD Mineral Exploration Inc. |
TAG Oil Ltd |
TALON International Energy Ltd. |
TCEnet Inc. |
TD Capital Trust |
TD Capital Trust II |
TD Capital Trust III |
TD Capital Trust IV |
TD Mortgage Investment Corporation |
TD Split Inc. |
TDK (2001) Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
TDb Split Corp. |
TEAL Exploration & Mining Incorporated |
TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. |
TELUS Communications Inc. |
TELUS Corporation |
TER Thermal Retrieval Systems Ltd. |
TG Income Trust |
TG Income Trust II |
TG Residential Value Properties Ltd. |
TG World Energy Corp. |
THEMAC Resources Group Limited |
TIO Networks Corp. |
TIR Systems Ltd. |
TJR Coatings Inc. |
TLC Vision Corporation |
TLO Capital Corp. |
TML Ventures Inc. |
TMX Group Inc. |
TMX Group Limited |
TNR Gold Corp. |
TORC Oil & Gas Ltd. |
TOSCA Mining Corp. |
TR3 Trust |
TRP NT Corp. |
TSI TelSys Corporation |
TSO3 inc. |
TTM Resources Inc. |
TUSK Energy Inc. |
TVA Group Inc. |
TVI Pacific Inc. |
Tactex Controls Inc. |
Tactical Global Bond ETF Fund |
Tael Capital Inc. |
Tagalder (2000) Inc. |
Taggart Capital Corp. |
Tagish Lake Gold Corp. |
Tahera Diamond Corporation (formerly Tahera Corporation) |
Tahoe Resources Inc. |
Taiga Building Products Ltd. |
Taiga Forest Products Ltd. |
Taipan Resources Inc. |
Tajac Capital Inc. |
Tajiri Resources Corp. |
Tajzha Ventures Ltd. |
Takara Resources Inc. |
Taku Gold Corp. |
Talisman Energy Inc. |
Talison Lithium Exchangeco Limited |
Talison Lithium Limited |
Tallagium Corporation |
Tallgrass Energy Corp. |
Talmora Diamond Inc. |
Talon Metals Corp. |
Talvest and Company Limited Partnership 1992 |
Talvest and Company Limited Partnership 1994 |
Talware Networx Inc. |
Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. |
Tamerlane Ventures Inc. |
Tanager Energy Inc. (formerly MGold Resources Inc.) |
Tanganyika Oil Company Ltd. |
Tangarine Payment Solutions Corp. (formerly Chrysalis Capital II Corporation) |
Tango Gold Mines Incorporated (fka F.D.G. Mining Inc.) |
Tanq Capital Corporation |
Tanqueray Exploration Ltd. |
Tantalex Resources Corporation (formerly, Lynnwood Capital Inc.) |
Tanzania Minerals Corp. |
Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Corporation |
TapImmune Inc. |
Tapango Resources Ltd. |
Tappit Resources Ltd. |
Taranis Resources Inc. |
Target Capital Inc. |
Target Exploration and Mining Corp. |
Tarquin Group Inc. |
Tarsis Resources Ltd. |
Tartan Energy Inc. |
Tartisan Resources Corp. |
Tasca Resources Ltd. |
Taseko Mines Limited |
Tasman Metals Ltd. |
Tawsho Mining Inc. |
TayCon Capital Corporation |
Taylor NGL Limited Partnership |
Taylor North American Equity Opportunities Fund |
TearLab Corporation |
Tearlach Resources Limited |
Tech Leaders Income Fund |
TechCana Inc. |
Technicoil Corporation |
Technovision Systems Inc. |
Teck Resources Limited |
Teckmine Industries, Inc. |
Teddy Bear Valley Mines, Limited |
Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation |
Teknion Corporation |
Teldar Resources Corp. |
Tele-Find Technologies Corp. |
Teledyne DALSA, Inc. |
Telehop Communications Inc. |
Telesis North Communications Inc. |
Telesystem International Wireless Inc. |
Telferscot Resources Inc. |
Telford Services Group, Inc. |
Telson Resources Inc. |
Telstar Resources Ltd. |
Telstra Corporation Limited |
Tembec Holdings Inc. (formerly Tembec Inc.) |
Tembec Inc. |
Tembec Industries Inc. |
Tembo Gold Corp. |
Temex Resources Corp. |
Tempest Energy Corp. |
Temple Gardens Mineral Spa Inc. |
Temple Green Apartment Project |
Temple Hotels Inc. |
Temple Real Estate Investment Trust |
Tempus Capital Inc. |
Ten Peaks Coffee Company Inc. |
Tenajon Resources Corp. |
Tenergy Ltd. |
Tengtu International Corp. |
Tenke Mining Corp. |
Tenth Power Technologies Corp. |
TeraGo Inc. |
Teranet Income Fund |
Teranga Gold Corporation |
Teras Resources Inc. |
Terasen Pipelines (Trans Mountain) Inc. |
Terminal City Capital Inc. |
Terra Energy Corp. |
Terra Firma Capital Corporation |
Terra Firma Resources Inc. |
Terra Nova Energy Ltd. (previously, Terra Nova Minerals Inc.) |
Terra Payments Inc. |
Terra Ventures Inc. |
TerraVest Capital Inc. |
TerraVest Income Fund |
TerraVest Industries Inc. |
TerraX Minerals Inc. |
Terrabiogen Technologies Inc. |
Terrace Energy Corp. |
Terraco Gold Corp. |
Terrane Metals Corp. |
Terraquest Energy Corporation |
Terrenex Acquisition Corporation |
Terrenex Ltd. |
Terreno Resources Corp. |
Terrex Energy Inc. |
Teryl Resources Corp. |
Tesco Corporation |
Tesla Exploration Ltd. (formerly Norex Exploration Services Inc.) |
Teslin River Resources Corp. |
Tesma International Inc. |
Tesoro Energy Corp. |
Tesoro Minerals Corp. |
Tethys Petroleum Limited |
Teton Energy Corporation |
Teuton Resources Corp. |
Texalta Petroleum Ltd. |
Texas T Minerals Inc. |
Textron Financial Canada Funding Corp. |
Textron Financial Corporation |
Thallion Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
The Arctic Group Inc. |
The Becker Milk Company Limited |
The Boyd Group Inc. |
The Brick Group Income Fund |
The Brick Ltd. |
The Buffalo Oil Corporation |
The Business, Engineering, Science & Technology Discoveries Fund Inc. |
The Canadian Shield Fund |
The Cash Store Australia Holdings Inc. |
The Cash Store Financial Services Inc. |
The Children's Educational Foundation of Canada |
The Churchill Corporation |
The Consumers' Waterheater Income Fund (previous issuer to EnerCare Inc.) |
The Consumers' Waterheater Operating Trust (previous issuer to EnerCare Solutions Inc.) |
The Cross Winds Apartment Project |
The Data Group Income Fund |
The Descartes Systems Group Inc. |
The Exchange Industrial Group Inc. |
The Forzani Group Ltd. |
The Futura Loyalty Group Inc. |
The Goldfarb Corporation |
The Great Eastern Corporation Limited |
The Great-West Life Assurance Company |
The Griffin Corporation |
The Health Care and Biotechnology Venture Fund |
The Helical Corporation Inc. |
The Hockey Company Holdings Inc. |
The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc. |
The Jenex Corporation |
The Keg Royalties Income Fund |
The Lodge at Kananaskis Limited Partnership |
The Macyro Group Inc. |
The Manufacturers Investment Corporation |
The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company |
The Medipattern Corporation |
The Mint Corporation |
The Mountain Inn at Ribbon Creek Limited Partnership |
The North West Company Inc. |
The Nu-Gro Corporation |
The Phoenician Fund Corporation I |
The Second Cup Ltd. |
The Shores Limited Partnership |
The Silver Recycling Company Inc. |
The Skor Food Group Inc. |
The Stallion Group |
The Streetwear Corporation |
The Tanbridge Corporation |
The Toronto-Dominion Bank |
The Westaim Corporation |
Theia Resources Ltd. |
Theralase Technologies Inc. |
Theratechnologies Inc. |
Thermal Energy International Inc. |
Thermax International Corp. |
Theron Resource Group |
Third Canadian General Investment Trust Limited |
Thirdcoast Limited (formerly Goderich Elevators Limited) |
Thirty-Five Split Corp. |
Thistle Mining Inc. |
Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc. |
Thomson Reuters Corporation |
Thor Explorations Ltd. |
Threegold Resources Inc. |
ThrillTime Entertainment International, Inc. |
Thrust Capital Corp. |
Thunder Energy Inc. |
Thunder Energy Trust |
Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. |
Thunderbird Resorts, Inc. |
Thundermin Resources Inc. |
Thunderstruck Resources Ltd. |
ThyssenKrupp Budd Canada Inc. |
Tiberon Minerals Ltd. |
Tiger International Resources Inc. |
Tiger Petroleum Inc. |
Tiger Resources Limited |
TigerTel Communications Inc. |
Tigray Resources Inc. |
Tiller Resources Ltd. |
Tilting Capital Corp. |
Tim Hortons Inc. |
TimberWest Forest Corp. |
Timbercreek Global Real Estate Fund |
Timbercreek Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Timbercreek Senior Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Timbercreek U.S. Multi-Residential Opportunity Fund #1 | Enterprises Inc. |
Times Telecom Inc. |
Times Three Wireless Inc. |
Timminco Limited |
Timmins Gold Corp. |
Tinka Resources Limited |
Tintina Mines Limited |
Tintina Resources Inc. |
Tiomin China Limited |
Tirex Resources Ltd. |
Titan Digital Corporation |
Titan Exploration Ltd. |
Titan Logix Corp. |
Titan Medical Inc. |
Titan Trading Analytics Inc |
Titan Uranium Inc. |
TitanStar Properties Inc. (formerly DPVC Inc.) |
Titanium Corporation Inc. |
Titus Energy Corp |
Tiverton Petroleums Ltd. |
Tm Bioscience Corporation |
Tolima Gold Inc. (Formerly FMX Ventures Inc.) |
TomaGold Corporation |
Tomco Developments Inc. |
Tonbridge Power Inc. |
Tone Resources Limited |
Top 10 Canadian Financial Trust |
Top 10 Split Trust |
Top 20 Dividend Trust |
Top 20 Europe Dividend Trust |
Top 20 U.S. Dividend Trust |
Top Strike Resources Corp. (formerly Colossal Resources Corp.) |
Top of the Valley Limited Partnership |
Toptent inc. |
Toquima Minerals Corporation |
Toreador Resources Corporation |
Torex Gold Resources Inc. |
Torex Retail Canada Corp. (formerly Systech Retail Systems Corp.) |
Tornado Gold International Corporation |
Tornado Technologies Inc. |
Toro Energy Inc. |
Toromont Industries Ltd. |
Toronto Hydro Corporation |
Torquay Oil Corp. |
Torque Energy Inc. |
Torstar Corporation |
Toscana Energy Income Corporation |
Total Capital Canada Ltd. |
Total Capital S.A. |
Total Energy Services Inc. |
Total Energy Services Ltd. |
Total Energy Services Trust |
Total Telcom Inc. |
Totally Hip Technologies Inc. |
Touchdown Resources Inc. |
Touchstone Atlantis Mining Inc. |
Touchstone Exploration Inc. |
Touchstone Gold Limited |
Tourmaline Oil Corp. |
Tower Resources Ltd. |
Toxin Alert Inc. |
Trade Wind Communications Limited |
Trade Winds Ventures Inc. |
Trafina Energy Ltd. |
Trans America Industries Ltd. |
Trans Québec & Maritimes Pipeline Inc. |
Trans-Orient Petroleum Ltd. |
TransAKT Ltd. |
TransAlta Corporation |
TransAlta Power, L.P. |
TransAlta Renewables Inc. |
TransAlta Utilities Corporation |
TransAmerican Energy Inc. |
TransAtlantic Petroleum Ltd. |
TransCanada Corporation |
TransCanada PipeLines Limited |
TransForce Inc. |
TransForce Income Fund |
TransGaming Inc. |
TransGlobe Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust |
TransGlobe Energy Corporation |
TransGlobe Internet and Telecom Co Ltd |
Transat A.T. inc. |
Transcontinental Inc. |
Transeuro Energy Corp. |
Transformative Ventures Ltd. |
Transition Metals Corp. |
Transition Therapeutics Inc. |
Transpacific Resources Inc. |
Transport Scolaire Sogesco inc. |
Tranzeo Wireless Technologies Inc. | Ltd. |
Traverse Energy Ltd. |
Treasury Metals Inc. |
Tree Island Steel Ltd. |
Tree Island Wire Income Fund |
Treegenic Gold Corporation |
Trelawney Augen Acquisition Corp. (formerly, Augen Gold Corp.) |
Trelawney Mining and Exploration Inc. |
Tremont Capital Opportunity Trust |
Tremont Hedge Fund Limited |
Trend Technology Corporation |
Tres-Or Resources Ltd. |
Tresoro Mining Corp. |
Trevali Mining Corporation |
Trez Capital Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Trez Capital Senior Mortgage Investment Corporation |
Tri Origin Exploration Ltd. |
Tri-Media Integrated Marketing Technologies Inc. |
Tri-River Ventures Inc. |
Tri-Star Resources Plc |
Tri-Vision International Ltd./Ltee |
TriAusMin Limited |
TriLoch Resources Inc. |
TriOil Ltd. |
TriOil Resources Ltd. |
TriQuest Energy Corp. |
TriStar Gold Inc. |
TriStar Oil & Gas Ltd. |
TriStar Resources Ltd. |
Triangle Growth Capital 1 Inc. |
Triangle Industries Ltd. |
Triangle Petroleum Corporation |
Triant Holdings Inc. |
Triant Technologies Inc. |
Triax Diversified High-Yield Trust |
Tribute Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. (formerly Stellar Pharmaceuticals Inc.) |
Tribute Resources Inc. |
Trican Well Service Ltd. |
Tricon Capital Group Inc. |
Trident Gold Corp. (formerly Andor Mining Inc.) |
Trident Performance Corp. |
Trident Performance Corp. II |
Trident Performance Trust |
Triex Minerals Corporation |
Trigen Resources Inc. |
Trigold Resources Inc. |
Trillium North Minerals Ltd. |
Trilogy Energy Corp. |
Trilogy Energy Trust |
Trimac Corporation |
Trimac Income Fund |
Trimac Transportation Ltd. |
Trimel Pharmaceuticals Corporation (formerly J5 Acquisition Corp.) |
Trimox Energy Inc. |
TrinCan Capital Corp. |
Trinidad Drilling Ltd. |
Trinidad Energy Services Income Trust |
Trinity Intercontinental Ventures Corp. |
Trinity Valley Energy Corp. |
Trio Gold Corp. |
Triox Limited |
Triple G Systems Group, Inc. |
Triumph Acquisition Corporation Inc. |
Triumph Ventures II Corporation |
Trius Investments Inc. |
Trizec Canada Inc. |
Trizec Hahn Corporation |
Trizec Properties, Inc. |
Trojan Technologies Inc. |
Troon Ventures Ltd. |
Troutline Investments Inc. (formerly Cassiar Resources Inc.) |
Troy Energy Corp. |
Troy Resources Limited |
Troymet Exploration Corp. |
True Energy Trust |
True Gold Mining Inc. |
True Grit Resources Ltd. |
True North Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust |
True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust |
True North Gems Inc. |
TrueStar Petroleum Corporation |
Trueclaim Exploration Inc. |
Trustcash Holdings Inc. |
Tsodilo Resources Limited |
Tuckamore Capital Management Inc. |
Tucows Inc. |
Tucson Acquisition Corporation |
Tudor Corporation Ltd. |
Tulloch Resources Ltd. |
Tulox HR Online Management Inc. |
Tulox Real Estate Development Inc. |
Tulox Resources Inc. |
Tumi Resources Limited |
Turbo Power Systems Inc. |
Turnberry Resources Ltd. |
Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. |
Tuscany Energy Ltd. |
Tuscany International Drilling Inc. |
Twenty-Seven Capital Corp. |
Twin Butte Energy Ltd. |
Twoco Petroleums Ltd. |
Twyford Ventures Inc. |
Tyco International Ltd. |
Tyhee Gold Corp. |
Tyler Resources Inc. |
Tyne Terrace Homes Ltd. |
Tyner Resources Ltd. |
Typhoon Exploration Inc. |
U.S. Agency Mortgage-Backed REIT Advantaged Fund |
U.S. Geothermal Inc. |
U.S. Housing Recovery Fund |
U.S. Oil and Gas Resources Inc. |
U.S. Silver & Gold Inc. |
U.S. Silver Corporation |
U.S. Steel Canada Inc. |
U3O8 Corp. |
UBS Global Allocation Trust |
UBS Total Return Trust |
UC Resources Ltd. |
UEX Corporation |
UKT Recycling Technologies Inc. |
UNX Energy Corp. |
US Financial 15 Split Corp. |
US Gold Canadian Acquisition Corporation |
US Oil Sands Inc. |
US Tungsten Corp. |
UTS Energy Corporation |
Ucore Rare Metals Inc. |
Ultima Energy Trust |
Ultra Lithium Inc. |
Ultra Petroleum Corp. |
Ultra Resources Corp. |
Umami Sustainable Seafood Inc. |
Umbral Energy Corp. |
Unbridled Energy Corporation |
Underground Energy Corporation |
Underworld Resources Inc. |
Uni-Sélect Inc. |
UniLink Inc. |
Unibroue Inc. | Inc. |
Unigold Inc. |
Unilens Vision Inc. |
Union Gas Limited |
Union Gold Inc. |
Uniontown Energy Inc. |
Unique Broadband Systems, Inc. |
Unique Resources Corp. |
Uniserve Communications Corporation |
Unisphere Waste Conversion Ltd. |
Unite Capital Corp. |
Unitec International Controls Corp. |
United China International Enterprises Group Ltd. |
United Coal Holdings Limited |
United Corporations Limited |
United Global Inc. |
United Hunter Oil & Gas Corp. |
United Protection Security Group Inc. |
United Silver Corp. |
United Tex-sol Mines Inc. |
Unity Energy Corp. |
Unity Wireless Corporation |
Universal Infrastructure Corp. |
Universal Potash Corp. |
Universal Ventures Inc. |
Universal Wing Technologies Inc. |
Upland Global Corporation |
Upland Resource Corporation |
Upper Lake Oil and Gas Ltd. |
Upstream Biosciences Inc. |
Upton Resources Inc. |
Ur-Energy Inc. |
UrAsia Energy Ltd. |
UraMin Inc. |
Uracan Resources Ltd. |
Uragold Bay Resources Inc. (formerly Uranium Bay Resources Inc.) |
Uranerz Energy Corporation |
Uranium Energy Corp. |
Uranium Focused Energy Fund |
Uranium Limited |
Uranium North Resources Corp. |
Uranium One Inc. |
Uranium Participation Corporation |
Uranium Power Corp. |
Uranium Valley Mines Ltd. |
Urastar Gold Corp. |
Uravan Minerals Inc. |
Urban Barns Foods Inc. |
Urban Communications Inc. |
Urban Select Capital Corporation |
Urbana Corporation |
Urbanfund Corp. |
Urbanimmersive Technologies Inc. |
UrtheCast Corp. |
Utility Split Trust |
V. Fund Investments Limited |
VECTOR Energy Fund |
VFC Inc. |
VG Gold Corp. |
VGS Seismic Canada Inc. |
VHQ Entertainment Inc. |
VIQ Solutions Inc. |
VMS Ventures Inc. |
VOXCOM Incorporated |
VRX WorldWide Inc. |
VSM MedTech Ltd. |
VVC Exploration Corporation |
VX Technologies Inc. |
Vaaldiam Mining Inc. (formerly Tiomin Resources Inc.) |
Vaaldiam Resources Ltd. |
Val Vista Energy Ltd. |
ValGold Resources Ltd. |
Valdor Technology International Inc. |
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. |
Valencia Ventures Inc. |
Valener Inc. |
Valentine Ventures Corp. |
Valero Energy Corporation |
Valeura Energy Inc. |
Valhalla Resources Ltd. |
Valiant Energy Inc. |
Valkyries Petroleum Corp. |
Valley High Ventures Ltd. |
Valmie Resources, Inc. |
Valor Ventures Inc. |
Valparaiso Energy Inc. |
Valterra Resource Corporation |
Valucap Investments Inc. |
Vampt America, Inc.(formerly Coronado Corp.) |
Vanadiumcorp Resource Inc. |
Vangold Resources Ltd. |
Vanity Capital Inc. |
Vanoil Energy Ltd. |
Vanstar Mining Resources Inc. |
VantagePoint Systems, Inc. |
Vantex Resources Ltd. |
Vast Exploration Inc. |
Vatic Ventures Corp. |
Vault Energy Inc. |
Vault Energy Trust |
Vault Minerals Inc. |
Vecima Networks Inc. |
Vecta Energy Corporation |
Vector Aerospace Corporation |
Vector Resources Inc. |
Vector Wind Energy Inc. |
Vega Mining Inc. |
Vela Minerals Ltd. |
Velan Inc. |
Velocity Minerals Ltd. |
Vena Resources Inc. |
VendTek Systems Inc. |
Vendetta Mining Corp. |
Vendome Resources Corp. |
Venerable Ventures Ltd. |
Venga Aerospace Systems Inc. |
Venquest Capital Ltd. |
Vensearch Capital Corp. |
Venstar Inc. |
Ventana Gold Corp. |
VentriPoint Diagnostics Ltd. (formerly Luca Capital Inc.) |
Ventura Gold Corp. |
Venturi Ventures Inc. |
Ventus Energy West Cape Windpower LP |
Veraz Petroleum Ltd. |
Verdant Financial Partners I Inc. |
Verde Potash Plc |
Verenex Energy Inc. |
Veresen Inc. |
Veris Gold Corp. |
Verisante Technology, Inc. |
Vermilion Energy Inc. |
Vermilion Energy Trust |
Vermilion Resources Ltd. |
Verona Development Corp. |
VersaPay Corporation |
Versacold Income Fund |
Versatile Systems Inc. |
Veteran Resources Inc. |
ViRexx Medical Corp. |
ViXS Subco Inc. (formerly, W 7 Acquisition Corp.) |
ViXS Systems Inc. |
Viacorp Technologies Inc. |
Viceroy Exploration Ltd. |
Viceroy Homes Limited |
Victhom Human Bionics Inc. |
Victoria Gold Corp. (formerly Victoria Resource Corporation) |
Victory Eagle Resources Corp. |
Victory Gold Mines Inc. |
Victory Mountain Ventures Ltd. |
Victory Nickel Inc. |
Victory Resources Corporation |
Victory Ventures Inc. |
Vicwest Corporation |
Vicwest Inc. |
Vicwest Income Fund | Inc. |
Videon CableSystems Inc. |
Vigil Health Solutions Inc. |
Vigil Locating Systems Corporation |
Viking Energy Royalty Trust |
Viking Gold Exploration Inc. |
Village Farms Income Fund (formerly Hot House Growers Income Fund) |
Village Farms International, Inc. |
Vincor International Inc. |
Vindicator Industries Inc. |
Vinergy Resources Ltd. |
Viosolar Inc. |
Viper Gold Ltd. |
Viracocha Energy Inc. |
Virgin Metals Inc. |
Virginia Energy Resources Inc. |
Virginia Mines Inc. |
Viridis Energy Inc. |
Virtek Vision International Inc. |
Virtual Resources Inc. |
Virtual Universe Corporation |
Virtus Energy Ltd. |
Virtutone Networks Inc. (formerly Sawhill Capital Ltd.) |
Viscount Mining Corp. (formerly Faith Spring Venture Inc.) |
Viscount Systems Inc. |
Visible Gold Mines Inc. |
Vision Global Solutions Inc. |
Vision 2000 Exploration Ltd. |
Vision Coatings Group Limited |
Vision SCMS Inc. |
VisionSky Corp. |
VisionSky Corporation |
Visionwall Incorporated |
Visiphor Corporation |
Vista Gold Corp. |
Vistior Capital Limited |
Vital Retirement Living Inc. |
Vitality Products Inc. |
Viterra Inc. |
Vitran Corporation Inc. |
Vitreous Glass Inc. |
Vivavision inc. |
Vivendi Exchangeco Inc. |
Viventia Biotech Inc. |
Vivione Biosciences Inc. |
Voice Mobility International, Inc. |
Volcanic Metals Corp. |
Volta Resources Inc. |
VoodooVox Inc. (formerly Call Genie Inc.) |
Vostok Minerals Inc. |
Voxcom Income Fund |
Voyus Ltd. |
Vulcan Minerals Inc. |
Vuzix Corporation |
WATT Energy Limited Partnership II |
WB III Acquisition Corp. |
WCB Resources Ltd. |
WCSB GORR Oil & Gas Income Participation 2008-I Limited Partnership |
WCSB Oil & Gas Royalty Income 2008-II Limited Partnership |
WCSB Oil & Gas Royalty Income 2009 Limited Partnership |
WCSB Oil & Gas Royalty Income 2010 Limited Partnership |
WCSB Oil & Gas Royalty Income 2010-II Limited Partnership |
WEX Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
WGI Heavy Minerals, Incorporated |
WIN Energy Corporation |
WPC Resources Inc. |
WPT Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust |
WPVC Inc. |
WSG Group Systems Inc. |
WSP Global Inc. |
Wabi Exploration Inc. (formerly Mikotel Networks Inc.) |
Waitsfield Capital Inc. (formerly Annabelle Inc.) |
Wajax Corporation |
Wajax Income Fund |
Wajax Limited |
Waldron Energy Corporation |
Walker River Resources Corp. |
Walking Bear Resources, Inc. |
Wall Financial Corporation. |
Wallbridge Mining Company Limited |
Walmer Capital Corp. |
Walton Big Lake Development L.P. |
Walton Edgemont Development Corporation |
Walton Ontario Land L.P. 1 |
Walton Westphalia Development Corporation |
Walton Yellowhead Development Corporation |
Wamco Technology Group Ltd. |
Wand Capital Corporation |
Wanted Technologies Corporation |
War Eagle Mining Company Inc. |
Waratah Coal Inc. |
Wardley China Investment Trust |
Ware Solutions Corporation |
Warnex Inc. |
Warwick Communications Inc. |
Wasaga Capital Corp. |
Wasco Capital Inc. |
Waseco Resources Inc. |
Wastecorp. International Investments Inc. |
Watch Resources Ltd. |
WaterFurnace Renewable Energy, Inc. (formerly WFI Industries Ltd.) |
Waterfront Capital Corporation |
Watusi Capital Corp. |
WaveRider Communications Inc. |
Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc. |
Way Ventures Inc. |
Waymar Resources Ltd. |
Wealth Minerals Ltd. |
Web Watcher Systems Ltd. |
Webtech Wireless Inc. |
Weda Bay Minerals Inc. |
Wedona Energy II Inc. |
Wedona Energy Inc. |
Weihao International Aluminum Corp. |
Welichem Biotech Inc. |
WellPoint Systems Inc. |
Wellco Energy Services Inc. |
Wellco Energy Services Trust |
Wellgreen Platinum Ltd. |
Wells Fargo Canada Corporation |
Wellstar Energy Corp. |
Welton Energy Corporation |
Welwind Energy International Corporation |
Wenzel Downhole Tools Ltd. |
WesCan Energy Corp. |
Wescan Goldfields Inc. |
Wescast Industries Inc. |
Wesdome Gold Mines Inc. |
Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. |
West 49 Inc. |
West African Iron Ore Corp. |
West African Resources Limited |
West Central Pelleting Ltd. |
West Central Road & Rail Ltd. |
West Cirque Resources Ltd. |
West Coast Forest Products Ltd. |
West Energy Ltd. |
West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. |
West Hawk Development Corp. |
West High Yield (W.H.Y.) Resources Ltd. |
West Isle Energy Inc. |
West Kirkland Mining Inc. |
West Melville Metals Inc. |
West Mountain Capital Corp. |
West Point Resources Inc. |
West Red Lake Gold Mines Inc.(Formerly Hy Lake Gold Inc.) |
West Street Capital Corporation |
West Timmins Mining Inc. |
WestBond Enterprises Corporation |
WestCan Uranium Corp. |
WestCap Investments Corp. |
WestJet Airlines Ltd. |
WestKam Gold Corp. |
Westaim Holdings Limited (formerly NUCRYST Pharmaceuticals Corp.) |
Westbow Energy Inc. |
Westbridge Energy Corporation |
Westcoast Energy Inc. |
Westcore Energy Ltd. |
Western Areas NL |
Western Canada Energy Ltd. |
Western Coal Corp. |
Western Copper and Gold Corporation |
Western Energy Services Corp. |
Western Financial Group Inc. |
Western Forest Products Inc. |
Western GeoPower Corp |
Western Goldfields Inc. |
Western Goldfields, Inc. |
Western Lakota Energy Services Inc. |
Western Lithium USA Corporation |
Western Pacific Resources Corp. |
Western Pacific Trust Company |
Western Plains Petroleum Ltd. |
Western Potash Corp. |
Western Prospector Group Ltd. |
Western Quebec Mines Inc. |
Western Silver Corporation |
Western Standard Energy Corp. |
Western Standard Metals Ltd. |
Western Troy Capital Resources Inc. |
Western Wind Energy Corp. |
WesternOne Equity Income Fund |
WesternOne Inc. |
WesternZagros Resources Ltd. |
Westfair Foods Ltd |
Westfield Properties Ltd. |
Westham Resources Corp. |
Westhaven Ventures Inc. |
Westlake Capital Ltd. |
Westline Resources Ltd. |
Westminster Resources Ltd. |
Westport Innovations Inc. |
Westridge Resources Inc. |
Westshore Terminals Holdings Ltd. |
Westshore Terminals Income Fund |
Westshore Terminals Investment Corporation |
Weststar Resources Corp. |
Weyburn Inland Terminal Ltd. |
Weyerhaeuser Company Limited |
Wheaton River Mineral Ltd. |
Wheels Group Inc. (formerly, Greenfield Financial Group Inc.) |
Whetstone Minerals Ltd. |
Whistler Blackcomb Holdings Inc. |
Whistler Gold Exploration Inc. |
White Bear Resources Inc. |
White Canyon Uranium Limited |
White Fire Energy Ltd. |
White Knight Resources Ltd. |
White Mountain Titanium Corporation |
White Pine Resources Inc. |
White Tiger Mining Corp. (formerly BHR Buffalo Head Resources Ltd.) |
Whitecap Resources Inc. |
Whitemud Resources Inc. |
Whiterock Real Estate Investment Trust |
Whitewater Capital Corp. |
Whitewater Resources Ltd. |
Wi-LAN Inc. |
Wi2Wi Corporation (formerly, International Sovereign Energy Corp.) |
Wild Stream Exploration Inc. |
Wildcat Exploration Ltd. |
Wildcat Silver Corporation |
Wildlaw Capital CPC 2 Inc. |
Williams Creek Gold Limited |
Wilmington Capital Management Inc. |
Wilton Resources Inc. |
Win-Eldrich Mines Limited |
Winalta Inc. |
Winchester International Resorts Inc. |
Winchester Minerals and Gold Exploration Ltd. |
Wind River Energy Corp. |
Windarra Minerals Ltd. |
Windfire Capital Corp. |
Windsor Auto Trust |
Windsor Trust 2002 - A |
Windsor Trust 2002 - B |
Windstorm Resources Inc. |
Winfield Resources Limited |
Winpak Ltd |
Winrock Resources Inc. |
Winslow Resources Inc. |
Winstar Resources Ltd. |
Winston Resources Inc. (formerly Gorilla Resources Corp.) |
Winwell Ventures Inc. |
Winzen Properties Inc. |
Wireless DataScan Inc. |
Wireless Matrix Corporation |
Wise Oakwood Ventures Inc. |
Woden Venture Capital Corporation |
Wolf Capital Corp. |
Wolf Resource Development Corp. |
Wolfden Resources Corporation |
Wolfpack Capital Corp. |
Wolfpack Gold Corp. |
Wolverine Exploration Inc. |
Wolverine Minerals Corp. |
Wood Composite Technologies Inc. |
Wood-Croesus Gold Mines, Limited |
Woodbridge Energy Ltd. |
Woodrose Corporation |
WordLogic Corporation |
WorkGroup Designs Ltd. |
Workbrain Corporation |
Working Ventures Canadian Fund Inc. |
World Color Press Inc. |
World Energy Solutions, Inc. |
World Famous Pizza Company Ltd. (formerly Brooklyn Ventures Corp.) |
World Financial Split Corp. |
World Heart Corporation |
World Organics Inc. |
World Point Inc. |
World Ventures Inc. |
World Wide Inc. |
World Wide Minerals Ltd. |
World Wise Technologies Inc. |
Worthington Resources Ltd. |
Woulfe Mining Corp. |
WowWee Holdings Inc. (Formerly Optimal Group Inc.) |
Wrangler West Energy Corp. |
Wysdom Inc. |
X-Cal Resources Ltd. |
X-Ore Resources Inc. |
X-Terra Resources Corporation |
XDM Resources Inc. |
XL-ID Solutions Inc. (formerly, Excellium Inc.) |
XS Cargo Income Fund |
XXL Energy Corp. (formerly Exxel Energy Corp.) |
Xantrex Technology Inc. |
Xceed Mortgage Corporation |
Xceed Mortgage Trust |
Xcel Consolidated Ltd. |
Xceleron Inc. |
Xcite Energy Limited |
Xebec Adsorption Inc. |
Xemplar Energy Corp. |
Xenex Innovations Ltd. |
Xenex Minerals Ltd. |
Xenos Group Inc. |
Xerox Canada Finance Inc. |
Xerox Canada Inc. |
Xerox Corporation |
Xgen Ventures Inc. |
Xiana Mining Inc. (fka Dorato Resources Inc.) |
Ximen Mining Corp. |
Xinergy Ltd. |
Xmet Inc. |
Xplore Technologies Corp. |
Xtierra Inc. |
Xtra-Gold Resources Corp. |
Xtreme Drilling and Coil Services Corp. |
Xylitol Canada Inc. |
YEARS Financial Trust |
YEARS U.S. Trust |
YMG Capital Management Inc. |
YMG Ventures Inc. |
YP Advantage Trust |
YPG Financing Inc. |
YSV Ventures Inc. |
YTW Weslea Growth Capital Corporation |
YWL Corp. |
Yaletown Capital Corp. |
Yaletown Entertainment Corporation |
Yalian Steel Corporation |
Yamana Gold Inc. |
Yangaroo Inc. |
Yangarra Resources Inc. |
Yangarra Resources Ltd. |
Yangtze Telecom Corp. |
Yankee Hat Minerals Ltd. |
Yellow Media Inc. |
Yellow Media Limited |
Yellow Pages Income Fund |
Yellowcake Mining Inc. |
Yellowhead Mining Inc. |
Yield Advantage Income Fund |
Yield Advantage Income Trust |
Yield Advantaged Convertible Debentures Fund |
Yieldplus Income Fund |
Yoho Resources Inc. |
Yongsheng Capital Inc. |
Yorbeau Resources Inc. |
York Receivables Trust III |
Yorkton Ventures Inc. |
Young-Davidson Mines, Limited |
Yukon Gold Corporation, Inc. |
Yukon Zinc Corporation |
Yuntone Capital Corp. |
Z-Gold Exploration Inc. |
ZCL Composites Inc. |
ZENN Motor Company Inc. |
ZENON Environmental Inc. |
ZTEST Electronics Inc. |
Zaio Corporation |
Zalicus Inc. |
Zamora Gold Corp. |
Zara Resources Inc. |
Zargon Oil & Gas Ltd. |
Zazu Metals Corporation |
Zebra Resources, Inc. |
Zecotek Photonics Inc. |
Zedi Inc. |
Zena Mining Corp. |
Zenas Energy Corp. |
Zenith Epigenetics Corp. |
Zenyatta Ventures Ltd. |
Zeox Corporation |
Zephyr Minerals Ltd. |
Zi Corporation |
Zidane Capital Corp. |
Zimtu Capital Corp. |
Zincore Metals Inc. |
ZipLocal Inc. |
Zlin Aerospace Inc. |
Zodiac Exploration Inc. |
Zoloto Resources Ltd. |
Zone Resources Inc. |
Zongshen PEM Power Systems Inc. |
Zonte Metals Inc. |
ZoomMed inc. |
ZoomerMedia Limited |
Zorin Exploration Ltd. |
Zoro Mining Corporation |
Zorro Capital Inc. |
Zungui Haixi Corporation |
Zuni Holdings Inc. (formerly MTI Global Inc.) |
Zupintra Corporation, Inc. |
Zuri Capital Corp. |
a2b Fiber Inc. |
bcMetals Corporation |
biOasis Technologies Inc. |
bioMmune Technologies Inc. |
cars4U Ltd. |
diversiGlobal Dividend Value Fund |
diversiTrust Energy Income Fund |
diversiTrust Income Fund |
diversiTrust Income+ Fund |
diversiTrust Stable Income Fund |
diversiYield Income Fund |
dynaCERT Inc. (formerly Dynamic Fuel Systems Inc.) |
eCrypt Technologies, Inc. |
eOptimize Advanced Systems Inc. |
ePals Corporation |
ePhone Telecom, Inc. |
eShippers Management Ltd. |
east asia minerals corporation |
easyhome Ltd. |
egX Group Inc. |
frontierAlt 2007 Energy & Precious Metals Flow Through LP |
frontierAlt 2008 Precious Metals & Energy Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
frontierAlt Energy 2006 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
frontierAlt Energy 2006-II Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
frontierAlt Mining 2005 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
frontierAlt Resource 2005 Flow-Through Limited Partnership |
iCo Therapeutics Inc. |
iFabric Corp. |
iForum Financial Network Inc. | Inc. |
iLoveTV Entertainment Inc. |
iMarketing Solutions Group Inc. |
iPerceptions inc. |
iSCOPE Inc. |
iSign Media Solutions Inc. |
iTokk, Inc. |
iWeb Group Inc. |
lululemon athletica inc. |
mHealth Capital Corp. |
testd |
theScore, Inc. |
xRM Global Inc. |